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I know we have had posts about avatars and the like, but what about your signature? I try to change mine now and then for various favorite quotes from scripture.

I notice some don't use the facility, why not?

Some don't make sense, some are sayings of various types, some funny, etc. So what are you trying to achieve (don't know if this is the right word) with your signature. It might be better to ask, what does it say about you?

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what does it say about you?

birichina = cheeky ,naughty ,sassy

bambina =my name

makes sense :D

ps.. i need some mins for arrange my sig. as symetry :o

I know we have had posts about avatars and the like, but what about your signature? I try to change mine now and then for various favorite quotes from scripture.

I notice some don't use the facility, why not?

Some don't make sense, some are sayings of various types, some funny, etc. So what are you trying to achieve (don't know if this is the right word) with your signature. It might be better to ask, what does it say about you?

Like all of us I've had my fair share of bad times. Especially this last year.

My signature is a phrase from a chef who used to come to my restaurant from his hotel, (in North Germany) for a late taster and a little food and banter with me and a few other customers, regulars other resturanteurs etc.

For some reason after a few drinks he used to hold his glass between his teeth and utter those immortal words, in an American accent, "even the bad times were good". Then drink the beer, stiil holding the glass between his teeth. These though, were good times. Those words and the vision have always stuck and, in bad times the memory always returns to make me beam from ear to ear. :o


I notice some don't use the facility, why not?

Never thought about it.

Maybe when i start signing checks and other documents with my TV nick it's time to get an avatar`and such.


Well, the first part of my signature is just what a signature is supposed to be, its my name with a descriptive little detail about myself in Thai afterward.

The second part is me trying to will the Chicago Cubs to their first championship since 1908. This is our year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o


redrus - sorry about the bad year... i know how that feels.

i've not got a signature because i think it's something really personal and i haven't worked out yet what i should have. more a case that it matters a lot, than doesn't matter at all.

strange how different people view it differently. would be boring if we were all the same!


"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy..." thats a class one Florin, not noticed it before., great movie, here's johnny!

As for mine, I just like the saying.

redrus - sorry about the bad year... i know how that feels.

i've not got a signature because i think it's something really personal and i haven't worked out yet what i should have. more a case that it matters a lot, than doesn't matter at all.

strange how different people view it differently. would be boring if we were all the same!

Yeah, my sentiments exactly.




I'm really a Rastafarian... and the Rastafarian creed is... Let's smoke some of that shit...


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Mine means that I am cool, like Jai Dee


Should I feel honoured? :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I added mine when the TV PC police started bashing some sexists a while ago...was a funny thread, though, forgot which one it was. Still wonder why I never got flamed for it... :o

Nah! ure just bori,,,,,,,ing :D


Here's one for you Nickers... "Never criticize a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes!"

Chok dee.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Nah! ure just bori,,,,,,,ing :D


Here's one for you Nickers... "Never criticize a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes!"

Chok dee.


'Jai Dee' never a tru'er word was said....quote : "Never criticize a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes!"



I couldn't figure out how to make a signature until this week, and mine is not very creative but as you may or may not know, doesn't matter, 'wet bike' is slang for jet ski.

Everyone else had one of these quotes at the bottom of each page so I figured I'd do the same, but it's not very creative I know.


the first one of mine is from a slogan I saw on a t-shirt - if youve ever seen diffrent strokes, it will make sense..


the second is a quote that someone has stuck on my office door.... i work in IT so thought it was appropriate -

i wanted the "10 types of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that dont" sig... but someone was already using it. :o

I added mine when the TV PC police started bashing some sexists a while ago...was a funny thread, though, forgot which one it was. Still wonder why I never got flamed for it... :o

Don´t you worry raro...your wish has come true...

How much is the drowny demand? well when I worked as a cleaner I used to charge 7. 50 pounds an hour but because you want to be flamed it will be 8.50 pounds an hour for you...

and please take your labelling comments with you...and spend sometime reading my posts...thank you... :D

BTW does your signature applies to everybody including you? just wondering... :D

I particularly like yours Glauka... Some good advice there. :o

Thank you Uma...

I have had different signatures and I think most of them tell a little bit of my way of living life or my values...

Well I have choosen this signature for two main reasons:

1. because as a flamenco dancer I think you should dance with your whole body and soul...this can´t be done it you feel embarrassed or if you are too aware that people is watching you...

2. Well is very true that some life experiences can be very hurtful...so this pain can remain in your memory for a while...However i don´t want to be scared of my feelings, and also i don´t want to avoid them for self protection...

There is one thing I could never pay back to my parents and is the gift of life...I love to be alive..being alive means that you feel everything that surrounds you...I don´t want to miss a bit of it... :D

There is A poem by Mario Benedetti call " No te Salves" and explains better what i mean...I am going to see if i can find an english translation for it...


The first words of John Lennons brilliant song " Imagine" :o

A tribute to a great song writer and his and Yoko,s philosophy of life.

They where branded as looneys all those years ago, how wrong people where.

My wish for everyone and in particular my daughter Anna and all the young people all over the world.

Peace and power to the people everywhere..............please.................

marshbags :D:D:D




Don't Save yourself,

Don´t be immobile

On the edge of the road,

Don't freeze the joy,

Don't love with reluctance,

Don't save yourself now

or ever,

Don't save yourself,

Don't fill with calm,

Don't reserve of the world

Just a calm place,

Don't let fall your lids

Heavy as trials,

Don´t speak without lips,

Don't fall asleep without sleepiness,

Don't think of you without blood,

Don't judge yourself without time.

But if in spite of everything

You cannot avoid it

And you freeze the joy,

And you love with reluctance,

And you save yourself now,

And you full with calm,

And you reserve of the world

Just a calm place,

And you let fall your lids

Heavy as trials,

And you speak without lips,

And you fall asleep without sleepiness,

And you think yourself without blood,

And you judge yourself without time,

And you are immobile

On the edge of the road,

And you save yourself,


Don't stay with me.


No te quedes inmóvil

al borde del camino

no congeles el júbilo

no quieras con desgana

no te salves ahora

ni nunca

no te salves

no te llenes de calma

no reserves del mundo

sólo un rincón tranquilo

no dejes caer los párpados

pesados como juicios

no te quedes sin labios

no te duermas sin sueño

no te pienses sin sangre

no te juzgues sin tiempo

pero si

pese a todo

no puedes evitarlo

y congelas el júbilo

y quieres con desgana

y te salvas ahora

y te llenas de calma

y reservas del mundo

sólo un rincón tranquilo

y dejas caer los párpados

pesados como juicios

y te secas sin labios

y te duermes sin sueño

y te piensas sin sangre

y te juzgas sin tiempo

y te quedas inmóvil

al borde del camino

y te salvas


no te quedes conmigo


Nah! ure just bori,,,,,,,ing :D


Here's one for you Nickers... "Never criticize a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes!"

Chok dee.


Well Jai Dee, guess you don't read any of my posts. Been using that sig for some time now. :D

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