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How Many Of You Have Encountered Any Thais Who Are Trustworthy & Sincere Enough?


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Its seems to me that not many Thais that i have encountered in my stay here are trustworthy enough. I mean they do exist. But not many in my experiences. Most of the time they are wanting something from ur side. or that the friendship is benefit to them. in short. if u are no benefit to them in any way. they will just not be bothered.

Its seems the businessman, rich politicians, high ranking position individuals are the worst.

The rural areas Thai are sincere enough though, but they still befriend you for something even it is very minor. Like a bottle of whiskey or some cigs.

Where are all the genuine people nowadays ?

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I think the same could be said the world over. You find true friends when your not looking. In th UK I have just 1 true friend. In LOS I have none yet. When I say true friends, i dont mean drinking buddies, i mean do anything for an vice versa friends. like raise their kids if anything happened to them type friends. Anything elseis fake and a waste of my time peronally. But friendshps can grow so you do need to be flexibe.

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Well, about 8 years since I had come back from a toot in Jakarta.

Said toot continued until we got to BKK..

I took a cab home in, what is described in the press, as a "bit of a state"

My wife saw it different and gave me the "treatment" (not that I gave a shit so drunk was I), and put me to bed (with Bruno our Alsatian) however the following day.....

...When the cabbie came with not only my wallet, but my passport and my camera the following day and wouldn't take a baht from my wife, I'd say he was pretty honest.

Now, piss off with such nonsense.

I still get pain.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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I agree with you (the Op), but you are also wrong, one of my most trusted friends is a Thai chappy.

I can see how difficult it is as a Western male to make genuine Thai male friends. Let's face it, if the roles were reversed how much effort would we (as Westerners) make for non-nationals (folk from any other country) when in our home lands?

Sincerity and trustworthiness are not attributes held only by those whom we know well. We may sometimes fail in recognising that the attributes we look for in a genuine friend take time to develop. Give it time in Thailand and as with those whom we've trusted in our home nations the same levels of understanding and trust will also develop with friends overseas (i.e. in Thailand). Apply the same rules, the same intelligence, the same respect and the same humour and we are not left wanting for too long...

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