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Coming To Thailand With 5Grand


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Hello. Some of you may even remember an old post that I made that talked about how I had a goal to one day return to Thailand, first saving up 5grand.

Well I did just that.

I am 20 years old and am just starting to plan my next adventure with a friend of mine.

I want to start in Thailand, travelling all around neighbouring countries on a low budget.

to start this mad trip off, I want to try out the lowest, dirtiest budget. Eventually stepping it up a tad depending on how I feel.

do you think I could easily stay for atleast 4+ months abroad on this budget?

any other suggestions?


don't feed the trolls.

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When you say 5 Grand, do you mean 5,000 Pounds? If so, then yes, you could make it last 4 months. For gods sake make sure you have travel insurance before you go. At your age this region is a fantastic place to enjoy on a cheap budget. Enjoy.

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I'm assuming that with the Ops use of the word 'Grand' that he's British and therefore referring to £5000.

4 months in Thailand is easily doable at £5000.

Advice for the Op:

Get the Proper Visa (I'm not sure if you can still get a 6 months tourist visa from the UK).

Get Medical Insurance.

Stay off the Motorcycles.

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I'm assuming that with the Ops use of the word 'Grand' that he's British and therefore referring to £5000.

4 months in Thailand is easily doable at £5000.

Advice for the Op:

Get the Proper Visa (I'm not sure if you can still get a 6 months tourist visa from the UK).

Get Medical Insurance.

Stay off the Motorcycles.

Good advice. Get a double entry tourist visa and break up your holiday with a trip to Cambodia for a week or two.

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Yes, but you will need to "go native" slightly. My little brother did similar at around your age. He travelled all around the world and kept costs down by eating local food and staying mostly with friends he made along the way (he found Thailand to be particularly easy for this).

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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I'm assuming that with the Ops use of the word 'Grand' that he's British and therefore referring to £5000.

4 months in Thailand is easily doable at £5000.

Advice for the Op:

Get the Proper Visa (I'm not sure if you can still get a 6 months tourist visa from the UK).

Get Medical Insurance.

Stay off the Motorcycles.

We use grand in the US too. He can do 4 months on 5 grand either way, but if it's pounds he's talking about he'll be able to afford a lot more fun

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No problem,when i was your age i travelled all over Europe on far less(by todays standards) stay away from the bar girls, thats where the money goes.

At his age, he may be able to shack up with a sponsored bar girl that will pay for everything.

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No problem,when i was your age i travelled all over Europe on far less(by todays standards) stay away from the bar girls, thats where the money goes.

At his age, he may be able to shack up with a sponsored bar girl that will pay for everything.

... or just make friends with (and stay with) normal (non-sex-worker) people.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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£5000 is around 250,000 baht... Wow, i remember when I first came to Koh Phangnan. 300 baht/night for a bungalow on the beach (do not stay in Haad Rin), fantastic local food, booz, smokes, no thai girls but backpackers (no $$ exchange hand lol). Spent less than 30000/month and had a fab time. Have fun, be street-smart, stay within the law, kinda...

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Can be done easily.For years I came here budgetting on 1500 baht a day, had aircon rooms, different girl every night, and got fat eating too much. Saw all of Thailand. I wish I was young enough to go with you. Come have a great time, we all envy you.

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For years I came here budgetting on 1500 baht a day, had aircon rooms, different girl every night, and got fat eating too much.

1.5K/ day, including aircon rooms, new girl every day and getting fat. Was this 20 years ago? Any pics of the 'girls' ? whistling.gif

And travelling all over Thailand, all this for 1500 Baht/day.

Edited by Semper
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Sorry if I come across a tad surly, but can someone remind me why I would be remotely interested in what some 20 year old guy decides to do for the next four months?

Ah, he's asking for advice on whether he can get by on a certain budget. The answer:









$150--quite possibly

Note: Certain options may be unavailable in certain price ranges.

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sure, you can rent tents in the national parks for a couple bucks a day if you have to. it is possible.

Exactly. Which is why these threads asking "whether I can get by on XXX budget" is so silly. And we seem to get a new one every couple of weeks.

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For years I came here budgetting on 1500 baht a day, had aircon rooms, different girl every night, and got fat eating too much.

1.5K/ day, including aircon rooms, new girl every day and getting fat. Was this 20 years ago? Any pics of the 'girls' ? whistling.gif

And travelling all over Thailand, all this for 1500 Baht/day.

For years I came here budgetting on 1500 baht a day, had aircon rooms, different girl every night, and got fat eating too much.

1.5K/ day, including aircon rooms, new girl every day and getting fat. Was this 20 years ago? Any pics of the 'girls' ? whistling.gif

And travelling all over Thailand, all this for 1500 Baht/day.

Living it up on 1500bht a day!

10 years ago i paid 200 bht beach bungalow with fan view.

3 good quality meals a day plus snacks 200-250bht

Beer 200bht

Massage 200bht

Plenty of female backpackers so no need to pay for it.

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Living it up on 1500bht a day!

10 years ago i paid 200 bht beach bungalow with fan view.

3 good quality meals a day plus snacks 200-250bht

Beer 200bht

Massage 200bht

Plenty of female backpackers so no need to pay for it.

That fan must have got boring after a while.

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I am sure 5K will be enough but you have to stay away from the bar girls....at 20 years old it may be difficult. Also, no jetskis.... In addition, be careful with the ladyboys ripping you off and lovely street ladies drugging you and making off with all your money. Basically be careful !!!!!! or your 5K will be gone quickly. Have a great time and give monthly reports :)

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Why not try a month in Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia ?

I've spent time in 3 of these and they are all as nice as Thailand IMHO - Malaysia in particular is fab.

Have a good trip and post again when you're about to go home - if I remember your previous postings, you were quite depressed at going back to the UK.

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I understand there are many similar threads popping up now and then. so my suggestion to those that feel they are tired of these threads: no need to respond :) you are welcome to skip to the next one if you have nothing to add, or prefer not to add any constructive input

having said that, OP should take note of the hints although veiled in cryptic terms - there are indeed many price options, it all depends on what you decide to do

on the VERY basic budget - you can eat for about 200 baht a day (food, no alcohol).

Accomm - depends, if you are on the move a lot, then you cant rent long term. if you stay in one place, then you can rent the 5000 to 6000 baht a month places (at the low end for Bkk)

hotel nights - you can get places for 500 baht (or possibly cheaper at the back packers area), or a more mid range type around 1200 or up per night

transport - same as above....are you travelling between cities? flights? bus? if within the same city - do you plan to use a) skytrain/subway b ) taxis c) local buses

if you plan to travel into cambodia, or etc etc around thailand, then you need to allocate some funds towards flight cost (some do it by bus, but I personally wouldnt want to stay on the road that long.... )

I have noticed one huge different between us Thais and the way westerners think. Most Thais I know would never think about spending all that we have. If I accumulated 5000 pounds/ USD, I would keep about half of it :D maybe even more :P and then allocate the rest of the budget accordingly

is 5000 pounds doable for 4 months? I would say certainly

enjoy your trip :)

Edit to add that if I had to give a very very rough budget of spending in Thailand (again keep in mind people spend differently)

Food, beer taxis, getting around - 1000 per day

Hotel - 1000 per day (thats 30K per month. there certainly are cheaper options)

That makes it 60,000 THB per month. or 240K THB for your four months period

You can spend less, if you choose cheaper hotel (or as said previously the longer term apartment option would save you even more)

some days you may eat cheaper, some days more. The savings from that daily budget can then be used towards flights, or buses that you need to take inter-city, or inter-country

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P.S. let everyone else be nice to the OP. You were 20 years old once and had dreams too.

Quite right Submaniac wai.gif

At 21 I was working in Tenerife.....that didn't go great. At 23 I went on a Grand Tour of Europe, I had about £7,000 and my first visit was to a pal in Germany......within a few days I had a job and I ended up living in Germany for the best part of 5 years and I had an amazing time. I still haven't done the Grand Tour so I suppose I better put that on the things to do list. smile.png

OP....I remember your previous question ( s ) on this subject, take the advice already proffered and have a blast. Take care of your health, your safety, and make sure you comply with the law, including visa law.

I wouldn't swap my experiences of living abroad in my twenties for the World.......oh to be young, free, and single in Thailand at the age of 20.........I think I can say on behalf of most of the members......we're jealous!!! biggrin.png

I was young, free and single in LOS in my 20's many moons ago and I'm still mega jealous smile.png One caveat; think I preferred to be doing it pre internet/ mobile phone era, think the road less travelled held more surprises and certainly cheaper beer...

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