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Thai Forces 'Kill 38 Cambodian Loggers In Six Months'


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hhiser does not appear to understand the drug trade issue. To suggest that the death penalty serves to increase traffic is absurd. Surely it is the money involved. Unless he is saying that the drug lemmings get a thrill from the prospect of death. What a stupid outlook. I agree with Canopy on the trees issue. If Cambodia wanted to, they could stop the illegal logging from Thai territory by supporting the pirates with some other forms of employment. If there were no death penalty then the trees would be rapidly taken and the jungles decimated.

These are not death penalties, these are executions without any form of trial. This is something I would expect from a nation like North Korea, but even then, there would have been protests from all over the world. Somehow, Thailand seems to escape any form of publicity around their killings, and mind you, this is not a unique example.

Do you have ANY evidence to support that statement, or proof that the loggers were not armed and resisting arrest as claimed in the OP?

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Seems to me your logic is a bit lacking. Since the loggers have not stopped trying. You are advocating the same policies applied to the people involved in the Drug Trade and Terrorism. Both of which are continuing to occur and it could be argued that the policy has increased the occurence of each.

Don't lump this in with drugs and terrorism policies that are certainly stupid and failed approaches. It is clear that simply arresting people like Cambodia advocates has likewise proven to be a failed approach in their own country. Defenseless tigers, elephants, forests and the like must be vigorously protected or they will be gone to the detriment of all of us and those that follow. You won't get any sympathy from me for taking on armed bandits stealing from all of us. Though imperfect, I don't see a better solution.

That would imply that all illegal loggers should be shot on site, including the Thais recently arrested in Myanmar and those who burn forests in Northern Thailand. Interesting attitude bah.gif

In addition canopy claims that since these were "armed bandits" they deserved to be shot. The only source for this claim was a Bangkok official. That is a reliable source if I have ever seen one!

I support the saying: "armed bandits" they deserved to be shot.

If some armed robber came to rob your house, will you shoot at them, or invite them in to rape your daughter as a bonus?

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hhiser does not appear to understand the drug trade issue. To suggest that the death penalty serves to increase traffic is absurd. Surely it is the money involved. Unless he is saying that the drug lemmings get a thrill from the prospect of death. What a stupid outlook. I agree with Canopy on the trees issue. If Cambodia wanted to, they could stop the illegal logging from Thai territory by supporting the pirates with some other forms of employment. If there were no death penalty then the trees would be rapidly taken and the jungles decimated.

These are not death penalties, these are executions without any form of trial. This is something I would expect from a nation like North Korea, but even then, there would have been protests from all over the world. Somehow, Thailand seems to escape any form of publicity around their killings, and mind you, this is not a unique example.

Do you have ANY evidence to support that statement, or proof that the loggers were not armed and resisting arrest as claimed in the OP?

I have no evidence whatsoever, but I find it "interesting" that these dangerous criminals haven't been able to kill any Thai soldiers but are apparently dying like flies themselves. I also find it interesting that, while Thais who cross the borders illegally, to Cambodia or Myanmar, are sent to jail, these Cambodians are routinely shot. Either, the Thai military lack the knowledge of how to capture prisoners, or Cambodians are unusually heavily armed as well as skillful, or the Thai military simply don't care how many they kill. After all, the victims are not Thai, so what's the problem?

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Question of education: Thai parents and teachers should stop to teach contempt for Khmer and Burmese and Lao to the kids.

This will never happen; I remember when I took the "language and culture course," during the part on Thai history the teacher, when talking about the destruction of Ayuthaya, nearly burst into tears; the hatred and anger in her eyes when talking about the Burmese was unbelievable. This was an educated; professional person.

I've been around plenty of Israelis and Arabs, and I have very rarely seen hatred such as this. The Thais really hate, hate, hate the Burmese.

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These are not death penalties, these are executions without any form of trial. This is something I would expect from a nation like North Korea, but even then, there would have been protests from all over the world. Somehow, Thailand seems to escape any form of publicity around their killings, and mind you, this is not a unique example.

Do you have ANY evidence to support that statement, or proof that the loggers were not armed and resisting arrest as claimed in the OP?

I have no evidence whatsoever, but I find it "interesting" that these dangerous criminals haven't been able to kill any Thai soldiers but are apparently dying like flies themselves. I also find it interesting that, while Thais who cross the borders illegally, to Cambodia or Myanmar, are sent to jail, these Cambodians are routinely shot. Either, the Thai military lack the knowledge of how to capture prisoners, or Cambodians are unusually heavily armed as well as skillful, or the Thai military simply don't care how many they kill. After all, the victims are not Thai, so what's the problem?

194 Cambodian loggers were captured, and NOT executed without trial. 38 were killed, as publicly declared, with a claim that they were armed. In any law enforcement situation, armed criminals who resist arrest and/or flee are likely to end up dead.

Any reasonably proficient military patrol should be able to sneak up on loggers engaged in a noisy occupation, surprise them and overcome resistance with overwhelming firepower. That is what they are trained to do.

Please stop your racial slurs and accusations of murder until you have proof rather than some anti-military bias.

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I support the saying: "armed bandits" they deserved to be shot.

If some armed robber came to rob your house, will you shoot at them, or invite them in to rape your daughter as a bonus?

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

So you know they were armed? You were there? The Thai military never claimed they were armed only an unnamed official in Bangkok. That does not seem a little suspect to you? If they were armed then the shooting could be justified. But I will not make that asumption based upon an official far away from the scene.

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Armed Thai invading forest land in Myanmar are going to court this week.

None were shot by the Myanmar govt.

If the other way round? I am such they will be all dead by now.

There was a report of one Thai killed in the Myanmar arrests. It seems that they didn't use the weapons they were carrying, and will get an extra 20 years for possessing them.

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I support the saying: "armed bandits" they deserved to be shot.

If some armed robber came to rob your house, will you shoot at them, or invite them in to rape your daughter as a bonus?

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

So you know they were armed? You were there? The Thai military never claimed they were armed only an unnamed official in Bangkok. That does not seem a little suspect to you? If they were armed then the shooting could be justified. But I will not make that asumption based upon an official far away from the scene.

Or take the word of an anonymous poster on TVF, equally distant, who will make assumptions on his own bias?

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This is the way Thais think about their neighbors, as animals which can be shot like rabbits (in France, we shoot rabbits). They are very lucky that the Burmese and Cambodian authorities are more civilized and just jail the Thai trespassers.

Question of education: Thai parents and teachers should stop to teach contempt for Khmer and Burmese and Lao to the kids.

Have you forgotten Pol Pot I think he was a Cambodian

Remember, yes, but these executions are going on under Yinglucks administration. Perhaps we should ask her what she thinks. cheesy.gif

Her response might be " Everything is perfect in this well organized country". Or, "nothing in Thailand is going up in price. It is just the imagination of the people". She would make a very good stand up comic. One liners on the level of "Little George II'.

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hhiser does not appear to understand the drug trade issue. To suggest that the death penalty serves to increase traffic is absurd. Surely it is the money involved. Unless he is saying that the drug lemmings get a thrill from the prospect of death. What a stupid outlook. I agree with Canopy on the trees issue. If Cambodia wanted to, they could stop the illegal logging from Thai territory by supporting the pirates with some other forms of employment. If there were no death penalty then the trees would be rapidly taken and the jungles decimated.

These are not death penalties, these are executions without any form of trial. This is something I would expect from a nation like North Korea, but even then, there would have been protests from all over the world. Somehow, Thailand seems to escape any form of publicity around their killings, and mind you, this is not a unique example.

You guys are taking yourselves too seriously. A death penalty is a fun thing. Think of it as sport. Why hold a trial? Most trials in Thailand are a sham. If someone has cash they can buy their way out of a trial. But, hard to buy your way out of an approaching bullet. It is a very clean form of justice. No trial. No jury. Just the poacher, and his oncoming bullet. How efficient. Also, one would also have to consider the deterrent factor. Probably effective. News travels fast. Cut Thai trees down at the risk of life and limb. Protect the forests, baby!

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Seems to me your logic is a bit lacking. Since the loggers have not stopped trying. You are advocating the same policies applied to the people involved in the Drug Trade and Terrorism. Both of which are continuing to occur and it could be argued that the policy has increased the occurence of each.

Don't lump this in with drugs and terrorism policies that are certainly stupid and failed approaches. It is clear that simply arresting people like Cambodia advocates has likewise proven to be a failed approach in their own country. Defenseless tigers, elephants, forests and the like must be vigorously protected or they will be gone to the detriment of all of us and those that follow. You won't get any sympathy from me for taking on armed bandits stealing from all of us. Though imperfect, I don't see a better solution.

I see your point, I really do. However, the rise in poaching of elephants, rhinos, tigers 'and the like', has reached astronomical proportions despite a 'shoot any poacher on sight policy'. I couldn't give a flying one re the poachers/loggers, but if this shoot to kill policy is failing to protect these species, we must find a way that does or it will simply continue until nothing is left. Any recommendations?
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These problems won't go away until the countries involved get rid of the widespread corruption. I can't see that happening. To make matters worse, I don't think the average Thai gives a hoot about the forests, as long as there's space to park the car. Most of the forests in Thailand are gone, and the rest will follow except some patches of national parks (with sufficient space to park the cars).

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