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Anybody tried this.

We've lived together for aprox 1 year.

Plan to get married.

I have solid business here. Workpermit, money in the bank, etc.

What kind of question do they ask about relationship and stuff like that.

What kind of proof of cohabitant do the expect?

How long did it take?

Appreciate all answers.




Sorry, but it's not clear from your topic title or your post:-

Are you Danish and your partner Thai or you Thai and your partner Danish? If neither; what nationality are you each of you?

Are you asking about visas for Thailand or Denmark? If neither; where?


Sorry, should have made that clear.

Im a danish citizen. But live in Thailand.

My GF is Thai.

We want visa for her, to go to Denmark for a few weeks.


Then she needs to apply for a Schengen visa from the Danish embassy.

For the spouse of an EU national many of the requirements don't apply and the visa is free. Unmarried partners are treated as spouses, but I think you need to have lived together for longer than 1 year to be classed as unmarried partners. Check with the embassy.

If they don't class you as unmarried partners then she will need to complete her application as a general tourist and pay the fee.

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