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Chalerm'S Son Duang Returns To Police Service


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Chuwit leads netizens' fury over return of Chalerm's son to police service

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- A son of Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung has been reenlisted as a police officer, switching from an Army unit, while netizens on the social network criticised the move due to his trial in a murder case in the past though he was eventually acquitted.

The appointment of Duang Yoobamrung as a police lieutenant under the Metropolitan Police Bureau caused confusion even in Royal Thai Police leadership. RTP spokesman Pol LtGeneral Piya Uthayo dismissed the news in a statement earlier. However, Bureau commander Pol LtGeneral Khamronwit Thoopkrajang later confirmed that he had signed the appointment.

The appointment document was posted and circulated online on many social network, including that of Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit. Chuwit questioned Duang's return to the police ranks after he was discharged and stripped off his rank before standing trial for murder in a muchheralded pub brawl and shooting case a decade ago before being finally acquitted.

Piya, in his statement, had denied Duang had been appointed or the issue had been submitted to the next Police Commission meeting for a reshuffle nomination. Khamronwit said later in the afternoon that he had signed the appointment, after the document was posted online. Duang will be an officer at a training centre under the MPB, effective from August 1. Piya has stayed silent since.

Chuwit, on his Facebook page, was highly critical of Duang's appointment, openly referring to a shooting to death of a junior policeman who had a brawl with Duang, then Duangchalerm, on October 29, 2001 at Twenty Ratchada Pub.

Duang absconded for 187 days and appeared at the Thai Embassy in Malaysia, before standing trial for murder. He was discharged from service and stripped off his rank inabsentia, on November 15 and 16 that same year respectively. He was acquitted by the court and public prosecutors decided not to appeal against his acquittal. Duang was enlisted in the Army during the Samak government when Chalerm was the interior minister.

Duang said that he had himself sought the transfer from the Army to the RTP as he felt more familiar with police work than Army service, and Chalerm played no part in it.

He declined to give an interview, citing police regulations and lack of permission from his superiors.

National Police chief Pol General Priewpan Damapong said Duang would be instructor at a pistol shooting course for policemen because of his expertise in it. He admitted that the appointment was "hastened" but added that "given his capability and usefulness, his appointment is appropriate."


-- The Nation 2012-07-28

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How stimulating to see an army deserter a killer and a bully all rolled into one has been allowed to assume an officers position in the police force.

No doubt a fresh war on drugs is about to start along with an increase of suspects being shot whilst escaping police custody.

Perchance the creature concerned may suffer a mishap whilst running a pistol shooting course due to a police officer accidentally discharging a loaded pistol in his direction

Or perhaps the training scheme may well be run in a nigh club to make it a more authentic training ground ?

That shows he has the criteria to be in the police-force.blink.pngsad.pngbah.gifsick.gif
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Cop killer becomes cop and is groomed to become Chief of Police in a couple of years!

Sounds like a scene from the God Father by Mario Puzzo. The Red shirts can be proud of their achievements, they got what they wanted: a crime dynasty running the country!

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I hope that he again goes on his nonsense behaviour and shoots another thai victim, only I hope that it will be the relative of an idiot who voted hos father in. These locals are really.............., supporting and voting thugs into power and these same thugs could not the least be bothered about their supporters. I give up, thai politics and society is simply beyond salvation.

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Duang absconded for 187 days and appeared at the Thai Embassy in Malaysia, before standing trial for murder. He was discharged from service and stripped off his rank inabsentia, on November 15 and 16 that same year respectively. He was acquitted by the court and public prosecutors decided not to appeal against his acquittal. Duang was enlisted in the Army during the Samak government when Chalerm was the interior minister.

additional background information on the bizarre reinstatement and an astoundingly fast promotion tracking for Duang.

For further clarity, Chalerm's son was reinstated in the Army on April 23, 2008 as a Second-Lieutenant with his father who was the Interior Minister in Samak's Cabinet at the time. That was his rank at the time when "someone" shot Police Senior Sergeant-Major Suvichai Rodwimud in the head at point blank range on October 21, 2001.

Duang had to be reinstated because he had been dishonorably discharged for desertion in 2002, as he had fled an arrest warrant for Rodwimud's murder.


Interior Minister: Son's Reinstatement in Army Justified

The Interior Minister adorned his son with a Second Lieutenant epaulet this morning at his residence, insisting that his son's reinstatement is legally justified.

Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung revealed that he adorned his son, Duang Yoobamrung, with a Second-Lieutenant epaulet this morning at the auspicious time of 8:19am at his residence.

TAN Network - April 23, 2008


Just over 2 months later, and amazingly as a Major now, Duang was appointed by his father, the Interior Minister Chalerm, to be a member on his special Interior Ministry group, the Interior Ministry's Drug Suppression Committee, which sought to revive Thaksin's War on Drugs.


Interior Minister appoints his son as Anti-Drug Committee Member

The Interior Minister appointed one of his sons as a member of the special committee to tackle drug problems.

Major Duang Yoobamrung, the son of Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, was appointed to work with the Interior Ministry's Drug Suppression Committee, which is a special unit that supports operations to reduce drug problems.

The official letter of his appointment was signed by his farther, the Interior Minister himself, on July 4th, 2008.

TAN Network - July 5, 2008


That he now is joining the police is the latest twist in this bizarre tale of reality.



Edited by Buchholz
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Perchance the creature concerned may suffer a mishap whilst running a pistol shooting course due to a police officer accidentally discharging a loaded pistol in his direction

Yeah I wouldn't fancy running a police pistol training course with a bunch of cops after being "acquitted" of shooting dead one of their own. arsehol_e-puckery to the max!

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Chuwit, on his Facebook page, was highly critical of Duang's appointment, openly referring to a shooting to death of a junior policeman

Actually, Duang's alleged victim was not a "junior policeman", he was Police Senior Sergeant-Major Suwichai Rotwimud, whose death left a widow and young son without a father.


The Thai people should be able to take action to stop this, But of course there is no"Democratic" control of the Police in the fake place

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Pure and unadulterated nepotism an scumbaggery.

Where are all the red symapthisers to worm their way around this? Hanging their heads in shame I hope

The OP says: "Duang said that he had himself sought the transfer from the Army to the RTP as he felt more familiar with police work than Army service, and Chalerm played no part in it."

Where is your evidence to support your claim of nepotism? Put up or withdraw your remark.

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Pure and unadulterated nepotism an scumbaggery.

Where are all the red symapthisers to worm their way around this? Hanging their heads in shame I hope

The OP says: "Duang said that he had himself sought the transfer from the Army to the RTP as he felt more familiar with police work than Army service, and Chalerm played no part in it."

Where is your evidence to support your claim of nepotism? Put up or withdraw your remark.

Your joking,right?
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