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Yes, your girlfriend can apply to visit the UK for a holiday with her kids people do it all the time. When she applies she must convince the Entry Clearance Officer that the visit is genuine, affordable and, probably most importantly that they will leave the UK at the end of their visit.

Have a read through the thread I have attached a link for and come back if you have any specific questions. But basically your girlfriend will need to give details of her proposed trip with her kids, and that it's a genuine holiday, not a six month stay. If she is financing the trip then she she needs to prove that she can afford to so, or if you are doing so then you need to prove that you can afford to do so, and why you are doing so.

The most important thing for her to prove is the reason to return, does she work, have property or other strong ties to Thailand?


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thanks oldget one question passports for the children. can mother put them on her passport or do they need their own passports


They need their own passports and their own visas.

So that's three visa applications that need to be made and paid for, although you only need to submit one lot of supporting documents..


thanks 7by7. so how does that work then. mother has to complete visa forms for the children do they have to provide a valid reason to return


Reason to return in cases such as this can be mutual or individual.

Mother has a good reason to return, so children will return with her.

Children have a reason to return, e.g. school, so mother will return with them.

So as much evidence for both mother and children as you have on this point.

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