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Norwegian Man, Thai Woman Killed In Chon Buri Road Accident


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If he hadn't died, they'd have caught him anyway for pedophilia for taking a barely 16-year-old girl from the bar! It's a lose-lose situation either way.

By the way, I wish reports wouldn't keep referring to Pattaya as "Chonburi". Chonburi is 60 km away from Pattaya. Tambon Naklua is in the north of Pattaya, right next to the centre of downtown Pattaya. Not even close to Chonburi!

Maybe it was his stepdaughter. Bit early to be labeling the dude a kiddy fiddler.

Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys.

If you say so. If I was as old as the man involved in the accident and having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old minor then that constitutes kiddy fiddling in my book. O.K? whistling.gif

Maybe they had a large gap with the physical age but the mental age may have been very similar.

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Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys.

I think you mean lovelies. Where I come from a "lovey" would be an aging camp thespian.

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No matter what the topic or nationality of the person involved, you can always count on ignorant stereotypical views being expressed about an entire race, age group or nationality based on the perceived actions of the individual in the news story.

Edited by Nisa
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If that is the only article and no link, then I suggest it is an unfortunate mishap that brought about two deaths. Anything beyond this is pure speculation.

The witnesses? Yeah right! We know all about "the witnesses" and how reliable a source they are to complete the story and make it an open and shut case.

Since people are speculating on a state of drunkenness, I will speculate about the dam_n dog in the middle of the road that came over to nip at the people on the bike, causing them to veer into the bridge, but that the witnesses did not see this portion leading up to the crash because the witnesses were on the piss at this time in the morning. I am speculating of course, and am probably wrong where anything but the foreigner is concerned.

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RIP to the woman ,as for the stupid drunk tourist

< Inflammatory comments removed >

It's as much the fault of the woman knowingly riding with the allegedly drunken old man, as it is the old man for driving drunk.

Since the accident was an accident and could have gone the other way, this should set a lesson for those considering drinking and driving, and for them to consider the harm it can cause to one or more people both on or off the bike, or in or out of the car.

Responsibility belongs to all of us.

Edited by metisdead
: Post edited to remove inflammatory comments.
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RIP to the woman ,as for the stupid drunk tourist

Would you please consider the families of the deceased involved.

There is NO conclusive evidence that the man had even 1 drink.

As for the rest of comments made.......unbelievable .


please spare me the amen saga.......better save that for the deceased involved RIP.

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I have a 16 year old daughter and the thought of her being with a 52 year old man gets me sick to my stomach.

He had it coming to him. Not so sure about the young girl.

Your disrespect of the freedom of a girl of 17, and that of a man however old, has absolutely nothing to do with their accident or that crash. Their age has no effect on what happened, nor will this kind of speculation change anything that happened.

See my above post regarding the responsibility, and don't use age as a defense or reason to excuse the downright stupidity of the young girl as to knowingly put herself in such a dangerous situation.

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Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys.

I think you mean lovelies. Where I come from a "lovey" would be an aging camp thespian.

Lovey or lovely refers to some younger thing.

In regard to the kiddy fiddling, I beg to differ. 16 years old is old enough for sex and consent in my country, England. For those who are shocked, perhaps turn your face to the middle east where it is not only legal, but practised to marry girls as young as 6 years old.

I would direct you here: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/04/10/dead-yemeni-child-bride-tied-raped-says-mom/

The fact this 17 year old girl was with an older man is irrelevant, it is the responsibility of both parties to take precaution in their actions.

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Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys.

I think you mean lovelies. Where I come from a "lovey" would be an aging camp thespian.

Lovey or lovely refers to some younger thing.

In regard to the kiddy fiddling, I beg to differ. 16 years old is old enough for sex and consent in my country, England. For those who are shocked, perhaps turn your face to the middle east where it is not only legal, but practised to marry girls as young as 6 years old.

I would direct you here: http://www.foxnews.c...raped-says-mom/

The fact this 17 year old girl was with an older man is irrelevant, it is the responsibility of both parties to take precaution in their actions.

Of course in the UK the vast majority of sexual relationships at the age of consent would be between partners of the same age or within a very few years of each other, not somebody old enough to be their grandfather.

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It is not just farangs a couple of months ago I was out on my Honda Phantom at lunchtime when a drunken male thai on a scooter nearly took me out. to this day I wonder how I managed to stay on my bike must have had a guardian angel looking over me that day 5 minutes later further down the road there was an accident and I just wonder if it was him any one who drinks and drives is looking for trouble what a waste of life of a young girl in her teens R.I.P

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Of course in the UK the vast majority of sexual relationships at the age of consent would be between partners of the same age or within a very few years of each other, not somebody old enough to be their grandfather.

Your spouting of what is at best a generalism does not prohibit older people from being with younger people.

If 16 is the legal age for sex, then if the partner is 17 to 70, it makes absolutely no difference what so ever how old the other is. And like I said, this has nothing to do with the incident in discussion.

You find it distasteful that an old man has a young girl, I find it more loathesome that you would use age discrimination to try to demonise an older man for having any sort of relationship, which you, through this report alone, in your perverse condemnation, assign to be sexual in its nature.

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51 year old Norwegian and 16 year old Thai Girl killed in Central Pattaya road crash

PATTAYA:--A 51 year old Norwegian resident of Pattaya and a girl, just turned 16, were killed in a motorbike crash on the overpass leading to Highway 7 in Central Pattaya, early on Tuesday Morning.

Highway Police and Rescue Services responded to the crash and dealt with two separate locations as the body of the Norwegian was thrown off the overpass onto the road below. The dead couple were named as Mr. Hans Kristian Lundsvoll aged 51 and Khun Somying who turned 16 in July. The girl was found laying face-down on the overpass close to the pairs damaged motorbike. The left indicator was still on which could indicate a lane-change on the overpass may have contributed to the crash and a second vehicle may have been involved.

Below the overpass on the Sukhumvit Road was the body of Mr. Lundsvoll who sustained major trauma. He is thought to have been thrown off the bike and due to low barriers on the overpass, he was thrown onto the road below. Witnesses confirmed the bike approached the overpass at a high rate of speed and claimed this was a single-vehicle road crash. Police also heard that the bike was being driven erratically and believe the driver, Mr. Lundsvoll, may have been intoxicated,

Full story:http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/60542/51-year-norwegian-16-year-thai-girl-killed-central-pattaya-road-crash/


-- Pattaya One 2012-08-14


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A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.


The Police should start arresting themselves as there is no group of more persistent drunk driving offenders than the police except perhaps the army but the police is not allowed to arrest them.

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Of course in the UK the vast majority of sexual relationships at the age of consent would be between partners of the same age or within a very few years of each other, not somebody old enough to be their grandfather.

Your spouting of what is at best a generalism does not prohibit older people from being with younger people.

If 16 is the legal age for sex, then if the partner is 17 to 70, it makes absolutely no difference what so ever how old the other is. And like I said, this has nothing to do with the incident in discussion.

You find it distasteful that an old man has a young girl, I find it more loathesome that you would use age discrimination to try to demonise an older man for having any sort of relationship, which you, through this report alone, in your perverse condemnation, assign to be sexual in its nature.

Now now now, calm down and stop being on the defensive. Its a question of ethics. Some people find that age difference unethical for a number of reasons. Lets say for instance that the legal age of consent in Thailand was 13 (like Spain). Would you still say that it makes no difference how old the other one is as they are technically in a legal relationship? Would your thoughts on a 60 year old in a sexual relationship with a 13 year child old bring out your loathsome distaste for age discrimination?

No, because I think that 16 years old is developed enough to be making informed and sensible decisions.

The fact is there is no gray area in which anyone can make 'the right decisions', since some mature earlier or later than others. The same applies to the biological sense, in the argument of when a female body is ready for sexual intercourse. It is in fact younger, but for my personal taste, I prefer to give girls or boys the benefit of the doubt that at the age of 16 they would act responsible.

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Drunk and appears no helmet on either , at lest they didn't kill anyone else when they decided to commit suicide or dam_n close to it coffee1.gif .

I wonder what the relationship of the girl is to him? Maybe she looked up to the man as a knowledgeable one seeing age is respected in Thailand and he was old enough to be grand daddy papa.

Edited by jcw
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