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Motocycles Clipping Car Mirrors On Purpouse

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This morning i was driving with my bike behind some Thai motorcycles in heavy traffic. I noticed them hitting the mirrors of cars that were blocking them on purpouse. Have any of you ever seen this happen ?. Obviously they are too fast so the car owner can't do a thing.

Part of me understands it as some car owners seem to purpously block things so even bike's cant move past. Personally i would never do it and when i drive my car i make sure that in traffic bikes always can move past. I don't want to be one of those idiots blocking the bikes on purpouse.

Just curious of any of you ever see that happen. This was the first time i seen it but i usually try to avoid high traffic times

It happend on a big 3 lane road where you could if things go wel move quite ok on a bike when cars are stuck. There is room enough then.

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Never seen it done on purpose, but it is extremely annoying when riding a bike in heavy, multi-lane traffic to find some motorist badly aligned in a lane preventing bikes from getting through. Having said that, as a car driver, I have occasionally been guilty!


This was the first time i ever seen it too. I was driving behind a group of motorbikes (kinda like a train) going past cars. Quite easy as there was room enough. But twice i saw the guy clip a car that was lined wrong (probably on purpouse as there was no way to go for the car). I mean once i can understand as a mistake or so but twice makes it on purpouse in my mind.

I prefer to ride my bike when i know i need to go through heavy traffic else i take the car but first option is to go on times that it is not busy at all.


I haven't seen it personally, but i'm not surprised if it happens. Maybe more a case of yobbos on a quest of wanton destruction.

What annoys me when driving (and riding my bike) even on clear roads, is some bike riders insisting on buzzing past you within a hairs breadth.


I haven't seen it personally, but i'm not surprised if it happens. Maybe more a case of yobbos on a quest of wanton destruction.

What annoys me when driving (and riding my bike) even on clear roads, is some bike riders insisting on buzzing past you within a hairs breadth.

I am usually going fast enough so that does not happen to me often.


Amazed you are surprised by it - a direct result of the spoilt t little mummy's boys this country raises in such abundance.

"He's in my path delaying my by 3 seconds. For that I will break his mirror".


Amazed you are surprised by it - a direct result of the spoilt t little mummy's boys this country raises in such abundance.

"He's in my path delaying my by 3 seconds. For that I will break his mirror".

Its more then that i have noticed how cars deliberately block motorcycles because so they have to wait in traffic too. Its not 3 seconds.. its almost permanent then. So i understand the frustration. I would however not act like that.


I've never seen it done or experienced it, on the contrary I'm amazed how bikers manage to maneuver around cars so deftly. In six years only one biker has ever clipped me; on a wheel, but I drive a base-model City with plastic hubcaps so I couldn't care less.


I clip car mirrors all the time.

Not on, purpose, just because I want to get through.

It doesn't do any harm, I just pull my m/c mirrors back when at the front.

If car drivers don't like it, they can be a bit more considerate to m/c drivers.

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As a Bangkok rider I know how frustrating it is when people block your path. I do everything in my power to get past cars without any touching, but sometimes people DO pull into you out of frustration. This always happens in those places where people get to watch the lights change 4 or 5 times before they get their turn. Sometimes it is just petty, sometimes it is bloody minded and dangerous. I have stopped on a number of occassions and remonstrated with a driver because of this behaviour. It is interesting to see how quickly their bravado changes when you bite back. I know it is frustrating to be stuck in traffic, but taking it out on people who choose the harder work, but quicker, option as transport is just childish.

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I clip car mirrors all the time.

Not on, purpose, just because I want to get through.

It doesn't do any harm, I just pull my m/c mirrors back when at the front.

If car drivers don't like it, they can be a bit more considerate to m/c drivers.

Sounds like you need some lessons if you hit the mirrors all the time as you say.sad.png

You dont hit them on purpose, but you hit them any how, because you want to get through.blink.png

Yes it does do harm to the car mirror as most are electric these days and it stuffs the mechanism up.crazy.gif

Car drivers dont like it and I can see you being run down or eventually shot, with an attitude like that.hit-the-fan.gif


I clip car mirrors all the time.

Not on, purpose, just because I want to get through.

It doesn't do any harm, I just pull my m/c mirrors back when at the front.

If car drivers don't like it, they can be a bit more considerate to m/c drivers.

What about consideration to car drivers. They are there ahead of you but you think you have a greater priority to be ahead of them. I think car drivers try to prevent bikes from moving ahead is to prevent damage they do to their vehicles. Have consideration to road users. Wait your turn.

  • Like 1

I clip car mirrors all the time.

Not on, purpose, just because I want to get through.

It doesn't do any harm, I just pull my m/c mirrors back when at the front.

If car drivers don't like it, they can be a bit more considerate to m/c drivers.

What about consideration to car drivers. They are there ahead of you but you think you have a greater priority to be ahead of them. I think car drivers try to prevent bikes from moving ahead is to prevent damage they do to their vehicles. Have consideration to road users. Wait your turn.

I really don't agree with that there is room enough if the cars keep to a line. The roads i drive no problem untill someone decides he does not like to get passed by motorbikes. Also like the other poster said they do it just because they have to wait for the traffic lights and the bikes can move in front of the line.

Don't agree with Tommo clipping them so much i never (intentionally) hit a mirror.


I wouldn't clip a mirror on purpose. Traffic jam are great equalizers where motorcycles can drive faster than cars but also where someone on foot car run faster than a motorcycle.

I use to drive a bike when I was younger and I know how dangerous it can be when cars don't respect you so when I see a bike in my mirror I always try to leave enough space for it to pass me. But it's also true that traffic jams are very frustrating so if I ever catch someone who clipped my mirror on purpose, it will be a case of "punk, you just made my day !"


I clip car mirrors all the time.

Not on, purpose, just because I want to get through.

It doesn't do any harm, I just pull my m/c mirrors back when at the front.

If car drivers don't like it, they can be a bit more considerate to m/c drivers.

What about consideration to car drivers. They are there ahead of you but you think you have a greater priority to be ahead of them. I think car drivers try to prevent bikes from moving ahead is to prevent damage they do to their vehicles. Have consideration to road users. Wait your turn.

I really don't agree with that there is room enough if the cars keep to a line. The roads i drive no problem untill someone decides he does not like to get passed by motorbikes. Also like the other poster said they do it just because they have to wait for the traffic lights and the bikes can move in front of the line.

Don't agree with Tommo clipping them so much i never (intentionally) hit a mirror.

I imagine they do it because mopeds push to the front in vast numbers then half the clock countdown is taken by these mopeds all setting off, instead of the cars at the front who have waited their turn. That plus holding the cars at the front up by riding in all lanes. Then it all happens again and again and again until you finally get through the lights.

They could always just wait their turn.

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As i m/c and pick truck driver i dont see why a motor cyclyst thinks they have a god given right to be at the front, i always close up any gaps between me and car in front to stop bikes squeezing through and possibly damaging the truck. 9/10 they get trough the jam at lights just the same as if they had stayed put. Advice to anybody that delibertly clips mine theres a video camera in the front of the pick up and number would be noted for future reference.


As i m/c and pick truck driver i dont see why a motor cyclyst thinks they have a god given right to be at the front, i always close up any gaps between me and car in front to stop bikes squeezing through and possibly damaging the truck. 9/10 they get trough the jam at lights just the same as if they had stayed put. Advice to anybody that delibertly clips mine theres a video camera in the front of the pick up and number would be noted for future reference.

As if anyone in Thailand would care.


As i m/c and pick truck driver i dont see why a motor cyclyst thinks they have a god given right to be at the front, i always close up any gaps between me and car in front to stop bikes squeezing through and possibly damaging the truck. 9/10 they get trough the jam at lights just the same as if they had stayed put. Advice to anybody that delibertly clips mine theres a video camera in the front of the pick up and number would be noted for future reference.

They do not have the "god given right to be at the front" its just the advantage driving a motorcycle gives you.


I clip car mirrors all the time.

Not on, purpose, just because I want to get through.

It doesn't do any harm, I just pull my m/c mirrors back when at the front.

If car drivers don't like it, they can be a bit more considerate to m/c drivers.

What about consideration to car drivers. They are there ahead of you but you think you have a greater priority to be ahead of them. I think car drivers try to prevent bikes from moving ahead is to prevent damage they do to their vehicles. Have consideration to road users. Wait your turn.

Wait my turn ?

Ok if bikes were like cars and we waitied our turn, and lined up 1 by 1 within seconds traffic in Thailand would be at a stand still. Next time I go shopping I will use a full space and not pack in 10 to a space. No more parking for cars. And as you sit in your nice airconditioned car, rmember Motorbike outnumber cars in Thailand about 50 - 1 If we all had cars roads would be in gridlock 50 times worse than today

Best just to let them all go and keep things moving along


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I guess you never driven a m/c here at the traffic lights they usually wait past the cars and are off before the cars can even accelerate. There is no reason to block them at all. Just childish to do so.

No I haven't ridden a hairdryer here I'm the one stuck behind the muppets in the car.I don't block them and no, what you said isn't true.

They hold the cars up because drivers have learnt/have to wait for them because they are so unpredictable and frankly plain stupid to avoid damage to their cars.

When at lights in a big city there will be shedloads of them pushing to the front everytime, all pulling away trying not to hit each other taking 20 seconds of a 60 minute countdown.

If a car was in a hurry he would be gone and at a faster speed by the time he was at the other side of a large junction thanthe hairdryers.

Then you have all the idiot moped riders on their phones, them and all the others especially all the drunk ones not paying attention to the lights who sit there after the lights change. Plus all those on slow old bikes who can't pull away fast but still insist on sitting in front of the cars.

  • Like 2

I clip car mirrors all the time.

Not on, purpose, just because I want to get through.

It doesn't do any harm, I just pull my m/c mirrors back when at the front.

If car drivers don't like it, they can be a bit more considerate to m/c drivers.

What about consideration to car drivers. They are there ahead of you but you think you have a greater priority to be ahead of them. I think car drivers try to prevent bikes from moving ahead is to prevent damage they do to their vehicles. Have consideration to road users. Wait your turn.

Wait my turn ?

Ok if bikes were like cars and we waitied our turn, and lined up 1 by 1 within seconds traffic in Thailand would be at a stand still. Next time I go shopping I will use a full space and not pack in 10 to a space. No more parking for cars. And as you sit in your nice airconditioned car, rmember Motorbike outnumber cars in Thailand about 50 - 1 If we all had cars roads would be in gridlock 50 times worse than today

Best just to let them all go and keep things moving along


Plenty already do take up a car space to themselves. Plenty of morons manage to park mopeds in a gap at the side of the road big enough for a car to park and some god knows how they manage it time after time park right in the middle of a gap big enough for 2 cars to park. Although I don't see how parking or taking up a whole space is relevant to to waiting your turn at the lights.

You want to try our bank that's car park is underneath it. There is a usually almost empty bike park right at the front of it, but as the moped riders are too lazy/selfish to walk an extra 4 metres they all park in the entrance making the cars have to squeeze through them if they can.

Bikes waiting their turn wouldn't slow traffic down how could it ? It would speed it up by not holding up everyone else the lights up.

Why should cars who have already been waiting for a long time have to wait longer for some selfish mopeds that has just turned up ?


Then you have all the idiot moped riders on their phones, them and all the others especially all the drunk ones not paying attention to the lights who sit there after the lights change. Plus all those on slow old bikes who can't pull away fast but still insist on sitting in front of the cars.

I drive m/c and car.

If you whack my car mirror, no problem.

If you want to get in front of my car no problem.


Everything you said about m/c drivers is equally applicable to car drivers.

As far as I can see there are no mopeds in Thailand. (less than 50cc and with pedals)


I guess you never driven a m/c here at the traffic lights they usually wait past the cars and are off before the cars can even accelerate. There is no reason to block them at all. Just childish to do so.

No I haven't ridden a hairdryer here I'm the one stuck behind the muppets in the car.I don't block them and no, what you said isn't true.

They hold the cars up because drivers have learnt/have to wait for them because they are so unpredictable and frankly plain stupid to avoid damage to their cars.

When at lights in a big city there will be shedloads of them pushing to the front everytime, all pulling away trying not to hit each other taking 20 seconds of a 60 minute countdown.

If a car was in a hurry he would be gone and at a faster speed by the time he was at the other side of a large junction thanthe hairdryers.

Then you have all the idiot moped riders on their phones, them and all the others especially all the drunk ones not paying attention to the lights who sit there after the lights change. Plus all those on slow old bikes who can't pull away fast but still insist on sitting in front of the cars.

Then you should really drive a bike one of these days and see the difference. I will tell you i drive it but not regularly only when its heavy traffic will i take the bike instead of the car.

What i have seen countless times is the motorcycles go in front of the cars and wait in front of the cars past the stopping lines. Then when the light goes green the bikes are gone before the cars can even accelerate and most will stay on the left lane.

I think most people will agree here. With blocking i don't mean space in front of the car i mean lane placement like keeping to the center of your lane if everyone does that the bikes can pass real quick. I have seen examples of that in front of the mall ngam wong wan. The cars there most often keep their lane placements and bikes can pass them quite easy while they are stuck. No mirrors hit nothing.

Its one of the advantages of driving a bike going through spaces if cars are a bit considerent. I take the car if there is no heavy traffic. Inmagine everyone always driving a car instead of a bike the roads would be packed just like an other poster said (not everone has a car though but i do know plenty of foreigners who drive both) Its less with Thais they see the car more as a status symbol and refuse to use a bike when they have a car.

I just calculate what is faster to that location at that time of the day.To be honest i prefer the bike if there is no rain. I got two bikes a cbr 250 (quite nice to drive to bad of the left lane policy of the police) and a yamaha nouvo quite nice for shopping close by. I used to own a honda jazz but the wife totalled it with me next to her so we are waiting for a new one. Only time when i use the car is when i got stuff to carry or its raining or we are with a group.


As i m/c and pick truck driver i dont see why a motor cyclyst thinks they have a god given right to be at the front, i always close up any gaps between me and car in front to stop bikes squeezing through and possibly damaging the truck. 9/10 they get trough the jam at lights just the same as if they had stayed put. Advice to anybody that delibertly clips mine theres a video camera in the front of the pick up and number would be noted for future reference.

First of im talking lane placement not gaps in front of your car. I am talking when cars are going way out of center even to other lanes just to block bikes.

Second off if i were to clip your mirror and you have me on tape what are you going to do. The police wont do a thing. Are you going to follow me.. no your car cant move in a traffic jam.

Or are you going to do what an upstanding citizen in pattaya did follow the guy and bash his brains in with a car jack. (i believe the guy is out on bail already and the other guy still in hospital)


I guess you never driven a m/c here at the traffic lights they usually wait past the cars and are off before the cars can even accelerate. There is no reason to block them at all. Just childish to do so.

No I haven't ridden a hairdryer here I'm the one stuck behind the muppets in the car.I don't block them and no, what you said isn't true.

They hold the cars up because drivers have learnt/have to wait for them because they are so unpredictable and frankly plain stupid to avoid damage to their cars.

When at lights in a big city there will be shedloads of them pushing to the front everytime, all pulling away trying not to hit each other taking 20 seconds of a 60 minute countdown.

If a car was in a hurry he would be gone and at a faster speed by the time he was at the other side of a large junction thanthe hairdryers.

Then you have all the idiot moped riders on their phones, them and all the others especially all the drunk ones not paying attention to the lights who sit there after the lights change. Plus all those on slow old bikes who can't pull away fast but still insist on sitting in front of the cars.

Then you should really drive a bike one of these days and see the difference. I will tell you i drive it but not regularly only when its heavy traffic will i take the bike instead of the car.

What i have seen countless times is the motorcycles go in front of the cars and wait in front of the cars past the stopping lines. Then when the light goes green the bikes are gone before the cars can even accelerate and most will stay on the left lane.

I think most people will agree here. With blocking i don't mean space in front of the car i mean lane placement like keeping to the center of your lane if everyone does that the bikes can pass real quick. I have seen examples of that in front of the mall ngam wong wan. The cars there most often keep their lane placements and bikes can pass them quite easy while they are stuck. No mirrors hit nothing.

Its one of the advantages of driving a bike going through spaces if cars are a bit considerent. I take the car if there is no heavy traffic. Inmagine everyone always driving a car instead of a bike the roads would be packed just like an other poster said (not everone has a car though but i do know plenty of foreigners who drive both) Its less with Thais they see the car more as a status symbol and refuse to use a bike when they have a car.

I just calculate what is faster to that location at that time of the day.To be honest i prefer the bike if there is no rain. I got two bikes a cbr 250 (quite nice to drive to bad of the left lane policy of the police) and a yamaha nouvo quite nice for shopping close by. I used to own a honda jazz but the wife totalled it with me next to her so we are waiting for a new one. Only time when i use the car is when i got stuff to carry or its raining or we are with a group.

With a 250 you'll be away, but somene on a knackered old bike probably 50 cc won't be and especially those with a sidecar or food trolley attached that sneak down the 'turn left lane' and then sit in front of the cars won't. angry.png

No doubt plenty do see the car as a status symbol, but it's probably about air con and keeping dry for most.

I do know several Thais that have a car or cars in some cases that use mopeds, but then the ones I know are genuinely very wealthy and got wealthy by making the money themselves and reinvesting it all. Their children and people wanting to look wealthy on the other hand though. whistling.gif


I guess you never driven a m/c here at the traffic lights they usually wait past the cars and are off before the cars can even accelerate. There is no reason to block them at all. Just childish to do so.

No I haven't ridden a hairdryer here I'm the one stuck behind the muppets in the car.I don't block them and no, what you said isn't true.

They hold the cars up because drivers have learnt/have to wait for them because they are so unpredictable and frankly plain stupid to avoid damage to their cars.

When at lights in a big city there will be shedloads of them pushing to the front everytime, all pulling away trying not to hit each other taking 20 seconds of a 60 minute countdown.

If a car was in a hurry he would be gone and at a faster speed by the time he was at the other side of a large junction thanthe hairdryers.

Then you have all the idiot moped riders on their phones, them and all the others especially all the drunk ones not paying attention to the lights who sit there after the lights change. Plus all those on slow old bikes who can't pull away fast but still insist on sitting in front of the cars.

Then you should really drive a bike one of these days and see the difference. I will tell you i drive it but not regularly only when its heavy traffic will i take the bike instead of the car.

What i have seen countless times is the motorcycles go in front of the cars and wait in front of the cars past the stopping lines. Then when the light goes green the bikes are gone before the cars can even accelerate and most will stay on the left lane.

I think most people will agree here. With blocking i don't mean space in front of the car i mean lane placement like keeping to the center of your lane if everyone does that the bikes can pass real quick. I have seen examples of that in front of the mall ngam wong wan. The cars there most often keep their lane placements and bikes can pass them quite easy while they are stuck. No mirrors hit nothing.

Its one of the advantages of driving a bike going through spaces if cars are a bit considerent. I take the car if there is no heavy traffic. Inmagine everyone always driving a car instead of a bike the roads would be packed just like an other poster said (not everone has a car though but i do know plenty of foreigners who drive both) Its less with Thais they see the car more as a status symbol and refuse to use a bike when they have a car.

I just calculate what is faster to that location at that time of the day.To be honest i prefer the bike if there is no rain. I got two bikes a cbr 250 (quite nice to drive to bad of the left lane policy of the police) and a yamaha nouvo quite nice for shopping close by. I used to own a honda jazz but the wife totalled it with me next to her so we are waiting for a new one. Only time when i use the car is when i got stuff to carry or its raining or we are with a group.

With a 250 you'll be away, but somene on a knackered old bike probably 50 cc won't be and especially those with a sidecar or food trolley attached that sneak down the 'turn left lane' and then sit in front of the cars won't. angry.png

No doubt plenty do see the car as a status symbol, but it's probably about air con and keeping dry for most.

I do know several Thais that have a car or cars in some cases that use mopeds, but then the ones I know are genuinely very wealthy and got wealthy by making the money themselves and reinvesting it all. Their children and people wanting to look wealthy on the other hand though. whistling.gif

I can see the grief of the 50cc bikes but havent seen many of those actually. They are a real minority just like the food trolley ones (they cant even pass in traffic they are stuck there just like you).

In heavy traffic i prefer my 135cc scooter over my 250cc cbr as its a bit bigger and heavier to handle. But in general im more in traffic with the 250cc because i use it to go fishing. I usually go there in rush hour but because its quite far i use the 250cc and there are some places where the extra power is real nice. It just drives better for longer runs.

I understand about keeping dry, now waiting for a new car i have to use the bike more then often. Had 2 rainstorms when out on the bike. Then the bike is no fun at all.

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