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Which Water Filter Are You Using Now?

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I'm worried about the water safety for drinking since i have heard a lot of complaint about the quality of the water from tap. So, do you guys using filter or other water clean system or just directly purchase a big bottle of water from stores each time?

Which brand do you prefer?




Hi Jiangaq, Just get the water delivered, not worth the hassle filtering

your own,first expense of buying R/O system, THEN the most important

part remembering to change the U/V tube,filters on a regular basis and

the added expense of that.

Contact Glacier water company, they sell 24x500cc Glass bottles only

52 baht delivered ,with the glass bottles you dont get any bad tastes,

the water is filtered and ozone treated,been buying it for years never

had a bad bottle.

regards Worgeordie


I used to get the water delivered, but decided to become self sufficient after a few missed deliveries, use that E-Spring one, not all that cheap but seems to be a good one. Has an electronic guage on top that tells you when to change the filter.

You are unlikely to get sick on any of the delivered waters, but I had a look at a factory once and it really was not a pristine site. Like those water vending machines around you wonder how often the filters are changed, I suspect rarely is ever. I drank tap water for a few weeks years ago as the kids didn't realise the bottles were filtered and thought they were being helpful refilling them from the tap, never got sick, but had been here a while and my stomach had already toughened up.


Hi Jiangaq, Just get the water delivered, not worth the hassle filtering

your own,first expense of buying R/O system, THEN the most important

part remembering to change the U/V tube,filters on a regular basis and

the added expense of that.

Contact Glacier water company, they sell 24x500cc Glass bottles only

52 baht delivered ,with the glass bottles you dont get any bad tastes,

the water is filtered and ozone treated,been buying it for years never

had a bad bottle.

regards Worgeordie

Thanks for your advice!


For ~ 1500 Bt you can get an adequate system from say HomePro, at minimum a 3 x filter unit, and it will adapt to any sink tap. We have used similar for over a year, with 6 monthly cartridge replacement, without a problem. We DRINK a lot of water!

Ensure the filters are good quality, staged, and the final one is ceramic for removal of biological contamination. Read up on it here > http://www.everythingyoualwayswantedtoknow.com/watertreatment/

Compared with Phuket and much of Isaan, Chiang Mai water, IMO is pretty damned good!


For ~ 1500 Bt you can get an adequate system from say HomePro, at minimum a 3 x filter unit, and it will adapt to any sink tap. We have used similar for over a year, with 6 monthly cartridge replacement, without a problem. We DRINK a lot of water!

Ensure the filters are good quality, staged, and the final one is ceramic for removal of biological contamination. Read up on it here > http://www.everythin...watertreatment/

Compared with Phuket and much of Isaan, Chiang Mai water, IMO is pretty damned good!

You mean the water quality in Phuket is relatively bad?


You mean the water quality in Phuket is relatively bad?

Very high mineral/sedimentary content. I used a pleated primary filter (washable) as woven ones clogged in 4 to 6 weeks. Washing clothes was a problem there too, often got yellow staining.

NB: Pleated primary filters are good for washing and re-use several times but must be rinsed in a weak bleach and air-dried.


Firstly, Chiang Mai water is pretty good, local government water was around 90ppm last time i checked..

For drinking I decided to buy a 6 stage RO system, the system includes UV..which you change once a year

Cost 11,000 Baht from Homepro...make was Clarke

You can also buy online along with parts / filters etc


Hey guys, related to filtering, I just boil some of my water (for coffee and tea) using a plug-in tea kettle. Boils it ultra fast. I'm sure that kills anything that would make my stomach unhappy, but is there anything else in the water I should be worrying about that's not living to begin with?


Boiling will kill bacteria, the same as UV

However you may well have solids in the water

To generalised you have solids and bacteria...filtering gets rid od solids and UV gets rid of bacteria.

As I said I tested the local Chiang Mai water and the ppm was very low, below 100 every time i test and drinking water is drinkable upto / around 300+

I guess if you boiling, its good enough


Hopefully you can now read this:-

Ideal Drinking water from reverse osmosis, distillation, deionization, microfiltration, etc..

0-50 PPM

Often considered acceptable range for carbon filtration, mountain springs or aquifers.

50-140 PPM

Average tap water.

140-400 PPM

Hard water.

170 PPM or above

Less desirable

200-300 PPM

Unpleasant levels from tap water, aquifers or mountain springs.

300-500 PPM

The EPA's maximum contamination level.

500 PPM


Boiling will kill bacteria, the same as UV

However you may well have solids in the water

To generalised you have solids and bacteria...filtering gets rid od solids and UV gets rid of bacteria.

As I said I tested the local Chiang Mai water and the ppm was very low, below 100 every time i test and drinking water is drinkable upto / around 300+

I guess if you boiling, its good enough

thanks. And it's only for my coffee or tea or emergency backup water. Mostly I drink mineral water.


I've been using Dew Drop for a month based on several friends using it for business & home. 750ml glass bottles (as opposed to the 250ml bottles by another company which are too small.

Cost is 200 bt deposit for a case of 12 bottles and you need 2 cases so that one can be replaced at a time. A case of water is 40bt (3.33bt each). DewDrop 053-351-381 (or is it 331), [email protected]. (FYI, I prefer the glass bottles for ease of handling plus lack of potential plastic contamination.)

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