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Just Been Fined 1000Bht For Flicking A Cig End On The Floor!


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It's your own fault for littering..just because others had discarded their cigarettes on the floor doesn't mean you had to..so zero sympathy from me.

To many smokers think that it is a human right to throw dirty, discusting cigarette butts any where they like. It is not.

I'm a smoker and never throw a cigarette butt on the ground. If I have to I'll put the butt in pocket/packet until I can find a rubbish bin. It really irritates me that some smokers don't consider butts as litter and think they can throw it anywhere. I wonder if the same people would complain if they saw someone casually discard a sandwich wrapper on the ground.

I take it that you don't live in Thailand or if you do, you've never been to a Thai style open air bar.

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yep, even as a smoker, i believe you deserved what you got.

The fact that the cop was smoking, and there were cigarettes on the ground are irrelevant unless the cop dropped his cigarette to write you the fine.

The fact that there were cigarette butts all over the ground is just an indicator that the law in that area should be strongly enforced.

If your logic is carried forward i can honestly say i am happy i don't have to share my favorite beach or hiking trail with you, one piece litter comes in to view and its open season to do same.

the fact that you didn't stand up for yourself and demand a receipt is a bonus in my estimation, though hardly justified.

If the law is applied equally I agree, but it's not. The guy was singled out purely because he's a falang and therefore easy pickings. If you want to see littering at it's grossest have a look around some of the back streets of Pattaya. The Thais will dump mountains of garbage on any available spare land rather than pay to have it taken to a city dump, they pour all kinds of toxic chemicals down storm drains and waterways. I see them throw down packaging outside a 7 eleven when there's a bin 2 metres away.You seem to be blaming all the rampant dumping of garbage in Thailand on one cigarette butt.

Edited by giddyup
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Smokers who litter their buds all around must be one of the lowest life forms there are. The fact that farang are singled out makes my blood boil but they would not have the problems if they did not drop the bud.

My mother a smoker, you know one of those junkies that can't go long without a ciggarette. She has an ashtray with her one similar to those you saw in a pic earlier. She just puts the bud in there and takes care of the problem. It's so easy its called planning and as a smoker you know this. I wonder if the same people who blame the thais from forsight are smokers who cant even think what to do after they have smoked.

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Smokers who litter their buds all around must be one of the lowest life forms there are. The fact that farang are singled out makes my blood boil but they would not have the problems if they did not drop the bud.

My mother a smoker, you know one of those junkies that can't go long without a ciggarette. She has an ashtray with her one similar to those you saw in a pic earlier. She just puts the bud in there and takes care of the problem. It's so easy its called planning and as a smoker you know this. I wonder if the same people who blame the thais from forsight are smokers who cant even think what to do after they have smoked.

Here we go, bash the smoker again. Butt droppers are lower than child molesters, rapists and serial killers I suppose?

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Smokers who litter their buds all around must be one of the lowest life forms there are. The fact that farang are singled out makes my blood boil but they would not have the problems if they did not drop the bud.

My mother a smoker, you know one of those junkies that can't go long without a ciggarette. She has an ashtray with her one similar to those you saw in a pic earlier. She just puts the bud in there and takes care of the problem. It's so easy its called planning and as a smoker you know this. I wonder if the same people who blame the thais from forsight are smokers who cant even think what to do after they have smoked.

Here we go, bash the smoker again. Butt droppers are lower than child molesters, rapists and serial killers I suppose?

I thought you had me blocked for going after oldies. Yes i think smokers who drop their buds are discusting ? Do you consider it normal ? Do you consider littering normal and do you think its too much to ask for you to carry a mobile ashtray ?

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Smokers who litter their buds all around must be one of the lowest life forms there are. The fact that farang are singled out makes my blood boil but they would not have the problems if they did not drop the bud.

My mother a smoker, you know one of those junkies that can't go long without a ciggarette. She has an ashtray with her one similar to those you saw in a pic earlier. She just puts the bud in there and takes care of the problem. It's so easy its called planning and as a smoker you know this. I wonder if the same people who blame the thais from forsight are smokers who cant even think what to do after they have smoked.

Here we go, bash the smoker again. Butt droppers are lower than child molesters, rapists and serial killers I suppose?

I thought you had me blocked for going after oldies. Yes i think smokers who drop their buds are discusting ? Do you consider it normal ? Do you consider littering normal and do you think its too much to ask for you to carry a mobile ashtray ?

Here' my challenge to you Robblok. Get away from the safety of your keyboard and monitor, walk into a falang frequented bar and loudly proclaim "smokers are the lowest form of life". I'd love to be there to see the results.

Edited by giddyup
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Smokers who litter their buds all around must be one of the lowest life forms there are. The fact that farang are singled out makes my blood boil but they would not have the problems if they did not drop the bud.

My mother a smoker, you know one of those junkies that can't go long without a ciggarette. She has an ashtray with her one similar to those you saw in a pic earlier. She just puts the bud in there and takes care of the problem. It's so easy its called planning and as a smoker you know this. I wonder if the same people who blame the thais from forsight are smokers who cant even think what to do after they have smoked.

Here we go, bash the smoker again. Butt droppers are lower than child molesters, rapists and serial killers I suppose?

I thought you had me blocked for going after oldies. Yes i think smokers who drop their buds are discusting ? Do you consider it normal ? Do you consider littering normal and do you think its too much to ask for you to carry a mobile ashtray ?

Here' my challenge to you Robblock. Get away from the safety of your keyboard and monitor, walk into a falang frequented bar and loudly proclaim "smokers are the lowest form of life". I'd love to be there to see the results.

Comprehension is not your strong point.

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Smokers who litter their buds all around must be one of the lowest life forms there are. The fact that farang are singled out makes my blood boil but they would not have the problems if they did not drop the bud.

My mother a smoker, you know one of those junkies that can't go long without a ciggarette. She has an ashtray with her one similar to those you saw in a pic earlier. She just puts the bud in there and takes care of the problem. It's so easy its called planning and as a smoker you know this. I wonder if the same people who blame the thais from forsight are smokers who cant even think what to do after they have smoked.

Here we go, bash the smoker again. Butt droppers are lower than child molesters, rapists and serial killers I suppose?

I thought you had me blocked for going after oldies. Yes i think smokers who drop their buds are discusting ? Do you consider it normal ? Do you consider littering normal and do you think its too much to ask for you to carry a mobile ashtray ?

Here' my challenge to you Robblok. Get away from the safety of your keyboard and monitor, walk into a falang frequented bar and loudly proclaim "smokers are the lowest form of life". I'd love to be there to see the results.

As the poster before me said comprehension is not your strong point. You leave out the part that it is all about not taking a mobile ashtray and dropping the but. Then in my reply i point that out clearly.

No its not he purpously left out the part what it was all about the dropping of the but and not taking a mobile ashtray with you.

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Once again Robblok you only come into these discussions to snipe and criticise, never to actually contribute anything worthwhile or constructive, only to hide behind your keyboard and monitor.

Edited by giddyup
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yep, even as a smoker, i believe you deserved what you got.

The fact that the cop was smoking, and there were cigarettes on the ground are irrelevant unless the cop dropped his cigarette to write you the fine.

The fact that there were cigarette butts all over the ground is just an indicator that the law in that area should be strongly enforced.

If your logic is carried forward i can honestly say i am happy i don't have to share my favorite beach or hiking trail with you, one piece litter comes in to view and its open season to do same.

the fact that you didn't stand up for yourself and demand a receipt is a bonus in my estimation, though hardly justified.

If the law is applied equally I agree, but it's not. The guy was singled out purely because he's a falang and therefore easy pickings. If you want to see littering at it's grossest have a look around some of the back streets of Pattaya. The Thais will dump mountains of garbage on any available spare land rather than pay to have it taken to a city dump, they pour all kinds of toxic chemicals down storm drains and waterways. I see them throw down packaging outside a 7 eleven when there's a bin 2 metres away.You seem to be blaming all the rampant dumping of garbage in Thailand on one cigarette butt.

not sure where you got that, he littered, he got caught. he paid.

we are not talking about back streets of Pattaya, we are talking about one person who thinks he should be exempt from responsibility for his actions because everyone else is doing it -- which is exactly how the back streets of Pattaya ended up covered in shit.

The OP cant even claim ignorance or lack of education as his excuse, as lame as that is

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You probably know that you smoke so as a result of that you know you will have cigarette buts.

You probably also know that you will have to dispose of them and having livid in Thailand for a period of time know there is not much opportunity to do so.

So then you can blame the government blame everyone but yoursel (many come here to escape the nanny state but love to blame the government for their problems i never got those)

So the solution is simple a mobile ashtrah one that has a lid you can slide on. My mom probably younger then you but i still cal her my old mom got to that conclusion years ago.

So i wonder why you can't

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Once again Robblok you only come into these discussions to snipe and criticise, never to actually contribute anything worthwhile or constructive, only to hide behind your keyboard and monitor.

Neither's debating.

But your irony is commendable.

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Once again Robblok you only come into these discussions to snipe and criticise, never to actually contribute anything worthwhile or constructive, only to hide behind your keyboard and monitor.

Look at post 46 gives you an option.. bringin your own ashtray. There are small ashtrays that can slide close that you can take with you. My old mom thought of it years ago.. why you as a smoker can't i really wonder.

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Once again Robblok you only come into these discussions to snipe and criticise, never to actually contribute anything worthwhile or constructive, only to hide behind your keyboard and monitor.

Look at post 46 gives you an option.. bringin your own ashtray. There are small ashtrays that can slide close that you can take with you. My old mom thought of it years ago.. why you as a smoker can't i really wonder.

Who said I was guilty of littering or throwing down butts? You just can't wait to pounce on people can you, thinking you have won some major point. You are sad. End of story.

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yep, even as a smoker, i believe you deserved what you got.

The fact that the cop was smoking, and there were cigarettes on the ground are irrelevant unless the cop dropped his cigarette to write you the fine.

The fact that there were cigarette butts all over the ground is just an indicator that the law in that area should be strongly enforced.

If your logic is carried forward i can honestly say i am happy i don't have to share my favorite beach or hiking trail with you, one piece litter comes in to view and its open season to do same.

the fact that you didn't stand up for yourself and demand a receipt is a bonus in my estimation, though hardly justified.

If the law is applied equally I agree, but it's not. The guy was singled out purely because he's a falang and therefore easy pickings. If you want to see littering at it's grossest have a look around some of the back streets of Pattaya. The Thais will dump mountains of garbage on any available spare land rather than pay to have it taken to a city dump, they pour all kinds of toxic chemicals down storm drains and waterways. I see them throw down packaging outside a 7 eleven when there's a bin 2 metres away.You seem to be blaming all the rampant dumping of garbage in Thailand on one cigarette butt.

not sure where you got that, he littered, he got caught. he paid.

we are not talking about back streets of Pattaya, we are talking about one person who thinks he should be exempt from responsibility for his actions because everyone else is doing it -- which is exactly how the back streets of Pattaya ended up covered in shit.

The OP cant even claim ignorance or lack of education as his excuse, as lame as that is

I also said that if the law is applied equally I agree, but if the police or government want to get serious about littering they could start with the Thais themselves. Singapore was cleaned up almost overnight from the dump that it was, they fined everyone regardless of race.

Edited by giddyup
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Once again Robblok you only come into these discussions to snipe and criticise, never to actually contribute anything worthwhile or constructive, only to hide behind your keyboard and monitor.

Look at post 46 gives you an option.. bringin your own ashtray. There are small ashtrays that can slide close that you can take with you. My old mom thought of it years ago.. why you as a smoker can't i really wonder.

Who said I was guilty of littering or throwing down butts? You just can't wait to pounce on people can you, thinking you have won some major point. You are sad. End of story.

If you are not guilty of that then great.. in all my posts im talking about guys who drop their buts. I am not talking about all smokers. You seem to have totally missed that point.

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yep, even as a smoker, i believe you deserved what you got.

The fact that the cop was smoking, and there were cigarettes on the ground are irrelevant unless the cop dropped his cigarette to write you the fine.

The fact that there were cigarette butts all over the ground is just an indicator that the law in that area should be strongly enforced.

If your logic is carried forward i can honestly say i am happy i don't have to share my favorite beach or hiking trail with you, one piece litter comes in to view and its open season to do same.

the fact that you didn't stand up for yourself and demand a receipt is a bonus in my estimation, though hardly justified.

If the law is applied equally I agree, but it's not. The guy was singled out purely because he's a falang and therefore easy pickings. If you want to see littering at it's grossest have a look around some of the back streets of Pattaya. The Thais will dump mountains of garbage on any available spare land rather than pay to have it taken to a city dump, they pour all kinds of toxic chemicals down storm drains and waterways. I see them throw down packaging outside a 7 eleven when there's a bin 2 metres away.You seem to be blaming all the rampant dumping of garbage in Thailand on one cigarette butt.

not sure where you got that, he littered, he got caught. he paid.

we are not talking about back streets of Pattaya, we are talking about one person who thinks he should be exempt from responsibility for his actions because everyone else is doing it -- which is exactly how the back streets of Pattaya ended up covered in shit.

The OP cant even claim ignorance or lack of education as his excuse, as lame as that is

I also said that if the law is applied equally I agree, but if the police or government want to get serious about littering they could start with the Thais themselves.

Then read my first post where i said it makes my blood boil they go after farangs only.. but does not make him any less guilty.

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

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In my opinion, butt droppers should first of all be fined the full 2,000 baht, next, submit to a jolly good public flogging with split bamboo canes, followed by public disembowelment with rusty barbed wire and finally being suspended by the ankles under a pedestrian bridge. Then they should be tossed out of the country and declared persona-non-grata!

That'll teach 'em!

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

In short just not drop cigarette buts and you will be ok. Yes its wrong that its not enforced on Thais. But not dropping buts and bringing a small ashtray that you can put away solves it all.

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

I'm not sure stopping smoking would "bring the government down", what they would be forced to do is increase taxes across the board to make up the shortfalls.

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

+ 1

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

In short just not drop cigarette buts and you will be ok. Yes its wrong that its not enforced on Thais. But not dropping buts and bringing a small ashtray that you can put away solves it all.

Yes I do agree, however whilst it is common knowledge amongst long time residents/expats etc, it is not so much publically aware amongst visitors, and will result in bad press and pee'ed off tourists at the end of the day.

Wheras a concerted effort to remove rubbish, sufficient rubbish bins, beach cleanups, etc would do far more to enhance Thailands global image and increased tourist revenue.

SAD but I firmly beleive that for teh sake of lining a few pockets, nothing will change in a positive way

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

I'm not sure stopping smoking would "bring the government down", what they would be forced to do is increase taxes across the board to make up the shortfalls.

You are right of course, in reality even at 90% of the price being tax, it represents only about 10B GBP or 2% of tax revenues.

Will have to think of another way to change the Government.... sigh

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"Has anybody else had experiences similar to this? And what have they done?"

I too have had many experiences of witnessing filthy pigs throwing cigarette butts on the streets.

What have I done? Nothing. Asking them to respect Mother Nature probably wouldn't do much good, coz if they do it once, they probably do it 30 times a day.

Hope the BIB get you next time as well.

Edited by Radar501
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