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No Fake Cancer And Diabetes Drugs Sold In Thailand: Fda


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FDA: No fake cancer and diabetes drugs sold in Thailand

BANGKOK, 9 August 2012 (NNT) - The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that no counterfeit drugs for the treatment of diabetes and cancer were smuggled in from China and sold in Thailand as widely reported.

FDA Secretary General Dr. Pipat Yingseree said cancer and diabetes medications are included in the national drug list and can be obtained directly from hospitals. By law, these drugs cannot be purchased over the counter, he said.

The FDA has also issued warnings to hospitals whose drug distribution systems are not part of the state system, urging them to investigate the sources of their medications.

Dr Pipat elaborated that the FDA has been conducting thorough searches at food and drug checkpoints across the country. Imports of all modern drugs require prior permission and licensing of their ingredients from the Food and Drug Administration under the Ministry of Public Health.

During raids over the past year, authorities uncovered 20 cases of counterfeit drugs, none of which were intended for cancer and diabetes treatment.

He added that most of the fake drugs uncovered during the arrests were sexual performance enhancing drugs such as Sildenafil and Tadalafil.


-- NNT 2012-08-09 footer_n.gif

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".... most of the fake drugs uncovered during the arrests were sexual performance enhancing drugs such as Sildenafil and Tadalafil."

And in most cases those are sold to foreigners. He could have added "DILLIGAF"

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So the FDA conducted raids last year that resulted in them finding 20 cases of counterfeit drugs, that sounds like some pretty intensive searching to find that vast amount.

And they were only found because someone wasn't paying someone else enough for them to remain not found !

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The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that no counterfeit drugs for the treatment of diabetes and cancer were smuggled in from China and sold in Thailand as widely reported

It is all in the wording, diabetese and cancer, but there could be counterfit cancer drugs for sale, and there could be counterfit diabetes drugd for sale, but the drugs being sold are not for both cancer and diabetes. whistling.gif

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Interesting claim. Perhaps the Thai FDA can provide advice foreign governments in the EU and North America as there have been incidents over the years of bogus drugs making into the legitimate distribution system.(A simple google will show some horror stories, particularly in the USA which doesn't go quiet on the scandals as effectively as is done in the EU and Canada.) In particular, pharmacists have been caught substituting active ingredients. If the western surveillance system cannot stop such incidents, I'd like to know what makes Thailand's system so effective. It didn't seem to work with the precursors to yaba,which were subject to the highest form of surveillance in Thailand, so what changed?

Edited by geriatrickid
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The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that no counterfeit drugs for the treatment of diabetes and cancer were smuggled in from China and sold in Thailand as widely reported

It is all in the wording, diabetese and cancer, but there could be counterfit cancer drugs for sale, and there could be counterfit diabetes drugd for sale, but the drugs being sold are not for both cancer and diabetes. whistling.gif

Well done it is shame that our counties in the West can not say the same.

We are lucky to live here and benefit from the great Thai drugs Doctors and great Hospitals

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I buy a fair amount of medication each month so I've got to know the prices and the pharmacies quite well. one of those medications, Ezetrol, is a cholesterol control medication which sells for 800 baht for a strip of ten at most pharmacies, I buy it at a small but thriving pharmacy for 460 per strip. I always wonder whether the product I'm paying relatively little for (by comparison) is a knock off or is it that the other pharma shops are all rip offs. fortunately my cholesterol level reports are A1 so this is not an issue, but if it were something more serious than elevated LDL I might be really concerned.

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I buy a fair amount of medication each month so I've got to know the prices and the pharmacies quite well. one of those medications, Ezetrol, is a cholesterol control medication which sells for 800 baht for a strip of ten at most pharmacies, I buy it at a small but thriving pharmacy for 460 per strip. I always wonder whether the product I'm paying relatively little for (by comparison) is a knock off or is it that the other pharma shops are all rip offs. fortunately my cholesterol level reports are A1 so this is not an issue, but if it were something more serious than elevated LDL I might be really concerned.

How much is this drug at Pharmacy Choice?

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"The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that no counterfeit drugs for the treatment of diabetes and cancer were smuggled in from China and sold in Thailand as widely reported."

Of course, all the only drugs they need to monitor are antibiotics, since that is what seems to be prescribed for every ailment.

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I buy a fair amount of medication each month so I've got to know the prices and the pharmacies quite well. one of those medications, Ezetrol, is a cholesterol control medication which sells for 800 baht for a strip of ten at most pharmacies, I buy it at a small but thriving pharmacy for 460 per strip. I always wonder whether the product I'm paying relatively little for (by comparison) is a knock off or is it that the other pharma shops are all rip offs. fortunately my cholesterol level reports are A1 so this is not an issue, but if it were something more serious than elevated LDL I might be really concerned.

How much is this drug at Pharmacy Choice?

Pharma Choice, Pharma Care, Fascino's (sp) etc., all around 780 to 810 a strip, THB 2,400 per box of 30 tabs on average, very little in it.

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The FDA should report that the whole Cancer Treatment is completely Fake. Using Chemo therapy promotes even the production of new cancer cells an investigation found it. Read the article of Mike Adams of Natural News and nobody should no longer take a so called Chemo therapy. Instead better go to the Gerson clinic in Bangkok and use their Gerson therapy. Below you will find the link:


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The FDA should report that the whole Cancer Treatment is completely Fake. Using Chemo therapy promotes even the production of new cancer cells an investigation found it. Read the article of Mike Adams of Natural News and nobody should no longer take a so called Chemo therapy. Instead better go to the Gerson clinic in Bangkok and use their Gerson therapy. Below you will find the link:


I was just going to say the same thing. I have been educating people who have been told they can't receive any more chemo and won't live much longer. Using a product line from a former researcher at a major pharmaceutical company. He was told to bury his research and not tell anyone after they failed to make an altered molecule that was patentable. Three people I assisted used the products and labelled as having 'terminal' cancer, were cancer free within a few months. www.altcancer.com

The FDA has found a new way to assault the nutritional supplements industry: It is now commanding Google Adwords to shut down the ad campaigns of nutritional product companies offering "detox" products.

And Google is apparently going along with it, conducting FDA-ordered censorship in the USA, much like what goes on in communist China:


Edited by bitterbatter
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You are posting links to made up stuff that has no basis in fact.

I could post links to sites claiming anything you care to name is "the truth". This doesn't make it true. It just means the person responsible for the site knows how to make a website.

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So you think, that a scientist like Brian Peskin, who wrote this book about treating cancer that can be cured already 70 years ago, is a book about wishfull thinking? Well, if you get cancer you can take chemo if you want, if you think that filling your body with poison will help.

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So you think, that a scientist like Brian Peskin, who wrote this book about treating cancer that can be cured already 70 years ago, is a book about wishfull thinking? Well, if you get cancer you can take chemo if you want, if you think that filling your body with poison will help.

No I think its a lie. Brian Peskin has been charged with deception about his claims .

On April 26, 2002, the Attorney General of Texas issued this complaint charging Brian S. Peskin and his company with making misleading claims about his credentials and three Radiant Health products they were marketing. In January 2003, the District Court issued a
ordering Peskin and his company to pay $100,000 to the State of Texas and to refrain from making a long list of unsubstantiated claims about their Radiant Health Products and Peskin's credentials.

Here's the link if you want to research the kind of people you champion:


Edited by partington
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Of course scientists like Brian Peskin will be attacked by the Pharmaceutical Maffia, because his investigation brings the billion profits of the Pharmaceutial Maffia into danger. So believe the stories attacking Brian Peskin, he was not the only one who was attacked for his revelations. Maybe you investigate the Burzynski case, it tooks him 15 years to show he was right. So stick to your believe in the Pharmaceutical Maffia, may be they pay you for the nonsense you show here.

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In his book Peskin outlines his key principles to beating cancer: Get more oxygenating EFAs in your body, consume a low-carb, high-protein and fat diet, and get the proper vitamins and minerals that are lacking in the foods you eat. The details in this book will blow you away, but Peskin does his homework and gives all the references (mostly from Dr. Warburg) that back up his claims. One of the most shocking points made in the book is the cholesterol-lowering statin drug connection to cancer. We all know how these are being marketed to prevent heart disease, but can you believe they may actually be contributing to high cancer rates? Peskin shares all the dirty details in The Hidden Story of Cancer.

One of the 2, 5 star reactions at Amazon.com, see this link:


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Of course scientists like Brian Peskin will be attacked by the Pharmaceutical Maffia, because his investigation brings the billion profits of the Pharmaceutial Maffia into danger. So believe the stories attacking Brian Peskin, he was not the only one who was attacked for his revelations. Maybe you investigate the Burzynski case, it tooks him 15 years to show he was right. So stick to your believe in the Pharmaceutical Maffia, may be they pay you for the nonsense you show here.

The link I gave was to details of a court case brought by the judicial system of Texas not the Pharmaceutical Industry. They are public records not "stories"

Brian Peskin is an electrical engineer who pretends to be a medical doctor and a professor and has been convicted of fraud for doing so. This is a matter of public record.

If you believe anything you are told you will make bad decisions about your own health and that of your family. It's your life, but I just dont understand people who think like you.

Here's a quote from the actual court papers detailing what Brian Peskin falsely claimed. Again why defend a fraud?? Your behaviour isn't rational!

13. Defendants also advertise extensively that their products were created by Defendant Brian Scott Peskin and his team of "Life-Systems scientists." Defendants falsely represent that Brian S. Peskin is the "Holder [of the] Emeritus Life-Systems Engineering Chair, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Texas Southern University." Defendants also falsely represent that Brian Peskin is a doctor, scientist, and professor. Defendants fail to disclose that Brian Peskin has a degree in electrical engineering. The representations that expressly and impliedly exaggerate the credentials and expertise of Brian Peskin are false, misleading and deceptive in that they have the tendency to deceive the buying public. Defendants use of Brian Peskin's book ("Radiant Health­Moving Beyond the Zone), cassette tapes, video tape, and CD's, together with other promotional materials, brochures, pamphlets, and various Internet websites creates and facilitates widespread false advertising of Defendants' products, as these materials contain false, misleading and deceptive representations.

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Yes, indeed, there is a sucker born every minute, the most of them are Americans, I have seen two in the past hour. But I am using the same principles as Brian Peskin, for that reason I am meanwhile 68, not sick for over 40 years, no shit from the hospital and as healthy as one could wish. Bye, bye, suckers.

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