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Mitt Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Election Running Mate


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Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words: Dazzling, Deceiving, Distracting.

By Sally KohnPublished August 30, 2012 FoxNews.com

2. Deceiving

On the other hand, to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech. On this measure, while it was Romney who ran the Olympics, Ryan earned the gold.

The good news is that the Romney-Ryan campaign has likely created dozens of new jobs among the legions of additional fact checkers that media outlets are rushing to hire to sift through the mountain of cow dung that flowed from Ryan’s mouth. Said fact checkers have already condemned certain arguments that Ryan still irresponsibly repeated.

Fact: While Ryan tried to pin the downgrade of the United States’ credit rating on spending under President Obama, the credit rating was actually downgraded because Republicans threatened not to raise the debt ceiling.

Fact: While Ryan blamed President Obama for the shut down of a GM plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, the plant was actually closed under President George W. Bush. Ryan actually asked for federal spending to save the plant, while Romney has criticized the auto industry bailout that President Obama ultimately enacted to prevent other plants from closing.

Fact: Though Ryan insisted that President Obama wants to give all the credit for private sector success to government, that isn't what the president said. Period.

Fact: Though Paul Ryan accused President Obama of taking $716 billion out of Medicare, the fact is that that amount was savings in Medicare reimbursement rates (which, incidentally, save Medicare recipients out-of-pocket costs, too) and Ryan himself embraced these savings in his budget plan.

Elections should be about competing based on your record in the past and your vision for the future, not competing to see who can get away with the most lies and distortions without voters noticing or bother to care. Both parties should hold themselves to that standard. Republicans should be ashamed that there was even one misrepresentation in Ryan’s speech but sadly, there were many.


Amazed Mr. Ailes hasn't yanked this!

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I have never heard of the Factcheck article whatever that is.


I didn't say Obama did anything recommended by the Bowles - Simpson report, read it again. i said that Ryan criticized Obama for creating the commission and then ignoring its recommendations. The final draft of the committees report failed to win the necessary support of its members, falling three votes short. Paul Ryan was on the committee,a fact that he neglected to mention in his speech. In the straw poll on the final draft he voted "no" - against the plan that he now accuses the President of ignoring. Blatantly dishonest.


Here is the link...again!


The FactCheck link is posted two times on page 22, four times on page23 and, now, two times on this very short page.

You do realize when other posters realize you don't even read the links, it makes it difficult for others to take you seriously?

All of your other questions and statements have previously been addressed on this thread. Please try you catch up.

What an arrogant response. So you take it upon yourself to say what other posters are thinking? I was giving you the links you requested. ie politifacts. I note that you try to change the subject now. How about addressing the untruths in Ryans speech? His is a well known strategy, tell a lie often enough and if it is believed it becomes the truth, especially to those wish to believe it. You are living proof of that. Now was the GM plant in Wisconsin closed during the presidency of G W Bush, six months before Obama was inaugurated, yes or no? Does Obama's budget plan call for $716bn in cuts to medicare spending over the next ten years (The same cuts Ryan has written in to successive drafts of his famed budget), but in reimbursements to insurers and hospitals, not in payments to the elderly which would be preserved. Yes or no?

1. From forum post numbered 535 concerning the plant closing and was posted at 0847 on 1 September 2012. The plant was temporarily closed for retooling in December 2008 and when reopened in January 2009, remained in operation until June 2009 when it was closed for good. The final plant closure occurred during the fifth month of Obama's reign.

The first link is from the Janesville Gazette, where the plant was located: http://gazettextra.c...ium-duty-truck/

This link is from General Motors Newsletter: http://media.gm.com/...lCarPlants.html


2. The facts on Ryan's alleged lie on medicare are fully covered in post numbered 538 and was posted at 1301 on 1 September 2012.

Let me make it easy for you. Ryan was not lying when he said the cuts in spending during the next ten years in the amount of $716 Billion would be diverted to help pay for Obamacare and not paid to replenishing the Medicare fund.

I provided two links in post number 538 to help you understand. Posting them again: http://americansforp.../#ixzz3pq78LAmT



Please read the two referenced posts and links to familiarize yourself with what has transpired in the past 30 hours. In fact why not go back about five pages and see what you missed so we don't have to rehash it all again.

There seems to be much that you missed.

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(On FoxNews.com, no less)

Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words: Dazzling, Deceiving, Distracting.

By Sally KohnPublished August 30, 2012 FoxNews.com


Amazed Mr. Ailes hasn't yanked this!

I would give you the same advice provided to Mr. Exsexyman. Go back a few pages, read all the posts and catch up on current events. This ridiculous link has already been taken care of.

Perhaps Mr. Ailes is leaving it out there to prove just how silly it looks in the light of day.wai.gif

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I am from Europe.

And I realise that European politicians are not exactly inspiring statesmen. But when I read about the american politicians, I almost begin to sympathize with the Merkels and Hollandes.

I believe that our system of government has endured the test of time and has done very well by us. For over 220 years we have held Congressional elections every two years, and elected Presidents every four years. This includes during great national trials such as the four years of our Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War Two. For over 220 years, we have had no dictators and no military coups. Take a look around our world and you will find that this is rare.

Edited by Baloo22
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I am from Europe.

And I realise that European politicians are not exactly inspiring statesmen. But when I read about the american politicians, I almost begin to sympathize with the Merkels and Hollandes.

I believe that our system of government has endured the test of time and has done very well by us. For over 220 years we have held Congressional elections every two years, and elected Presidents every four years. This includes during great national trials such as the four years of our Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War Two. For over 220 years, we have had no dictators and no military coups. Take a look around our world and you will find that this is rare.

no dictators? no military coups?

you mean, apart from the ones you forced onto other countries?

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There are no lies, just misstatements. wink.png Still 4 hours is nothing to be ashamed of, not sure why he had to lie prevaricate in the first place? Vanity I guess, no big sin, unless your LDS.

Paul Ryan says he misstated marathon claim

By NBC News wire services

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan says he didn't run a marathon in less than three hours as he claimed in a nationally broadcast interview.

The candidate acknowledged Saturday he had misstated his marathon time by more than an hour.

He released a statement correcting the record after Runner's World magazine found evidence he had completed one marathon and finished in just over four hours.

Edited by lomatopo
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There are no lies, just misstatements. wink.png Still 4 hours is nothing to be ashamed of, not sure why he had to lie prevaricate in the first place? Vanity I guess, no big sin, unless your LDS.

Paul Ryan says he misstated marathon claim

By NBC News wire services

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan says he didn't run a marathon in less than three hours as he claimed in a nationally broadcast interview.

The candidate acknowledged Saturday he had misstated his marathon time by more than an hour.

He released a statement correcting the record after Runner's World magazine found evidence he had completed one marathon and finished in just over four hours.

Would that be anything like "I have visited 57 states...", or the "US Marine CorpSe"? Need I go on?

Everybody makes misstatements. Get over it, just as the media has gotten over Obama's goofs.

Edited by chuckd
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Well I'm not sure it was a goof. Maybe more of an indication of his true character?

"Fifity-seven States" and mispronunciations do sound more like goofs than outright misstatements, to me anyway.

Let me correct myself on Obama's "misstatement", before you folks sic FactCheck on me. Obama actually said "Corpseman.

Saying "corpseman" more than once in the same speech is either proof of a lie or proof of stupidity. Take your choice.

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Would that be anything like "I have visited 57 states...", or the "US Marine CorpSe"? Need I go on?

Everybody makes misstatements. Get over it, just as the media has gotten over Obama's goofs.

I have to disagree with you here chuck. The media couldn't have "gotten over" Obama's goofs because they don't acknowledge them in the first place.

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Amusing to read various press reports today about the flak the Mitt Romney/ Paul Ryan campaign are receiving from the estate of the late Philip Lynott, the ex front man of Thin Lizzy, after Paul Ryan made his triumphant entrance to the stage of the convention, to the strains of one of Lizzy's greatest songs, 'The Boys Are Back In Town', in a sad attempt to appear "Rock and Roll". The executor of Lynott's estate, his 82 year old mother says that Philip would be "Horrified to be associated with the Republican Party, and would strongly have opposed Mitt Romney's and Paul Ryan's pro rich and anti gay policies. As far as i am concerned their opposition to gay marriage and civil unions for gays makes them anti gay which is not something that Philip would have supported. He had some wonderful gay friends, as indeed i do, and they deserve equal treatment in every respect, whether in Ireland or the United States". What an feisty old lady, pretty much the same age as Clint but slightly more eloquent!

But if Mr Ryan had to have a Thin Lizzy song to accompany him to the stage, a more appropriate choice would surely have been, 'Don't Believe A Word'! Or perhaps Talking Heads, 'Road To Nowhere'!smile.png

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Most Americans support gay rights, but gay marriage is against their religious beliefs and pretty much a frivolous issue compared to what the country is facing right now.

As for Thin Lizzy, they have a couple of songs that are OK, but are not exactly the Beatles. The fact that they do not like Romney and Ryan will probably get them even more votes. laugh.png

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Most Americans support gay rights, but gay marriage is against their religious beliefs and pretty much a frivolous issue compared to what the country is facing right now.

As for Thin Lizzy, they have a couple of songs that are OK, but are not exactly the Beatles. The fact that they do not like Romney and Ryan will probably get them even more votes. laugh.png

Never heard of them or their 82 year old mother. BFD.

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Most Americans support gay rights, but gay marriage is against their religious beliefs and pretty much a frivolous issue compared to what the country is facing right now.

As for Thin Lizzy, they have a couple of songs that are OK, but are not exactly the Beatles. The fact that they do not like Romney and Ryan will probably get them even more votes. laugh.png

Lighten up <deleted>.
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Most Americans support gay rights, but gay marriage is against their religious beliefs and pretty much a frivolous issue compared to what the country is facing right now.

As for Thin Lizzy, they have a couple of songs that are OK, but are not exactly the Beatles. The fact that they do not like Romney and Ryan will probably get them even more votes. laugh.png

Never heard of them or their 82 year old mother. BFD.

When it comes to American politics I'd put more weight behind what the 82-yr old American icon Clint Eastwood says over what the 82-yr old Irish mother of a dead rock n' roller thinks he might like or not like.

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Most Americans support gay rights, but gay marriage is against their religious beliefs and pretty much a frivolous issue compared to what the country is facing right now.

As for Thin Lizzy, they have a couple of songs that are OK, but are not exactly the Beatles. The fact that they do not like Romney and Ryan will probably get them even more votes. laugh.png

Ha Ha. " The fact that they do not like Romney or Ryan will probably get them more votes". And yet Ryan chose one of their songs! Using your logic that makes him a bit thick doesn't it?
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watch the President another great Fact based speech exposes Romney's failure and how he would destroy American Industry and economy after the Debt and failure of Boy Bush and the repub congress. President said" They call it Obamacare , well thats true I care" clap2.gif


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I come here once a day some must monitor the board every hour,... sad. Yes Romneys failures getting the big decisions wrong , against saving the US Motor Industry and against middle class tax breaks, I could go on but I have a life and other things to do.

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Some people have to work for a living and have a computer right in front of them all day long.

Romney supports tax breaks for all Americans and it seems that General Motors is going bankrupt again. It looks like he got it right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is not what he said. He said that 47% of voters do not pay federal tax and could care less that he wants to lower them and will vote for Obama. He thinks that independent voters will decide the election and might have a point.

Today's Gallup poll on the election:

Obama - 47%

Romney - 46%

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That is not what he said. He said that 47% of voters do not pay federal tax and could care less that he wants to lower them and will vote for Obama. He thinks that independent voters will decide the election and might have a point.

Today's Gallup poll on the election:

Obama - 47%

Romney - 46%

Do you mean this one?

(National) Gallup Tracking: Obama vs Romney

Poll Date Updated Date Obama Romney

9/11 - 9/17 9/18/2012 47% 46%

If so, it probably doesn't include the fall out from the latest Romney mouth/foot gymnastics.

This one won't please you.


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