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Guys Who Cannot Manage To Get Any Relationship In Thailand

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Of course, once his woman gets cozy, she eventually begins to resent the way he uses his money to manipulate everything in his favour. The way he dismisses her opinions, goes out lashing it with his mates and shags the bargirls. The point is that men like this are loathe to recognise or address the deficiencies in their arsenals because they believe that money can make up for a bad attitude. Hence, they end up in the same place they were in back home.

While I have to (grudgingly) agree with most of your post, I would

1) dispute that many men can ever learn 'empathy' and

2) Point out that when it all goes pear shaped, the wife/gf here is instantly replaceable.

(assuming the guy hasn't been daft enough to blow all his cash on a house/car in the first one's name)


Of course, once his woman gets cozy, she eventually begins to resent the way he uses his money to manipulate everything in his favour. The way he dismisses her opinions, goes out lashing it with his mates and shags the bargirls. The point is that men like this are loathe to recognise or address the deficiencies in their arsenals because they believe that money can make up for a bad attitude. Hence, they end up in the same place they were in back home.

While I have to (grudgingly) agree with most of your post, I would

1) dispute that many men can ever learn 'empathy' and

2) Point out that when it all goes pear shaped, the wife/gf here is instantly replaceable.

(assuming the guy hasn't been daft enough to blow all his cash on a house/car in the first one's name)

So what are you saying? That men can never learn empathy ?


So what are you saying? That men can never learn empathy ?

Yes, it's something you have, or you don't.

So in your opinion, it's not possible to put oneself in another's position and imagine how they must be feeling?


So what are you saying? That men can never learn empathy ?

Yes, it's something you have, or you don't.

So in your opinion, it's not possible to put oneself in another's position and imagine how they must be feeling?

It is possible but why bother? Would that person bother to understand your feelings?

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Some guys like relationships and some like to play around, I suppose that Thailand offers both, choose one or move between one to the other. Can't see how there is a right or wrong way to approach these things, just do what is right for you. Women here are naturally interested in the quality of life you will be able to provide, not sure how some believe women in the west are any different, same nesting drives apply.

I think some guys will do better in relationships here than the west and others the opposite, coming here the formulas are different and as such one would expect differing outcomes. And wasn't it said "it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all". As such even those that do get hammered are probabbly better off than if they had stayed at home living a lonely life waiting to check out.


After having spent more than 2/3 of my life either married or in a LTR, I now run from the word "commitment". It's not that I can't have a LTR either in the west or in Thailand, I don't want a LTR or marriage. The happy hunting grounds for any variety of relationship has always been fertile in Thailand. My problem with the LOS is that it is becoming too westernized and the mindset of the people has been tainted with the influence from the west. That and the impact that western fast food is having on the ladies. Not to mention to ever increasing prices.


So what are you saying? That men can never learn empathy ?

Yes, it's something you have, or you don't.

So in your opinion, it's not possible to put oneself in another's position and imagine how they must be feeling?

Men have empathy - we just use it appropriately. Women have empathy and use it inappropriately. As in all the time instead of doing something useful, they empathise.

It is possible but why bother? Would that person bother to understand your feelings?

I guess that would depend on whether one actually seeks those qualities in a woman.

Personally, I do but I suspect that, for more than a few men here, such things rank pretty low on their list of "must haves" and that's fine but, hey, I'm not one of those guys who failed at relationships back home.


Back home I was in a relationship for over 13 years, and then my partner died. After a while I then came to Thailand and had my ordeal with some Thai gf's but now I am married again with a Thai girl who again I want to spend the rest of my life with.


There is a saying that men who were not able to get into a realtionship in their home countries will not be able to get a relationship here either. What are your thoughts?

Maybe they don't want one? rolleyes.gif


Getting a "Relationship in Thailand"is very easy, getting a genuine good relationship in Thailand is very difficult,and a Major Difference!

Considering that a very good,honest, straightforward relationship is virtually priceless,then do not raise your expectencies too high,until you have experienced hitting the deck a few times.Then you will know the difference!

There is a saying that men who were not able to get into a realtionship in their home countries will not be able to get a relationship here either. What are your thoughts?

Maybe they don't want one? rolleyes.gif

Sure Semper, and of course some will settle for a superficial one,with no strings attached,what else is new in Disneyland?


Relationships are for sale here either short time, time share, or mortgage variety. Any freak or weirdo will have no problems at all as long as they have the money. The only people who might struggle are those acclimatised to real relationships and have not wiped off their morals and culture from their shoes at immigration when they enter the country.

Unfortunately I am also one of the people who is dreaming of a real relationship and I do not want the mortgage variety either so I guess I must be standing on lost ground.

there is a sign on all forengners heads here that says sexpat to every thai woman. you have to live here a long time to overcome that, i mean many months. one sighting with a bargirl and it's all over with the "real relationship" women of the non-salaried variety, so dont bring paid girls home or to your neighborhood or to food stalls around where you live. thais can tell a paid woman just by her mannerisms without talking to her. they cant tell with a foreigner though, they just think sexpat.


Unfortunately I am also one of the people who is dreaming of a real relationship and I do not want the mortgage variety either so I guess I must be standing on lost ground.

After 3+ years of a real relationship, i'm daydreaming of the good ole single partylife days,actually i've been daydreaming of those days for a long time now,a very long time


first things first,,

im very happy in my ltr with my wife and kids, 2 and another due 14sept,

what makes me lol, is that some on here are saying that to be here you have to be some kind of freak or dysfunctional men,,lol,,

but they are here, what is that saying about them????

to be honest im not botherd what others do, if someone wants to go out and go with a different girl every nite thats up to them, i will admit i went through that for a couple of trips years ago and enjoyed it very very much,

everyone to there own thats me, if people are happy then go for it,

take care all jake

what makes me lol, is that some on here are saying that to be here you have to be some kind of freak or dysfunctional men,,lol,,

but they are here, what is that saying about them???

Don't think anybody said one has to be a freak or dysfunctional to be here but it appears that English is probably not your first language so I'll assume you just misread my post.


lincolnshire born and bred,,, must be all the country air, just had a read again, my fault, see i even say sorry,,lol

too easy going by half,,lol



So what are you saying? That men can never learn empathy ?

Yes, it's something you have, or you don't.

So in your opinion, it's not possible to put oneself in another's position and imagine how they must be feeling?

It is possible but why bother? Would that person bother to understand your feelings?

Saying the following prayer, although I'm not a Christian,every morning for 5 years helped me develop some degree of empathy. Just saying as it totally changed my life:-

Lord, make me a channel of thy peace; that where there is hatred, I may bring love; that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness; that where there is discord, I may bring harmony; that where there is error, I may bring truth; that where there is doubt, I may bring faith; that where there is despair, I may bring hope; that where there are shadows, I may bring light; that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted; to understand, than to be understood; to love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life. Amen.

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I wouldn't even class the majority of couples here to be in a "relationship"! More of a business agreement!

Most relationships all over the world are a business agreement, it's only the men who don't understand that.

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There is a saying that men who were not able to get into a realtionship in their home countries will not be able to get a relationship here either. What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are that this would be incorrect, based on personal experience.

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There is a saying that men who were not able to get into a realtionship in their home countries will not be able to get a relationship here either. What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are that this would be incorrect, based on personal experience.

I would say it's correct with some. I knew a few guys who are just complete half wits who can't even maintain friends, let alone maintain a relationship. I have seen some really screwed up people here.

There is a saying that men who were not able to get into a realtionship in their home countries will not be able to get a relationship here either. What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are that this would be incorrect, based on personal experience.

I would say it's correct with some. I knew a few guys who are just complete half wits who can't even maintain friends, let alone maintain a relationship. I have seen some really screwed up people here.

I believe that, but it seems hard to make the sweeping generalizations that I see in some posts in this topic. Note the the original post didn't go into any of that, it just stated that men who were not able to get into a relationship in their home countries will not be able to get one here either. It didn't single out complete halfwits who can't even maintain friends specifically, just everyone. That can't be accurate.

I was never in a relationship back home, but have been almost continuously in Thailand.

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I wouldn't even class the majority of couples here to be in a "relationship"! More of a business agreement!

Most relationships all over the world are a business agreement, it's only the men who don't understand that.

Well you'd better hope your wife doesn't share that opinion in the event that, one day, you're unable to fulfill your obligations on the farm or you'll be right back to square one, eh?

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