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Is It Just Me Or......

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I have been in Thailand quite few times during the last 10 years.

Despite all I heard at the time (being very unsafe, dirty, people rip you off at all times etc. especially BKK) I went for the first time and found a complete different atmosphere, so different that I fell in love with it and I went again and again and few years ago I stayed for nearly a year (visarun etc.) and I got so used to the way of living there that I find really hard to re-establish myself in here. I am from London and I got to the point to hate the lifestyle and the continued rising of costs of living and pressure at work (and lately is also getting difficult to find work as well), all of you UK guys know what I am talking about…

I have traveled all over the world from USA to Japan and I have never found a place where the “locals” are so nice and friendly, I have learnt a lot from the so-called third world countries in Asia and I think that the all lot changed me quite a bit. There is no such words like friendship, love, believing in something but just “money”, to me it seems like the other way around being the most civilized countries the third world at the point that people would kill their mothers for money. Nowadays if you don’t have a house with few tvs, computers, a couple of cars etc you are just nobody, it seems that we are valued for what WE HAVE and not for what WE ARE at the point that even an 80 years old pensioner can be jailed for not being able to afford to pay a huge amount on tax after having worked all life.

I wonder if it is just me finding it so difficult to live here back home after I “tasted” the poor people lifestyle in Thailand, also am I the only one having felt happy with very little in Thailand while feeling lonely and useless with having so much back home?

The above is just my opinion based on personal experiences


That's why I presently live in Thailand. I 've travelled all my life and have always felt that utter suppression upon returning "home" - to perform, accumulate, contribute to the endless cycle of consumerism.... blah, blah. But, alas, it is following us. The third world is developing and the residents want a slice of the pie.

It is no longer possible to live outside a consumerist world. I feel it here. The cost of living is rising. The demands of the west are biting at my heels. There is no escape. Some places are slower in catching up than others, but eventually ....... :o:D

I wonder if it is just me finding it so difficult to live here back home after I “tasted” the poor people lifestyle in Thailand, also am I the only one having felt happy with very little in Thailand while feeling lonely and useless with having so much back home?

The above is just my opinion based on personal experiences

It's kinda strange that the lifestyle of the poor that you adore is not so much adored by the poor people themselves who try their best to get a life style that would make you feel lonely and useless.

That's why I presently live in Thailand. I 've travelled all my life and have always felt that utter suppression upon returning "home" - to perform, accumulate, contribute to the endless cycle of consumerism.... blah, blah. But, alas, it is following us. The third world is developing and the residents want a slice of the pie.

It is no longer possible to live outside a consumerist world. I feel it here. The cost of living is rising. The demands of the west are biting at my heels. There is no escape. Some places are slower in catching up than others, but eventually ....... :o:D

Well put, Khall. I, too, fear that Thailand will eventually achieve the madness of western consumerism. I think it's true as well that the Thais themselves would like nothing more than to have a slice of the pie. Be wary of what comes with it!

Hopefully the Thais will retain enough of their culture to offset so many of the worthless values which consumerism brings. Not that consumerism is a bad thing as it certainly adds to the quality of life, but when it reaches obsession then it begins to detract rather than add.


That's why I presently live in Thailand. I 've travelled all my life and have always felt that utter suppression upon returning "home" - to perform, accumulate, contribute to the endless cycle of consumerism.... blah, blah. But, alas, it is following us. The third world is developing and the residents want a slice of the pie.

It is no longer possible to live outside a consumerist world. I feel it here. The cost of living is rising. The demands of the west are biting at my heels. There is no escape. Some places are slower in catching up than others, but eventually ....... :o:D

Well put, Khall. I, too, fear that Thailand will eventually achieve the madness of western consumerism. I think it's true as well that the Thais themselves would like nothing more than to have a slice of the pie. Be wary of what comes with it!

Hopefully the Thais will retain enough of their culture to offset so many of the worthless values which consumerism brings. Not that consumerism is a bad thing as it certainly adds to the quality of life, but when it reaches obsession then it begins to detract rather than add.

I could be wrong but much of the "values" being imported will always be viewed as western, so at some point there might be a backlash or they won't be adopted fully.


That's why I presently live in Thailand. I 've travelled all my life and have always felt that utter suppression upon returning "home" - to perform, accumulate, contribute to the endless cycle of consumerism.... blah, blah. But, alas, it is following us. The third world is developing and the residents want a slice of the pie.

It is no longer possible to live outside a consumerist world. I feel it here. The cost of living is rising. The demands of the west are biting at my heels. There is no escape. Some places are slower in catching up than others, but eventually ....... :o:D

Well put, Khall. I, too, fear that Thailand will eventually achieve the madness of western consumerism. I think it's true as well that the Thais themselves would like nothing more than to have a slice of the pie. Be wary of what comes with it!

Hopefully the Thais will retain enough of their culture to offset so many of the worthless values which consumerism brings. Not that consumerism is a bad thing as it certainly adds to the quality of life, but when it reaches obsession then it begins to detract rather than add.

......and don't many of us who live here know that Thais can be obbsessive.

Don't think that the famous Thai Smile is always what it means

I am convinced that many of them just put up with us Farangs because of what we HAVE and do their level best to take what they can from us, which is fair enough because they want to improve their own lifestyle and who can blame them for that.? I have had many "Business Propositions" put to me by so called Thai freinds and when I have'nt taken the bait I suddenly seem to have lost a "Freind"

Throughout my working life I have had to "Smile" at customers when I want to swear at them, beacuse I wanted their custom and the majority of us have had to do the same.

Its pretty much the same the world over methinks.

However I do love Thailand and Thai people in general,but some have very "Black Hearts" and are beyond the law and untouchable, some of the things you hear about in LOS would never be allowed to happen in the west



That's why I presently live in Thailand. I 've travelled all my life and have always felt that utter suppression upon returning "home" - to perform, accumulate, contribute to the endless cycle of consumerism.... blah, blah. But, alas, it is following us. The third world is developing and the residents want a slice of the pie.

It is no longer possible to live outside a consumerist world. I feel it here. The cost of living is rising. The demands of the west are biting at my heels. There is no escape. Some places are slower in catching up than others, but eventually ....... :o:D

Well put, Khall. I, too, fear that Thailand will eventually achieve the madness of western consumerism. I think it's true as well that the Thais themselves would like nothing more than to have a slice of the pie. Be wary of what comes with it!

Hopefully the Thais will retain enough of their culture to offset so many of the worthless values which consumerism brings. Not that consumerism is a bad thing as it certainly adds to the quality of life, but when it reaches obsession then it begins to detract rather than add.

I could be wrong but much of the "values" being imported will always be viewed as western, so at some point there might be a backlash or they won't be adopted fully.

Thaibebop.... Pop culture? Advertising? Movies? Art? Fashion? Same, same all over the world. There is no escape! !!!!!!!!


That's why I presently live in Thailand. I 've travelled all my life and have always felt that utter suppression upon returning "home" - to perform, accumulate, contribute to the endless cycle of consumerism.... blah, blah. But, alas, it is following us. The third world is developing and the residents want a slice of the pie.

It is no longer possible to live outside a consumerist world. I feel it here. The cost of living is rising. The demands of the west are biting at my heels. There is no escape. Some places are slower in catching up than others, but eventually ....... :o:D

Well put, Khall. I, too, fear that Thailand will eventually achieve the madness of western consumerism. I think it's true as well that the Thais themselves would like nothing more than to have a slice of the pie. Be wary of what comes with it!

Hopefully the Thais will retain enough of their culture to offset so many of the worthless values which consumerism brings. Not that consumerism is a bad thing as it certainly adds to the quality of life, but when it reaches obsession then it begins to detract rather than add.

I could be wrong but much of the "values" being imported will always be viewed as western, so at some point there might be a backlash or they won't be adopted fully.

Thaibebop.... Pop culture? Advertising? Movies? Art? Fashion? Same, same all over the world. There is no escape! !!!!!!!!

Similar maybe, but not the same. Some is worse than others I know, but some are better. Western pop culture, etc; has become just plain rude and disgusting. A pop artist tries to be taken seriously and it seems to me that in other countries this same kind of person know that they are a pop artist and not the next Dylan. So, which is better? I think I can handle poptarts better when the know what they are. Most here in America don't have any real talent anyway. They all sing through there nose and I learned that rule number one was open your mouth and sing through it not your nose. But of course Americans love these untalented pole sliding puppets, so Spears is a such a great vocalist. Our pop stars are glorifed porn stars that don't have the backbone to do real porn. I have not noticed this with other countries. Most international pop stars I have heard can sing.

Fashion, well, I have seen some footage of some fashion show from Asia. Not always great stuff, but more tastful than what I see on western runways where sex is the selling point.

Movies, now I have seen many Asian movies that deal with or have a seen with sex involved and they are nearing as graphic as Hollywood. Love scenes in Hollywood movies are down right pornographic. I don't mind porno, but I feel it should remain in the back so to speak.

Here in Yankland we use sex to sell pine sol, what other country goes so far? I have seen some commercials that I don't want my daughter watching and they are for shower soap.

Trust me Khall, the worst is yet to come from Yankland and I think many countries which have followed us will experience a backlash, especially when the cultrual shift takes place that puts Asain counrties in the place that America is now. Which is already happening. Amercians are starting to listen to and watch etc; to Asian media and fashion. China I think will be at the front of Cultural exchanges and be looked to more than America, which will help such backlashs along.


Dunno about that TBB; sometimes art mimics culture in the most interesting ways and I do believe that Asians can sometimes do it better..... they got style baby! :o

Dunno about that TBB; sometimes art mimics culture in the most interesting ways and I do believe that Asians can sometimes do it better..... they got style baby! :D

Here's hoping! :o

Yes, I like Asian style. :D


I moved to LOS at 20.

At 24 I moved to Fuatemala. Guatemala, even: :o

I´m still here, and I will eventually move again I´m sure.

It may be with more than the two or three hundred dollars I have in my name. It may be with less.

It will certainly not be back to the world we left behind. It holds no interest for me in it´s increasing lack of respect for the fellow man, and its increasing hypocrisy and/in arrogance.

I will stop before turning this into a diatribe.

I moved to LOS at 20.

At 24 I moved to Fuatemala. Guatemala, even: :D

I´m still here, and I will eventually move again I´m sure.

It may be with more than the two or three hundred dollars I have in my name. It may be with less.

It will certainly not be back to the world we left behind. It holds no interest for me in it´s increasing lack of respect for the fellow man, and its increasing hypocrisy and/in arrogance.

I will stop before turning this into a diatribe.

Good to see you back Klown......... :o When is your birthday by the way?

i´ve spent two birthdays here at the maktub. can´t remember most of either...

Well.... don't expect us to remember then! Happy birthday Klown (even tho I do recall you had one sort of recently!) :o


i´ve spent two birthdays here at the maktub. can´t remember most of either...

Well.... don't expect us to remember then! Happy birthday Klown (even tho I do recall you had one sort of recently!) :o

Ok so you are saying that money is what makes you rich or not poor . Its not the only thing , people are rich with fam ily and happiness . I live much happier in a shck with no electricty with a filipino family , happier than i have ever been .


I agree with you on your point Meom, everyone tend to improve their own living situation but I have seen here occasions where money come before family and friends....how many times have you seen this in thailand?....

I know most thais see us like a walking atm and I know about fake smiling etc I am talking about real experiences where a bg run after me when I left a bar because I had paid too much for a drink (actually few drinks) in phuket and she has walked around for a while until she found me sitting in another bar to give me the change.....or the taxi driver that didn't charge me because I spelt wrongly the place where I wanted to go and he took me somewhere else........or the man asking for change because he was hungry and he didn't have money that after disappearing for sometime returned to me offering me a packet of sigarettes because he didn't spend the all "50 bath" I gave him

How many stories like this one can you recall in your home country? Me none and I am not talking about middle class people but poor people here, people that still have pride on what they do

I moved to LOS at 20.

At 24 I moved to Fuatemala. Guatemala, even: :o

I´m still here, and I will eventually move again I´m sure.

It may be with more than the two or three hundred dollars I have in my name. It may be with less.

It will certainly not be back to the world we left behind. It holds no interest for me in it´s increasing lack of respect for the fellow man, and its increasing hypocrisy and/in arrogance.

I will stop before turning this into a diatribe.

Kayo did you go to Costa Rica by any chance? I got a few invites to work there, but I haven't made up my mind yet. (You see, I've been to BKK for 4 years and I don't feel at ease anymore when I'm in another country. LOL.)

I might visit on April to check it out, but it would help me frame my mind about the country in a favorable way (maybe?) if you could help me a little.



i´ve spent two birthdays here at the maktub. can´t remember most of either...

Well.... don't expect us to remember then! Happy birthday Klown (even tho I do recall you had one sort of recently!) :D

Ok so you are saying that money is what makes you rich or not poor . Its not the only thing , people are rich with fam ily and happiness . I live much happier in a shck with no electricty with a filipino family , happier than i have ever been .

No. How did you get that?

I was saying I've had two birthdays here in guatemala. What doe s money have to do with anything?


I agree with you on your point Meom, everyone tend to improve their own living situation but I have seen here occasions where money come before family and friends....how many times have you seen this in thailand?....

I know most thais see us like a walking atm and I know about fake smiling etc I am talking about real experiences where a bg run after me when I left a bar because I had paid too much for a drink (actually few drinks) in phuket and she has walked around for a while until she found me sitting in another bar to give me the change.....or the taxi driver that didn't charge me because I spelt wrongly the place where I wanted to go and he took me somewhere else........or the man asking for change because he was hungry and he didn't have money that after disappearing for sometime returned to me offering me a packet of sigarettes because he didn't spend the all "50 bath" I gave him

How many stories like this one can you recall in your home country? Me none and I am not talking about middle class people but poor people here, people that still have pride on what they do

Itsme, excellent post.

I moved to LOS at 20.

At 24 I moved to Fuatemala. Guatemala, even: :D

I´m still here, and I will eventually move again I´m sure.

It may be with more than the two or three hundred dollars I have in my name. It may be with less.

It will certainly not be back to the world we left behind. It holds no interest for me in it´s increasing lack of respect for the fellow man, and its increasing hypocrisy and/in arrogance.

I will stop before turning this into a diatribe.

Kayo did you go to Costa Rica by any chance? I got a few invites to work there, but I haven't made up my mind yet. (You see, I've been to BKK for 4 years and I don't feel at ease anymore when I'm in another country. LOL.)

I might visit on April to check it out, but it would help me frame my mind about the country in a favorable way (maybe?) if you could help me a little.


Hi Hearthief. I think we "met" on the "newbie welcome" forum. I'd still like to meet you. For no reasons whatsoever associated with the fact that I imagine you are a stunning philipina girl, prob speak spanish, and have been in my dreams ever since I was a kid.

Other than that.... :o:D .... No, never yet been to Costa Rica, all the travelers passing through my bar, say it's beautiful exotic, and very much a sort of off shore well kept holiday destination for americans.

Many go so far as to call it another state.

We could surely find you work here onj the most beautiful lake on the world.... :D :D



I agree with you on your point Meom, everyone tend to improve their own living situation but I have seen here occasions where money come before family and friends....how many times have you seen this in thailand?....

I know most thais see us like a walking atm and I know about fake smiling etc I am talking about real experiences where a bg run after me when I left a bar because I had paid too much for a drink (actually few drinks) in phuket and she has walked around for a while until she found me sitting in another bar to give me the change.....or the taxi driver that didn't charge me because I spelt wrongly the place where I wanted to go and he took me somewhere else........or the man asking for change because he was hungry and he didn't have money that after disappearing for sometime returned to me offering me a packet of sigarettes because he didn't spend the all "50 bath" I gave him

How many stories like this one can you recall in your home country? Me none and I am not talking about middle class people but poor people here, people that still have pride on what they do

Good post, itsme.

Here's one for you. About 3 years ago I purchased a digital camera from a couple who ran a photo shop. I was introduced to them by a co-worker. Shortly after meeting them for the first time I had a business trip scheduled for Taiwan and wanted to take some pics. I decided to go back to the photo shop as they seemed like nice people. I figured I'd rather spend my money supporting local shops versus the big name department stores.

Problem was that the time-line for my trip was foreshortened and I couldn't pull enough money out of the ATM to cover the cost of the camera (28,000 baht). Mai pen rai. This couple let me walk off with the camera and told me not to worry about paying them until I got back. They didn't ask me for a single satang as downpayment.

To contrast this story, when I was in the States a few months back I bought a coffee cake in the bakery section at one of the major grocery chains. Since I was on the road to visit my folks I asked if they might slice it for me. I was told by one of the girls that she'd have to charge me for it. Whaaattt???

In the States they'll come up with anything to make a <deleted> buck off of you. :o

I agree with you on your point Meom, everyone tend to improve their own living situation but I have seen here occasions where money come before family and friends....how many times have you seen this in thailand?....

I know most thais see us like a walking atm and I know about fake smiling etc I am talking about real experiences where a bg run after me when I left a bar because I had paid too much for a drink (actually few drinks) in phuket and she has walked around for a while until she found me sitting in another bar to give me the change.....or the taxi driver that didn't charge me because I spelt wrongly the place where I wanted to go and he took me somewhere else........or the man asking for change because he was hungry and he didn't have money that after disappearing for sometime returned to me offering me a packet of sigarettes because he didn't spend the all "50 bath" I gave him

How many stories like this one can you recall in your home country? Me none and I am not talking about middle class people but poor people here, people that still have pride on what they do

It's true that in my home country I can't recall much of these stories but maybe that has more to do with the fact that I am a native of my home country instead of a tourist.

Like the examples you give I am not so sure if the BG would run after you if you were a thai or if the taxi driver would not charge you if you were a thai etc.

Anyway I agree with you that more often than not poor people are more quick to share what little they have than reach people.


i´ve spent two birthdays here at the maktub. can´t remember most of either...

Well.... don't expect us to remember then! Happy birthday Klown (even tho I do recall you had one sort of recently!) :D

Ok so you are saying that money is what makes you rich or not poor . Its not the only thing , people are rich with fam ily and happiness . I live much happier in a shck with no electricty with a filipino family , happier than i have ever been .

No. How did you get that?

I was saying I've had two birthdays here in guatemala. What doe s money have to do with anything?


I agree with you on your point Meom, everyone tend to improve their own living situation but I have seen here occasions where money come before family and friends....how many times have you seen this in thailand?....

I know most thais see us like a walking atm and I know about fake smiling etc I am talking about real experiences where a bg run after me when I left a bar because I had paid too much for a drink (actually few drinks) in phuket and she has walked around for a while until she found me sitting in another bar to give me the change.....or the taxi driver that didn't charge me because I spelt wrongly the place where I wanted to go and he took me somewhere else........or the man asking for change because he was hungry and he didn't have money that after disappearing for sometime returned to me offering me a packet of sigarettes because he didn't spend the all "50 bath" I gave him

How many stories like this one can you recall in your home country? Me none and I am not talking about middle class people but poor people here, people that still have pride on what they do

Itsme, excellent post.

I moved to LOS at 20.

At 24 I moved to Fuatemala. Guatemala, even: :burp:

I´m still here, and I will eventually move again I´m sure.

It may be with more than the two or three hundred dollars I have in my name. It may be with less.

It will certainly not be back to the world we left behind. It holds no interest for me in it´s increasing lack of respect for the fellow man, and its increasing hypocrisy and/in arrogance.

I will stop before turning this into a diatribe.

Kayo did you go to Costa Rica by any chance? I got a few invites to work there, but I haven't made up my mind yet. (You see, I've been to BKK for 4 years and I don't feel at ease anymore when I'm in another country. LOL.)

I might visit on April to check it out, but it would help me frame my mind about the country in a favorable way (maybe?) if you could help me a little.


Hi Hearthief. I think we "met" on the "newbie welcome" forum. I'd still like to meet you. For no reasons whatsoever associated with the fact that I imagine you are a stunning philipina girl, prob speak spanish, and have been in my dreams ever since I was a kid.

Other than that.... :o:D .... No, never yet been to Costa Rica, all the travelers passing through my bar, say it's beautiful exotic, and very much a sort of off shore well kept holiday destination for americans.

Many go so far as to call it another state.

We could surely find you work here onj the most beautiful lake on the world.... :D :D



Kayo, you're avatar should the energizer bunny. You just keep going and going..... :D

Are there no girls at your bar, poor man? :D


I agree totally......money makes u feel poor # if u have to much the prob is how to spend them and if to little ....well # so i've just passed over my last paycheck to my tgf who's building a house for her parents in los.......... now i have to live from hand to mouth wich is the way i like it. This gives u a realtime feeling of how other people in the world are doing with a min. income.


i´ve spent two birthdays here at the maktub. can´t remember most of either...

Well.... don't expect us to remember then! Happy birthday Klown (even tho I do recall you had one sort of recently!) :D

Ok so you are saying that money is what makes you rich or not poor . Its not the only thing , people are rich with fam ily and happiness . I live much happier in a shck with no electricty with a filipino family , happier than i have ever been .

No. How did you get that?

I was saying I've had two birthdays here in guatemala. What doe s money have to do with anything?


I agree with you on your point Meom, everyone tend to improve their own living situation but I have seen here occasions where money come before family and friends....how many times have you seen this in thailand?....

I know most thais see us like a walking atm and I know about fake smiling etc I am talking about real experiences where a bg run after me when I left a bar because I had paid too much for a drink (actually few drinks) in phuket and she has walked around for a while until she found me sitting in another bar to give me the change.....or the taxi driver that didn't charge me because I spelt wrongly the place where I wanted to go and he took me somewhere else........or the man asking for change because he was hungry and he didn't have money that after disappearing for sometime returned to me offering me a packet of sigarettes because he didn't spend the all "50 bath" I gave him

How many stories like this one can you recall in your home country? Me none and I am not talking about middle class people but poor people here, people that still have pride on what they do

Itsme, excellent post.

I moved to LOS at 20.

At 24 I moved to Fuatemala. Guatemala, even: :burp:

I´m still here, and I will eventually move again I´m sure.

It may be with more than the two or three hundred dollars I have in my name. It may be with less.

It will certainly not be back to the world we left behind. It holds no interest for me in it´s increasing lack of respect for the fellow man, and its increasing hypocrisy and/in arrogance.

I will stop before turning this into a diatribe.

Kayo did you go to Costa Rica by any chance? I got a few invites to work there, but I haven't made up my mind yet. (You see, I've been to BKK for 4 years and I don't feel at ease anymore when I'm in another country. LOL.)

I might visit on April to check it out, but it would help me frame my mind about the country in a favorable way (maybe?) if you could help me a little.


Hi Hearthief. I think we "met" on the "newbie welcome" forum. I'd still like to meet you. For no reasons whatsoever associated with the fact that I imagine you are a stunning philipina girl, prob speak spanish, and have been in my dreams ever since I was a kid.

Other than that.... :o:D .... No, never yet been to Costa Rica, all the travelers passing through my bar, say it's beautiful exotic, and very much a sort of off shore well kept holiday destination for americans.

Many go so far as to call it another state.

We could surely find you work here onj the most beautiful lake on the world.... :D :D



Kayo, you're avatar should the energizer bunny. You just keep going and going..... :D

Are there no girls at your bar, poor man? :D

Plenty of girls at my bar, but never enough....MORE MORE MORE ...MORE I tell ya!


On a day trip to Ko Paghnan we stumbled off the beaten track and got lost trying to find the ferry port,we came across what i can only describe as a sort of shanti town,places cobbled together with anything usefull to patch it up,some locals were sitting on the steps to their house with some kids playing with a very tired looking football,to be honest it was the most poverty i have ever seen.

as we walked past,they gave a wave and a smile,was very humbling to see such happy people living with so little possessions.

still carrying on(lost) there was a building site, a new hotel being built, it seemed like the end of the track but the builders waved us over,gave us a hand up onto a platform that led us down a stairway back to civilization.without them we'd have missed the ferry for sure.

like Itsme,i hate the material ways of the uk,unfortunately its how it is,theres a song in the charts by a group who i hate but the lyrics are correct.


one thing i have noticed in thailand is lots of animals,especially dogs roaming,they dont seem to have owners just roam around,probably eating anything they can find.

It wasnt far from our bungalow to the beach in ko samui, spent most evenings (early am) just sitting right on the shore listening to the sounds and enjoying the warm breeze with a bottle of coke.

there was a dog roaming around the beach,im an animal lover so whistled it over stroked it and spoke to it in the silly voice (like you do with you pets at home).

there i was 6.000 miles from home one man and his(not too mangy dog) on a beach 2 am,the perfect evening to a fantastic day.

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