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How Many Of You Encountered Thais Who Are Trustworthy & Sincere Enough ?


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Its seems to me that not many Thais that i have encountered in my stay here are trustworthy enough. I mean they do exist. But not many in my experiences. Most of the time they are wanting something from ur side. or that the friendship is benefit to them. in short. if u are no benefit to them in any way. they will just not be bothered.

Its seems the businessman, rich politicians, high ranking position individuals are the worst.

The rural areas Thai are sincere enough though, but they still befriend you for something even it is very minor. Like a bottle of whiskey or some cigs.

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It general chit chat for god sake. Nothing is strange. I lived here long enough. Cant seems to trust them. Maybe i mixed with the wrong crowd perhaps. Been hearing alot of business backstabbing. Woman snatching that ended up death. Buddies drinking over whiskey shot to death for minor argument.

Trusted friend who is <snip> the friend wife behind the back. etc . 20 years of friendship cheating of wealth. bah bah bah

But 1 thing that is disturbing me. The Thais seems to not respect who's wife or gal that they belong to. Even if the gal belongs to their best mate. They will eyeball in a sly way & hope to screw the gf/wife if the latter plays along with them..

What a world we live in

Edited by metisdead
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After years of living and working here I see no reason to believe that Thais in general are less trustworthy than people anywhere else I've lived and worked.

The catch is - "Thais in General"

We can each of us be a bit more selective than 'General' when establishing relationships with Thai people here in Thailand.

I take the view that if a relationship started with a financial transaction, then that relationship will continue on that basis. Check the small print on the contract you took out.

In terms of personal relationships and personal interactions, I can only recall one Thai person who betrayed my trust (who incidentally went on to make a complete mess of their own life through their own behaviour).

I think therefore think the odds here of meeting honest people are pretty good.

Business is, I believe, a completely different matter. Not because I believe individual Thais unworthy of trust in a business setting, rather there are deeply rooted cultural business practices which are very contrary to those most westerners would find acceptable.

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I have employed a good number of Thai over the years and almost every one has been honest and was willing to work hard. I got lucky because I hired someone very good in the beginning who hired mostly friends that she had worked with before or their friends.

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My major beef with the most of the Thais I meet is the lying. It feels like playground stuff, but to be honest it does get me down sometimes. We (my wife and I) will meet some people and within a couple of weeks the (face saving?) lying will rear its ugly head. Most of the time it's about money, gloating about having loads of money, then 1 week later they are complaining they can't afford a weekend away.

At work they lie, in the service industry they lie - and the most stupid thing is, it's a crap lie. Our health insurance was up for renewal and doubled in price. The salesman told us it was because the company only raises its prices every 25 years and we are just unlucky to get the price rise. Really? Or what about the Ford salesman that was telling me a truck I was looking at had a drivers airbag - a truck with a skinny steering wheel. Oh, really? Apparently it's a new version where you don't need a chunky middle to the steering wheel.

Overall I don't think it's malicious, be it is annoying.

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My major beef with the most of the Thais I meet is the lying. It feels like playground stuff, but to be honest it does get me down sometimes. We (my wife and I) will meet some people and within a couple of weeks the (face saving?) lying will rear its ugly head. Most of the time it's about money, gloating about having loads of money, then 1 week later they are complaining they can't afford a weekend away.

At work they lie, in the service industry they lie - and the most stupid thing is, it's a crap lie. Our health insurance was up for renewal and doubled in price. The salesman told us it was because the company only raises its prices every 25 years and we are just unlucky to get the price rise. Really? Or what about the Ford salesman that was telling me a truck I was looking at had a drivers airbag - a truck with a skinny steering wheel. Oh, really? Apparently it's a new version where you don't need a chunky middle to the steering wheel.

Overall I don't think it's malicious, be it is annoying.

Car sales people are the same all over the world, lol.
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Not as bad as expected but it is still only page 1

i have found many trustworthy Thais in both personal life and business - it seems to come down to whether they respect you or not.

A friend once told me re business - Over here, watch out for the Farangs, they're the ones that will stab you in the back. Thais will stab you in the side or the front and rightly blame you for not seeing it coming. Business with Thais is poker - with Farangs it's roulette.

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It general chit chat for god sake. Nothing is strange. I lived here long enough. Cant seems to trust them. Maybe i mixed with the wrong crowd perhaps. Been hearing alot of business backstabbing. Woman snatching that ended up death. Buddies drinking over whiskey shot to death for minor argument.

Trusted friend who is <snip> the friend wife behind the back. etc . 20 years of friendship cheating of wealth. bah bah bah

But 1 thing that is disturbing me. The Thais seems to not respect who's wife or gal that they belong to. Even if the gal belongs to their best mate. They will eyeball in a sly way & hope to screw the gf/wife if the latter plays along with them..

What a world we live in

You really believe that the above points are prevalent just to Thailand? The number of people that I have known, from my home country (and in my home country) that had been shagging other peoples wives was untrue!

And as for business; there are no friends in business, period, anywhere in the world. Really, before making posts like this, have a deep look at where you came from and ask yourself the same questions again.

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It general chit chat for god sake. Nothing is strange. I lived here long enough. Cant seems to trust them. Maybe i mixed with the wrong crowd perhaps. Been hearing alot of business backstabbing. Woman snatching that ended up death. Buddies drinking over whiskey shot to death for minor argument.

Trusted friend who is <snip> the friend wife behind the back. etc . 20 years of friendship cheating of wealth. bah bah bah

But 1 thing that is disturbing me. The Thais seems to not respect who's wife or gal that they belong to. Even if the gal belongs to their best mate. They will eyeball in a sly way & hope to screw the gf/wife if the latter plays along with them..

What a world we live in

reading your post again,

i would just like to point out my wife dosnt belong to me, she is my wife thats it

have a bit of respect and you just might be shown respect back

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There is no sincerity in Thailand. none Sincerity of convenience, yes. Trust? Well only if I know that they will get enough out of something for them to hold that trust.

As a farang - you are scum. They hate you. Will do anything to do you over. In terms of the Thai's opinion of you, you range somewhere between cockroach and mosquito. They pretend well enough sometimes but sooner or later, they show their true spirit. Remember, this is country where 80% of the population believes blackmail, graft, and extortion are good things, 10% believes it does not happen (so are obviously liers as well as corrupt) and 10% are too thick to understand the question.

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There is no sincerity in Thailand. none Sincerity of convenience, yes. Trust? Well only if I know that they will get enough out of something for them to hold that trust.

As a farang - you are scum. They hate you. Will do anything to do you over. In terms of the Thai's opinion of you, you range somewhere between cockroach and mosquito. They pretend well enough sometimes but sooner or later, they show their true spirit. Remember, this is country where 80% of the population believes blackmail, graft, and extortion are good things, 10% believes it does not happen (so are obviously liers as well as corrupt) and 10% are too thick to understand the question.

For crying out loud, you are just about the most vindictive, bitter git on this forum. How much longer do we have to wait before you bugger off to China or Hong Kong, or wherever it is that you are going to drag your miserable self?

Mods - hope I am allowed to say this!

Say what you like sunshine - couldn't give a rats if your agree or violently disagree with me. The whole culture is based upon grown men still sucking from their mothers titties, and eliminating all risk from anything by taking a principal of "if I can't get something confirmed through graft then I can't do it".

Only a fool of a farang would trust Thais in exactly the same way as Thai would never trust a farang. Ever.

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