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Prayuth Files Complaint Against Thaksin Lawyer Robert Amsterdam For Defamation


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Prayuth files complaint against Thaksin lawyer for defamation

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Army commander-in-chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha has asked police to take legal action against red-shirt lawyer Robert Amsterdam and a Thai female interpreter for allegedly defaming the Army.

On Friday, Prayuth had a legal officer, Colonel Sayun Khunkhajee, file the complaint with the Lumpini police station. Pol Captain Bodin Khampui received the complaint filed against Amsterdam and an unidentified woman, who translated his speech during a red-shirt rally on May 19.

Sayun also handed over a CD with a video clip of Amsterdam's speech to the police station.

In the speech, Amsterdam alleged the Thai Army committed brutality against the red-shirt people, using snipers. He alleged the Army tried to frighten the red shirts so they could not campaign for their rights.

"Two years ago, I was here and I witnessed the brutality of the Thai Army," Amsterdam said in the speech.

"But I want to tell you something. They are using American guns. We must tell the American government to stop training Thai snipers. Because of America, those snipers are [aiming] at us. I have also one question for the Thai Army. "Who is attacking Thailand? Why is the Army so scared? [Why] do they make us so frightened? The truth is that the Army wants us frightened so that we don't have the time to think about our own rights."

Pol Maj-General Anuchai Lekbamrung, deputy metropolitan police commissioner, said the Metropolitan Police Division 5 has set up a team of investigators to be in charge of the case.

Anuchai said the team would be fair to both Amsterdam and the Army.

Learning of the complaint, Amsterdam announced on his Twitter page that he would inform the International Court of Justice of the Army chief's move.

"News that Thai Army & General Prayuth have filed criminal charges against me will be on ICC’s desk on Monday morning," his twitter message reads.

Amsterdam also posted a Thai-language statement about his reaction to the Army's complaint.

He said in the statement the legal move showed that the Army and former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva were desperate because of legal action against them so they were trying to use scare tactics to over up their alleged wrongdoings.

In the statement, Amsterdam stood by his speech made on May 19, the second anniversary of the crackdown on the red-shirt protesters at the Rajprasong Intersection.

Amsterdam said in the statement he would continue to work with determination to bring senior leaders to justice on charge of crimes against humanity related to the crackdowns.

In another development, Prchatai.com website has published a document it claimed to be an order from the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation. The document purportedly stated that troops and police at security checkpoints could request backup from snipers in case they spotted armed men among the demonstrators.


-- The Nation 2012-08-20

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

The defamation laws in Thailand are a complete joke...no mater what opinion on the topic that everyone sues everyone is blocking the complete juristic system.

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

What great truth has he spoken?

Other than regurgitating buckets of red bile, I can't remember anything of any substance.

I do remember the 300 dead reds or whatever the number that were supposed to have been disposed of and later turned up as piles of skins and bones from a previous catastrophe. Must have had some egg on his purple mush for that one!

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Mr. Amsterdam come sown on holiday, they had booked for you at Bangkok Hilton !!!

Just look at Songhi !

When you are spreading lies you have to stand for them !

The army had told all so many times that they do not have sniper rifles in Cal. 308 (the US Army does also not use Cal. 308 for snipers) and the people killed by snipers, was shot with Cal. 308 !!

So my opinion is "That some could have shot them,s ot they thought the reds would get more symphathy"

Have all forgot that the reds was quite well armed as well !!!! Granates, rifles, pistols etc. and the reds was all sponsored by Thaksin !!

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

He speaks exactly what he is paid to do and as the truth would harm his employer he rarely speaks that. Do you honestly think that if Thaksin wasnt paying him he would be remotely interested in Thailand?

............Amnesty has limited itself to the human rights issues and has avoided politics. Amnesty has been in touch with Mr. Amsterdam over the past year and is aware of the substance of his claims, as well as his political strategy, for which he is compensated. In this context, Mr. Amsterdam is a paid advocate of former Thai PM Thaksin, and is thus very clearly a partisan of one side of the political crisis. This is not a value judgment on Mr. Amsterdam’s position, it is simply a factual observation that implicates a rule that Amnesty applies in its work everywhere: remain neutral, objective, and impartial. Sharing a platform with Mr. Amsterdam would place Amnesty in breach of that rule...............

Amnesty International understands that Mr. Amsterdam has presented a petition to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the alleged commission of crimes against humanity by Thai authorities in April and May 2010. Thailand, however, has not acceded to the Rome Statute establising the ICC, meaning that the only possible way a case based on events involving Thai citizens in Thailand could reach the ICC would be through a referral by the UN Security Council................... Finally, in addressing any situation that involves accountability in Thailand, Amnesty again must maintain its neutrality and avoid political partisanship. Thus, alongside discussion of the allegations raised by Mr. Amsterdam, considerable reference would also need to be made, among other events, to the thousands of extrajudicial executions as part of Mr. Taksin’s “war on drugs” and during counter-insurgency operations in southern Thailand. Mr. Thaksin strenuously combated Amnesty’s efforts to seek accountability for these serious violations.


You are quoting Bernard Zawacki (needless to say no attribution given), a well known defender of the status quo in Thailand (or more accurately someone who desperately doesn't want to offend the elites) who has come under frequent criticism from human rights organisations.Has since changed his tune incidentally after many complaints to Amnesty International and more recently has taken a more balanced approach.This isn't to say one doesn't sympathise with his concerns aboyt Thaksin and human rights.

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Mr. Amsterdam come sown on holiday, they had booked for you at Bangkok Hilton !!!

Just look at Songhi !

When you are spreading lies you have to stand for them !

The army had told all so many times that they do not have sniper rifles in Cal. 308 (the US Army does also not use Cal. 308 for snipers) and the people killed by snipers, was shot with Cal. 308 !!

So my opinion is "That some could have shot them,s ot they thought the reds would get more symphathy"

Have all forgot that the reds was quite well armed as well !!!! Granates, rifles, pistols etc. and the reds was all sponsored by Thaksin !!

More ranting and personal abuse of Amsterdam.Point further proven.

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

Robert Amsterdam's job is to translate his employer's incoherent ramblings into something understandable. And whenever he goes beyond this task it becomes apparent that he is venturing into terra incognita. Best example for that was his comparison of the Yellow shirts with Rober Mugabe's war veteran thugs that were terrorizing Zimbabwe. Not only did it, au contraire, uncover the parallels between them and Thaksin's red rabble, he also managed to anger Thaksin's intimate business partner Robert Mugabe. Understandably, he dropped this silly allegation.

Let's wait until Mr Amsterdam's most famous client, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is released from prison. Maybe we will then see this "human rights lawyer" sharing a room with Mr. Assange in the embassy of Ecuador - also fearing for his life (Mr Amsterdam's activities provided his client with some extra years in jail.)

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The fact that this Army Officer would also charge the interpreter is mind boggling and such a clear demonstration of how petty and adolescent this society can be. If this pooying has committed a crime by simply translating RA's nonsense, why not charge Apple with a crime, I do believe he was reading his speech notes from an iPad.

Thai politics often reminds me of children at the diner table; Mom Somchai is looking at me......Mom Fai said a bad word to me.......etc, etc!!! It truly makes one contemplate the future of this Pineapple Republic and lament the fact that it has the natural resources, geography and population base to be a regional power-house and global stand-out in so many positive sectors.

" Mr. Amsterdam’s words were translated into Thai hence the charges being filed against his interpreter as well."

Crazy. On this basis, who ever posted up this onto this website should be named, the newspapers, anyone. Bunch of jokers.

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

What great truth has he spoken?

Other than regurgitating buckets of red bile, I can't remember anything of any substance.

I do remember the 300 dead reds or whatever the number that were supposed to have been disposed of and later turned up as piles of skins and bones from a previous catastrophe. Must have had some egg on his purple mush for that one!

And again.Robert Amsterdam abused personally - no serious made to deal with his arguments rationally.

That's why we have you here, isn't it? wink.png

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

Robert Amsterdam's job is to translate his employer's incoherent ramblings into something understandable. And whenever he goes beyond this task it becomes apparent that he is venturing into terra incognita. Best example for that was his comparison of the Yellow shirts with Rober Mugabe's war veteran thugs that were terrorizing Zimbabwe. Not only did it, au contraire, uncover the parallels between them and Thaksin's red rabble, he also managed to anger Thaksin's intimate business partner Robert Mugabe. Understandably, he dropped this silly allegation.

Let's wait until Mr Amsterdam's most famous client, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is released from prison. Maybe we will then see this "human rights lawyer" sharing a room with Mr. Assange in the embassy of Ecuador - also fearing for his life (Mr Amsterdam's activities provided his client with some extra years in jail.)

An example of someone who clearly disapproves of Robert Amsterdam but manages to include some substantive points rather than relying on abuse.

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

What great truth has he spoken?

Other than regurgitating buckets of red bile, I can't remember anything of any substance.

I do remember the 300 dead reds or whatever the number that were supposed to have been disposed of and later turned up as piles of skins and bones from a previous catastrophe. Must have had some egg on his purple mush for that one!

And again.Robert Amsterdam abused personally - no serious made to deal with his arguments rationally.

I asked what great truth he has spoken. I shall wait with baited breath for details of his magnum opus and shall pore over it with fervor.

On the other hand if this great lawyer is committing acts of prejudice to the case in the form of presenting unproved opinions as fact, then excuse me if I pour further scorn on the individual in question.

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Mr. Amsterdam come sown on holiday, they had booked for you at Bangkok Hilton !!!

Just look at Songhi !

When you are spreading lies you have to stand for them !

The army had told all so many times that they do not have sniper rifles in Cal. 308 (the US Army does also not use Cal. 308 for snipers) and the people killed by snipers, was shot with Cal. 308 !!

So my opinion is "That some could have shot them,s ot they thought the reds would get more symphathy"

Have all forgot that the reds was quite well armed as well !!!! Granates, rifles, pistols etc. and the reds was all sponsored by Thaksin !!

I am no gun expert but doesn't .308 calibre equate to 7.62mm which is not an uncommon calibre for sniper rifles. A quick google came up with this one:


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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

A Barney the dinosaur outfit would be more suitable for this intellectual powerhouse.

He seems to have done quite well for his clients as they press the case for fundamental human rights and basic freedoms. If it wasn't for people like him, tyrants and military dictatorships would run amuck.

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

I didn't even realise he was Jewish. Who has been bringing that into the argument?

Sent from my HTC phone.

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I asked what great truth he has spoken. I shall wait with baited breath for details of his magnum opus and shall pore over it with fervor.

On the other hand if this great lawyer is committing acts of prejudice to the case in the form of presenting unproved opinions as fact, then excuse me if I pour further scorn on the individual in question.

Go and read his paper that he published in 2010. You can download the pdf from his website. Read it and then comment.

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I asked what great truth he has spoken. I shall wait with baited breath for details of his magnum opus and shall pore over it with fervor.

On the other hand if this great lawyer is committing acts of prejudice to the case in the form of presenting unproved opinions as fact, then excuse me if I pour further scorn on the individual in question.

Go and read his paper that he published in 2010. You can download the pdf from his website. Read it and then comment.

I've read it already. I found it to be full of unsubstantiated hyperbole and clearly one-eyed.

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

A Barney the dinosaur outfit would be more suitable for this intellectual powerhouse.

He seems to have done quite well for his clients as they press the case for fundamental human rights and basic freedoms. If it wasn't for people like him, tyrants and military dictatorships would run amuck.

Maybe you should ask his client Mikhail Khodorkovsky. This former Russian businessman is cursing the day he met Mr Amsterdam and asked him to join his legal team. Mr Amsterdam's subsequent tactic of publicly denouncing Russia as Dictatorship (true but not helpful) and the description of Mr Khodorkovsky as innocent democracy activist (hilariously off the mark, he was one of the Russian Mafia "biznessmeni" who plundered Russian assets during the "Free for All" Yeltsin years) personally angered Mr Putin, created despair among Mr K.'s russian lawyers and provided Mr Khodorkovsky with a few extra years on ridiculously trumped up charges - just to show Mr Amsterdam who had the bigger xxxxxxxxx (self censored).

I would never even remotely consider this guy to work for me.

edit: typo

Edited by MikeOboe57
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Amsterdam is just another hired gun for the Shinawatra marketing machine. Same same English version of Nopadon. Will say, and put any spin on anything he thinks he needs to, to achieve his client's goals.

I look forward to him fronting up to argue infront of Thai judge, however, it will not happen.

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I'd like to see Amsterdam in a Thai prison

And so would Prayuth.However's Amsterdam's main offence in his eyes (and perhaps in yours) is that he speaks no more than the truth - not a commodity valued in some quarters.However as always in Thailand the critics of Amsterdam focus on the personal, including anti Semitic slurs on occasion, rather than the substance of his charges.

I didn't even realise he was Jewish. Who has been bringing that into the argument?

Sent from my HTC phone.

Anti semitic slurs are never part of the argument.They are just anti semitic slurs.The chief offender, though to be fair he has tried to refute the charge, is S.P Somtow (actually a rather admirable guy whom I greatly respect)

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