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Bad Experience With French Mastiff Breeder

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I bought a dog from a breeder in Isaan. French Mastiff. Lovely pics etc. My wife picked him up and flew him here. Upon meeting the dog, she asked why he was so small in the rear quarters....she was told by the owner that he had not eaten since 5 am. My wife knows nothing of dogs. She brought him home. This is a pedigreed puppy that I paid pretty good money for. On arrival, I released him in the parking lot to look at him and give him some water....and was shocked. This dog had great head and shoulders but a tiny rear assembly and a gimp walk that was beyond belief. The female owner called about then and talked to my wife. I told her to ask what the problem was with the dog. She said "don't worry, he'll be fine." If I had met the dog in Isaan, the dog would still be in Isaan.

I emailed the farang husband who is in England and told him to expect his dog back. This is on day one of the dog. I was told that it must have happened on the flight and he would never allowed the dog to make 2 one hour flights (as opposed to one one hour flight) as we found Nok Air would not fly a dog to Chiang Mai. The plane that would take a dog only flew to Bkk and then Chiang Mai. So my wife had no alternative other than forget the dog or fly him to Bkk first. In any case, she had the dog between flights and he was fine, aside from being a gimp. In any case this was the first denial of responsibility from the breeder.

I learned from my wife that the woman who raised the puppies never let them outside. It spent it's first 10 weeks on a tile floor. I attribute it's problems to this as did the vet that I took him to. The vet examined his legs and hips and took xrays. He diagnosed improper femoral head formation and irregularities in the tendons that support the right knee. He also commented on the lack of muscle tissue in the rear quarters.

I had the dog for 3 weeks. My wife drove him back on Mother's Day as she was going home anyways. During that time the dog grew significantly, and improved greatly, but was still small in the rear and had a limp. I was not confident that the dog would live a healthy, normal life. He would no longer fit in the kennel that we flew him in so we transported him a much larger one.

The next day, I got an email from this english prick, asking what the hell I did to the dog aside from not care for it. He accused me of the leg having been broken since it left his kennel, something happening on the airplane because it left his kennel in perfect health, ( I asked him if the freaking muscle tissue disappeared on the plane too), not feeding it enough, and not addressing the ticks and fleas. In truth, the dog grew out of it's kennel in 3 weeks, got a lot of outdoor exercise chasing the chihuahua, made huge improvements in it's gait and ability to support itself, and had been picked for fleas by my wife. It had moved out of that fat puppy look (aside from his hind quarters) and into growing dog phase. We usually use Ivermectin, but not yet on the puppy as recommended by the vet. Nothing else really works. By the time he went back, although he had improved greatly, he was still obviously defective. My gardener called him handicapped ( or gimp) in Thai, and when the vet first laid eyes on him, called him duck feet and asked where his muscle tissue was. This was a few days before I sent him back.

This guy never ever did see the dog. He saw it's head on Skype. One thing that he said to me before I bought the dog was that he was confused why this male was the only one left, as he was the best looking in his opinion. He never saw it walk. That's why he was confused. He was in no position to make any comments or accusations before or after the sale and return. He has still not met the dog.

I got my money back which in itself is acceptance of responsibility. But this breeder was rude, and full of accusations and denial of responsibility. Just a class "A" prick.

Moral of the story: Never buy a dog that you can't see in front of you. And never buy a French Mastiff from an English prick in Isaan.

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Or, even better, never buy a pedigree dog. These genetically challenged, bodily-contorted mutts should never be born. Far better get a street dog which will show every bit as much love and affection as (if not more than) some hideously deformed pedigree dog. How about helping to solve a problem, rather than contributing to one? Or do you have some sick inadequacy that only a perfect pedigree dog is good enough for you?

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Or, even better, never buy a pedigree dog. These genetically challenged, bodily-contorted mutts should never be born. Far better get a street dog which will show every bit as much love and affection as (if not more than) some hideously deformed pedigree dog. How about helping to solve a problem, rather than contributing to one? Or do you have some sick inadequacy that only a perfect pedigree dog is good enough for you?

Let's put it another way, one in which you might understand.

Would YOU pay top dollar for a deformed dog, regardless of whether it was registered or not?

I sometimes wonder whether 50% of the members here are complete idiots. Then I come to my senses and no longer have to wonder.

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buying based on photos and non experienced purchasers are two basic no no's... like buying a horse from the internet. although buying on line is done, caveat emptor (and know the breeder, see or meet at a show, get recommendations, pics of the pup developing, conditions... )... i was screwed with lilee in the same way and she was only 40 minutes frommy house... saw the parents, saw her, but only later realized the breeder raised her on a tile only floor, and she too has patella problems and muscle waste... but made the usual mistake of feeling sorry for her on sight... never never buy any animal jus tbecause u feel sorry for it... would u buy a car that u know has engine problems that u cant fix?

AyG: it is a person's right to buy an animal, pedigree or not. i agree there are lots of strays, but many people prefer pure breeds, just like some people prefer a lamborgini over a renault express . and someone who buys something, no matter what, expects to get what he/she paid for.

lessons learned. in issaan, jerusalem or wichitaw caveat emptor.



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  • 1 year later...

Never sell a dog to a farang with his head up his own arse, and especially if the thai wife hates dogs and damages a defenceless puppy in transit. We rehomed Rudy to a loving family where he is happy to this day, we love our dogs, and they only go to loving homes, BUT confused Canada for someone who cares.  

The Thai wife hates dogs but they have 4 dogs... OK

I have to ask DID you ( I presume the English guy) actually see the dog before your wife sold it?

You "rehomed" or you sold the dog?

By the way I think the OP made a mistake buying a dog unseen.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

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You should know better than buying puppy farm dogs.

Not only they are overbred so prone to genetic problems, separated from the mother too early so prones to diseases, and here dogs are treated as stuffs animal, it does not register that dogs need to walk.

Now you know

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