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Buying With Another Credit Card Not From Your Home Country In The Appp Store Not Possible?


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when i want,to leave my credit card information,from visa from my home country in the eu,it shows me the error massage,

the credit card information you want to enter are not the samelthat the country your coming from!

i have a german visa card

from a online bank,that charge no visa card yearly fees

,living in austria at home,the same problem,i cannot buy something in the appstore,because the system check over the ip where you come from!

means,i must wait,until i come back to thailand,then i can register ,with i thai ip, but outside the country the credit card was issued a registration,in the appstore seems to be imposible!

to other idea i have,does anyone have thai ip provider data,

access amd pw

where i can use my old 56 k modem,to dail in into a analouge dial up acount,to get a thai ip,to register the credt card in the app store?

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I use my Canadian Credit Card, on the Thai site, with no problem, although the way they set up the address info at the Mac stores is totally weird.... but stuff gets to me both "on line" and ordering via courier. (Home address and Ship to address... )

I got a receipt via email, this morning for Mountain Lion, the address shows partly my Thai address and finishes with a Canada post code....blink.png I have tried correcting that, to no avail.... online, but it works

You might want to call the Mac store in Thailand, and see if they can help sort it.???.... once set up it does not seem to be a problem....wink.png

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