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Cat And Mouse With The Cops...Oh And Remember Mr Bts Balloon?


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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

Excuse me.

I smoke, I'm smoking right now, as I am currently alone and it will not affect anyone outside this room, I do not smoke on the bus, I do not smoke in a non smokers car, I do not smoke in front of children, anywhere if I can avoid it, it's a bad habit that I have no desire to inflict on others who do not also do the same, and I do not want in any way to promote this affliction that I suffer from on other people, especially children.

I would rather have people from a very young age know about the dangers of this habit, by informing them about it and thereby reducing the number of smokers, over a bunch of tight brown trousered crooks who fund their existence not from a sense of moral responsibly but from changing numbers on a bank register and being able to afford their next promotion.

If I was in a similar situation to the OP and given the same opportunity, I would do exactly the same thing that he did.

Good for you.

There are not many like you, believe me. But then that is if you do what you say you do, many smokers believe by walking away or standing just outside an open air restaurant, that all is ok, never mind it blowing back in etc.

My arguement is not about what the OP did, as I like the idea, but the majority of smokers throw there little on the ground, to be washed away unseen into the rives and oceans...when it is unseen, it is not there right and not their mess right ?

Who is selfish? Me for smoking outside in a public place or you, who wishes to remove my right to smoke anywhere in your presence?

Keep it up and soon all personal liberties will be revoked. Will you be happy then?

You should not be allowed to smoke anywhere in public where it effects others, so smoking rooms in parks would be fine as long as the inside box is glass and we can sit around and watch you all choke in the fog, then the inside air has to be cleansed before release.

Then, yes I will be happy.

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Look at that, 2 grumpy old smokers up there that like to puff away and push their filth onto everyone else, but they don't even think they are doing it.

Yes, bad parent me, out till 4am, keep up your stunning logical arguments typical of the selfish narrow minded persona of a smoker.

i would get your own house in order before accusing others of being narrow minded and selfish if I were you. 4 am indeed!!

Yes, 4am. I understand it that you find it hard to come up with a n argument of any sort proactive to your filthy habit, but really I am sure this pathetic effort could be improved, even by yourself.

Lets start with the cost of your filthy habit on every single non smoker in the healthcare system ?

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

TwoDogz, before you drift completely off-topic, may I make a suggestion that you and your children find a resturant to eat? And not hang about the entrances to BTS stations where this incident took place; it could look embarrassing to the native population that a visitor to their country would act this way.

Sort of understand why you would stay out until 4am.................

Why is that ? care to explain, your post is not very clear and perhaps leads to something that you might not really wish to insinuate.

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Look at that, 2 grumpy old smokers up there that like to puff away and push their filth onto everyone else, but they don't even think they are doing it.

Yes, bad parent me, out till 4am, keep up your stunning logical arguments typical of the selfish narrow minded persona of a smoker.

i would get your own house in order before accusing others of being narrow minded and selfish if I were you. 4 am indeed!!

Yes, 4am. I understand it that you find it hard to come up with a n argument of any sort proactive to your filthy habit, but really I am sure this pathetic effort could be improved, even by yourself.

Lets start with the cost of your filthy habit on every single non smoker in the healthcare system ?

As opposed to the cost of every non drinker in the healthcare system?

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Look at that, 2 grumpy old smokers up there that like to puff away and push their filth onto everyone else, but they don't even think they are doing it.

Yes, bad parent me, out till 4am, keep up your stunning logical arguments typical of the selfish narrow minded persona of a smoker.

i would get your own house in order before accusing others of being narrow minded and selfish if I were you. 4 am indeed!!

Yes, 4am. I understand it that you find it hard to come up with a n argument of any sort proactive to your filthy habit, but really I am sure this pathetic effort could be improved, even by yourself.

Lets start with the cost of your filthy habit on every single non smoker in the healthcare system ?

As opposed to the cost of every non drinker in the healthcare system?

Your drinking does not usually have such a side effect on the general public around you, unless you are violent, drive while drunk etc or piss on someone elses boots while at the urinal.

But you are right, alcohol does also have a huge cost on the rest of the public health system. But we are not talking about drinking are we just now.

Lets talk about your selfish habit that wafts over into my childs face at a restaurant because an ignorant and narrow minded smoker thinks he can do what he wants wherever he wants and tough titties to anyone else.

You will continue to do it, because you have the attitude that 'I can' and if you don't like it, go somewhere else etc. The smoke is clouding your brains somewhat me thinks.

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Please dont tar all smokers with the same brush. And restaurants in Thailand dont allow smoking in them, so I fail to see how it wafts into your childs face.


Thats the law, if someone is smoking in a retaurant then complain to the management. Give me an example of a restaurant you have been in that allows smoking? Or are you talking about pubs that serve food so you can continue drinking whilst kids are eating?

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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

Excuse me.

I smoke, I'm smoking right now, as I am currently alone and it will not affect anyone outside this room, I do not smoke on the bus, I do not smoke in a non smokers car, I do not smoke in front of children, anywhere if I can avoid it, it's a bad habit that I have no desire to inflict on others who do not also do the same, and I do not want in any way to promote this affliction that I suffer from on other people, especially children.

I would rather have people from a very young age know about the dangers of this habit, by informing them about it and thereby reducing the number of smokers, over a bunch of tight brown trousered crooks who fund their existence not from a sense of moral responsibly but from changing numbers on a bank register and being able to afford their next promotion.

If I was in a similar situation to the OP and given the same opportunity, I would do exactly the same thing that he did.

Good for you.

There are not many like you, believe me. But then that is if you do what you say you do, many smokers believe by walking away or standing just outside an open air restaurant, that all is ok, never mind it blowing back in etc.

My arguement is not about what the OP did, as I like the idea, but the majority of smokers throw there little on the ground, to be washed away unseen into the rives and oceans...when it is unseen, it is not there right and not their mess right ?

I agree, there are a number of irresponsible smokers out there, but I think they are becoming fewer in number these days (no passing away earlier jokes please)

Anyway, this thread is about winding up a BiB, the fact that it has a cigarette butt in it is inconsequential, it is the driving a BiB mental that matters, when successfully done, I don't think there is a higher achievement in LOS.

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I agree, there are a number of irresponsible smokers out there, but I think they are becoming fewer in number these days (no passing away earlier jokes please)

Anyway, this thread is about winding up a BiB, the fact that it has a cigarette butt in it is inconsequential, it is the driving a BiB mental that matters, when successfully done, I don't think there is a higher achievement in LOS.


I wonder if chewing gum would work the same, throw the gum away but onto your boot or sole of your shoe, then show it to him....that should impress.

Also don't they have to produce the actual time you throw away as evidence ? I have always seen them do this on Sukhumvit, so how could the copper, who is not a copper, hit on the Op as he did without the evidence in the coppers possession ?

Or do they just realise the weak will of smokers and know they will cave in because they know they do it all the time anyway.

As with the OP, why the one time there were no bins around, did he not put the filthy butt into his cigarette packet and throw it away later ?

But just once is ok right ?

Just a little bit of smoke is ok too right ?

Too many people already have that attitude, if everybody had it, the world would be a much worse place than it is and it is already screwed.

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I drink very infrequently and I have never taken my kids into a pub...so try harder along another avenue cupcake.

Examples of restaurants by name???

Huh, sorry and I beg your smokers forgiveness for not making note of the name of said restaurants we call into on the whim of a hunger pang.

Next time I'll take a photo just for you.

But, seeing as I cannot name them, they must not exist right.

Maybe I will just make up some names next time.

Perhaps now you think you win your argument on such a strong point. cheesy.gif

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

TwoDogz, before you drift completely off-topic, may I make a suggestion that you and your children find a resturant to eat? And not hang about the entrances to BTS stations where this incident took place; it could look embarrassing to the native population that a visitor to their country would act this way.

Sort of understand why you would stay out until 4am.................

Why is that ? care to explain, your post is not very clear and perhaps leads to something that you might not really wish to insinuate.

If you are willing to take your children into an eating area, where smoking is permitted, then I can understand why it is not a problem to be out to 4 am in the morning as a dedicated father.

I really shouldn't have commented on that should I? My apologies, this is your life and no concern of mine.

However, what does concern me is people like yourself (yes, I realise you're trolling!) taking the high ground over people smoking in a legal area and having a bit of fun with the BiB. When governments ban the sale of cigarettes over the counter then I will re-assess my responsibilities as a legal smoker.

Believe it or not, in this politically correct world that we have made for ourselves, smokers have rights as well...............thumbsup.gif

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I drink very infrequently and I have never taken my kids into a pub...so try harder along another avenue cupcake.

Examples of restaurants by name???

Huh, sorry and I beg your smokers forgiveness for not making note of the name of said restaurants we call into on the whim of a hunger pang.

Next time I'll take a photo just for you.

But, seeing as I cannot name them, they must not exist right.

Maybe I will just make up some names next time.

Perhaps now you think you win your argument on such a strong point. cheesy.gif

I was not arguing with you for the reason stated below:

Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." smile.png

Read more: "Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Edited by whistleblower
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In my condo when the owners next door are there, there is a smoker, as 2 non smokers it is not very pleasant for us.

To hear him coughing and spluttering in the morning on the Balcony puts me off my breakfast.

Disgusting habit.

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If you are willing to take your children into an eating area, where smoking is permitted, then I can understand why it is not a problem to be out to 4 am in the morning as a dedicated father.

I really shouldn't have commented on that should I? My apologies, this is your life and no concern of mine.

However, what does concern me is people like yourself (yes, I realise you're trolling!) taking the high ground over people smoking in a legal area and having a bit of fun with the BiB. When governments ban the sale of cigarettes over the counter then I will re-assess my responsibilities as a legal smoker.

Believe it or not, in this politically correct world that we have made for ourselves, smokers have rights as well...............thumbsup.gif

Dedicated fathers never allowed out at night huh ? Strange concept, never ever heard anything quite so ridiculous as that yet, congrats.

We never take our kids into a known smoking and eating area, that usually happens after as most people expect some manners while others are eating, except the smokers of course but thats a given right ? You perhaps cannot read where I state smokers going outside and standing at the edge or door of such areas and their smoke still wafts in...but they are being kind and considerate right, if not slightly thick.

Nothing wrong with having fun with BIB as I stated, possibly you did not read that if to much smoke in your eyes at the time.

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If you are willing to take your children into an eating area, where smoking is permitted, then I can understand why it is not a problem to be out to 4 am in the morning as a dedicated father.

I really shouldn't have commented on that should I? My apologies, this is your life and no concern of mine.

However, what does concern me is people like yourself (yes, I realise you're trolling!) taking the high ground over people smoking in a legal area and having a bit of fun with the BiB. When governments ban the sale of cigarettes over the counter then I will re-assess my responsibilities as a legal smoker.

Believe it or not, in this politically correct world that we have made for ourselves, smokers have rights as well...............thumbsup.gif

Dedicated fathers never allowed out at night huh ? Strange concept, never ever heard anything quite so ridiculous as that yet, congrats.

We never take our kids into a known smoking and eating area, that usually happens after as most people expect some manners while others are eating, except the smokers of course but thats a given right ? You perhaps cannot read where I state smokers going outside and standing at the edge or door of such areas and their smoke still wafts in...but they are being kind and considerate right, if not slightly thick.

Nothing wrong with having fun with BIB as I stated, possibly you did not read that if to much smoke in your eyes at the time.

Of course fathers can go out at night for a drink. Dedicated fathers would probably come home earlier than 4 am though, maybe to read the kids a story, help mother get them ready for bed etc.

And if the restaurant is not an airconditioned one then yes smoking is a given right, smoking is not against the law and not against the restaurant policy then they are giving you the right to smoke there. In regards to your kids, I would worry more about health issues from the tons of exhaust fumes from old trucks and buses and the safety of the none existant sidewalks or M/C taxis zooming along the sidewalk the wrong way rather than the odd inconsiderate smoker.

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Of course fathers can go out at night for a drink. Dedicated fathers would probably come home earlier than 4 am though, maybe to read the kids a story, help mother get them ready for bed etc.

And if the restaurant is not an airconditioned one then yes smoking is a given right, smoking is not against the law and not against the restaurant policy then they are giving you the right to smoke there. In regards to your kids, I would worry more about health issues from the tons of exhaust fumes from old trucks and buses and the safety of the none existant sidewalks or M/C taxis zooming along the sidewalk the wrong way rather than the odd inconsiderate smoker.

Not much you can do about a bus' exhaust...but a considerate smoker would not smoke at a table where his smoke effects everyone around him. The bus cannot stop its stench, the smoker can, but the smokers do not care and that's the difference.

I agree, they are odd.

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Of course fathers can go out at night for a drink. Dedicated fathers would probably come home earlier than 4 am though, maybe to read the kids a story, help mother get them ready for bed etc.

And if the restaurant is not an airconditioned one then yes smoking is a given right, smoking is not against the law and not against the restaurant policy then they are giving you the right to smoke there. In regards to your kids, I would worry more about health issues from the tons of exhaust fumes from old trucks and buses and the safety of the none existant sidewalks or M/C taxis zooming along the sidewalk the wrong way rather than the odd inconsiderate smoker.

Not much you can do about a bus' exhaust...but a considerate smoker would not smoke at a table where his smoke effects everyone around him. The bus cannot stop its stench, the smoker can, but the smokers do not care and that's the difference.

I agree, they are odd.

I will agree that someone smoking at the table could be viewed as inconsiderate but you lump all us smokers together. You always say 'the smokers' thats like saying anyone who drinks is a drunk. So as you admit to having the occasional tipple can I refer to you as a drunk? (that makes me a drunk AND a smoker)

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OP great idea, I hope more people do the same, maybe we could start a campaign?

We could have T-shirts made " BIB BUTT off"

or "I am not a Fag............litterer"

The gay smokers could get a bit nancy about that.

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If you are willing to take your children into an eating area, where smoking is permitted, then I can understand why it is not a problem to be out to 4 am in the morning as a dedicated father.

I really shouldn't have commented on that should I? My apologies, this is your life and no concern of mine.

However, what does concern me is people like yourself (yes, I realise you're trolling!) taking the high ground over people smoking in a legal area and having a bit of fun with the BiB. When governments ban the sale of cigarettes over the counter then I will re-assess my responsibilities as a legal smoker.

Believe it or not, in this politically correct world that we have made for ourselves, smokers have rights as well...............thumbsup.gif

Dedicated fathers never allowed out at night huh ? Strange concept, never ever heard anything quite so ridiculous as that yet, congrats.

We never take our kids into a known smoking and eating area, that usually happens after as most people expect some manners while others are eating, except the smokers of course but thats a given right ? You perhaps cannot read where I state smokers going outside and standing at the edge or door of such areas and their smoke still wafts in...but they are being kind and considerate right, if not slightly thick.

Nothing wrong with having fun with BIB as I stated, possibly you did not read that if to much smoke in your eyes at the time.

Nice of you to criticise on every point of my post. Except for the mention of the trolling..............thumbsup.gif

BTW, I believe I apologised for the drinking to 4 am statement, none of my concern, still isn't.

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OP great idea, I hope more people do the same, maybe we could start a campaign?

We could have T-shirts made " BIB BUTT off"

or "I am not a Fag............litterer"

The gay smokers could get a bit nancy about that.

Is this an oral sex innuendo? Personally I think this is very distasteful and homophobic. If men want to smoke each other then that is up to them. Nothing to do with us. Got to be better than taking it up the wrong'un though. whistling.gif

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