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Best Route Chaiyaphum - Phitsanulok

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I am going to drive from Chaiyaphum to Phitsanulok now on saturday morning. And I am a bit uncertain which route is the best one for driving my car?

I appreciate any help - also if you can recommend a good readable map over this route would be wonderful!!!

Thanks in advance....



Only one route unless you want to spend a couple of hours going out of your way to take the the northern jungle/hills route. The one route is:

Head west out of Chaiyaphum on highway 225. After 150 k you will cross highway 21 near Bueng Samphan. keep going west on highway 225 for a further 50k. You will then hit highway 11 at Nong Bua. Turn right/north (it might even be signposted to Pitsanulok at this stage, but just keep heading north on 11 until it is! Pitsanulok is about 150k north of Nong Bua.

All disatances are approx.

I have driven it. The first part from C to highway 21 looks a bit twisty on the map, but in reality it is a pretty fast two lane wide highway with not a lot of traffic. The bit from BS to NB is even straighter and faster. Highway 11 is mostly four lane divided highway/dual carriageway and only traffic lights - say every 10k - and potential police traps will limit your speed.

Regional Thinknet maps at 120 baht (maybe a bit more by now) are widely available at larger 711s and the bookshops you get in Tesco/Big C. You will need the Northern one plus the North-Eastern one - you could dispense with the NE one if you are confident in just following the 225 until you hit highway 21, which is where the Northern one starts.

If those are too detailed for your needs, the any national road map would be good enough for this very straightforward route.


I am deeply grateful for your good directions. And It will be a pleasure to follow them on saturday.

Again, thank you my friend...



Forgot to add. You will see on the map that Highway 11 doesn't actually run through Pitsanulok - it forks right about 10k outside the town to continue North to Uttaradit. Its all very heavily signed though when you get up to that point.


If you have a Tab speednavi or sygic are good products for a GPS system. GPS systems give you so much useful information. Both products do frequent up dates on maps and other information. I have a garmin gps but maps are not updated often. Read up on the systems and make your decision. with a GPS system you will never get lost.


Checked up the last link and found actually two or even three way to Phitsanulok. but only towo ways IN to Phitsanulook, road 11 and road 12.

The first choice was given by Santisuk and also by KhunBENQ and the google showed the way when i typed in "Muang Chaiyaphum to Muang Phitsanulok than the map showed road 225 and than a right turn into road 11 all the way up to Phitsanulok. Distance shown was more than 317 kilometers.

The other choice i found was when I typed in "Chaiyaphum to Phitsanulok " and than google choosed to show road 201 from Chaiyaphum and a left turn up at Chum Phae in to road 12 and than follow this road all the way to Phitsanulok. Distance shown was 276 kilomters......

So I am tempted to do road 201 and earn a shorter road with some 80 kilometers counting both ways...

Again I thank you guys that has been so helpful to me....



Route 201 is very well known to me as I live near Chum Phae.

About 60 km of it is two lane road (one lane per direction) and quite busy as it is THE main road from Bangkok to Chaiyaphum/Chum Phae/Loei (all the bus routes go there, trucks, rural traffic).

Can get quite exhausting.

I have not driven the route that SantiSuk suggests, but it sounds easier to drive.


Yes you are right KhunBENGQ, but it is still 40 kilometers longer one way..... OK I will go up to Phitsanulok via 201, and I will go home the other way throught number 11 + 225......And make a comparizon....




We are now talking about what I described as the northern/jungle route. I have not driven the bit up from Chaiyaphum to Chum Phae on highway 12, but I have driven highway 12, Chum Phae to Phitsanulok. Both of the two alternative routes we are discussing are part of my journey from lower Isaan (SiSaket) to Chaing Mai and I have done both twice

The Highway 12 route is flat and fast until it hits the hills and jungle. Then it is very scenic and slow (two lane, medium wide, twisty and up and down - you will frequently get stuck behind lorries and coaches) as it passes through national parks (no fees though) until about 50k short of Pitsanulok when it gets flat and medium fast through more populated rural areas.

I'm surprised that this northern jungle route is 40k shorter, since Chum Pae is north east of Chaiyaphum (from memory). I'll take that at face value though and modify my estimate of the difference in time taken between the two routes as being nearer one hour than two - but probably nearest to a 90 mins difference I suspect). IMO you would also use more fuel on the northern route. No heavy climbs and I suspect only up from 200 to 2,000 metres but I seem to recall it went up and down a fair bit - not just one up and down.

Up to you - the northern route is for tourism and the southern route is for getting there efficiently. It does have to be said that (apart from a 50k stretch around the hills between Chaiyaphum and highway 21, the southern route is dead flat and boring! Get your girlfriend to call the Chaityaphum coach operator to Chiang Mai if you want a second check on the veracity of my efficiency claims.

Enjoy it whichever way you go!


I'd go Nong Bua Daeng/Kaset Somboon - good road nearly all the way and much quieter than the eastern route up to Phukeo, and you can cut across from Kaset to near Chulabhorn Dam, not such good road but brings you out a fair distance west of Chum Phae, and onto another big road across to Lom Sak and eventually Phitsanulok.

I've been as far as Lom Sak along there from Chaiyaphum and it's good road, so unless the Lom Sak to Phitsu road is terrible, that's the route I would use.

The road west out of Chaiyaphum through Pakdee Chumphon and over towards Nakon Sawan is lovely, but a long grind on two lane roads, sometimes quite hilly and if you get stuck behind a truck then you'll lose hours.


Yes you are right KhunBENGQ, but it is still 40 kilometers longer one way.....

We are talking Mueang ("city") Chaiyaphum to Mueang Pistanulok?

Google Maps is of contrary opinion, Route 11 and 225 is the shortest (316 km).


The link I am using is the following.

http://distancecalculator.globefeed.com/Thailand_Distance_Result.asp?fromplace=Chaiyaphum (Chaiyaphum)&toplace=Phitsanulok (Phitsanulok)&fromlat=15.8&tolat=16.8333333&fromlng=102.0333333&tolng=100.25

And it says the following "

The Distance between
Chaiyaphum (Chaiyaphum)
Phitsanulok (Phitsanulok)
is :

222.29 kilometers (km).

The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 255.63 km to 277.86 km

And this is the route road 225 plus road 12 to Phitsanulok....



My last post in this thread, then giving up mfr_closed1.gif

Your calculation is completely useless.

I have checked three different route planers (google, nokia, bing).

The minimum driving distance is about 320 km on 225 and 11.

This "distancecalculator" is a nice academic tool but completely useless for route planning.

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