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Govt Mulls Pre-Packed Lunch Boxes For High Speed Trains; Sees New Market For Upscale Travelers


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I think you boys are being a little bit harsh. Governments by their very nature finance idiot ideas to garner votes or to enrich themselves through studies. As much as this lunch box idea is interesting how does it compare with this: Years past the Australian government funded a lesbian group to design and build a surf board designed purely for women, I seem recall that special dimples were to be included to accomodate their breasts. Sadly since hearing of this exciting develpoment for the surfing world not a word about the new designs ever emerged, we were assured though that the money however was well spent.

Interesting concept, did men claim discrimination and invent a surf boad with a dimple for "block and tackle". What about a ladyboy (Transvestite) surf-board, with 3 dimples?

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yep upscale travellers are definately gonna buy 'pinto' lunch boxes. I thought that by having a high speed train (read bullet train) you would be at your destination before there was a need to trough out from your lunch box.

and I stand corrected. I now know what OTOP stands for. I mistakenly thought it meant One Thaksin One Pojamon!

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Why not use the same commissary that prepares the crap food that Thai Airways serves. Better yet, they can just serve what the airline passengers don't or won't eat on Thai. The trains can make a quick stop at Don Muang or Suvarnabhumi to load up.

Isn't it normally a function of the operating agency to design the menu? Maybe not a good idea because not everyone likes fried grasshoppers and frogs.

Suvarnabhumi should be the hub for all high speed trains instead of Hua (National) Lampoon.

I wonder if the existing SRT will run the high speed trains. After all, they have done such a great job up until now. Perhaps the main concern of the government for the high speed trains should be the funding, construction and operation and not the boxed meals.

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I am confused....what is this high speed train?? They would need to make the rails first before they worry about the food.

No no no. If they sell the food first they can use the profits to pay for the rails thumbsup.gif

Ahh now I understand.....I just forgot for a moment that I am in Thailand w00t.gif

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lol - she had an idea! All on her own.... rolleyes.gif

I wonder if she realizes that with the current

government the only place they will be able to find hi speed trains is in another country.

She could put the money into decent lunches for the kids in the poor areas.

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Another thought: if the trains were so high-speed, there would be no need for a meal during the journey. Is the need for lunch boxes an indication that they won't be as "high-speed" as claimed.

you seriously misunderstand something.

The hi speed trains are called that way because they will be used by the hi-so.

Not because the speed is so high.

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Stay tuned. Soon you will see mock ups and illustrations of the food and menu fare. Boy oh boy - these Thais! Aren't they clever? Being this far ahead of the curve. Way out in front of everybody. These Thais, boy oh boy! Watch for a new major at leading universities in Thailand on lunch box reparation and packaging. They will beat the Japanese at their own games. Both high speed trains as well as lunch boxes. Get those fish balls ready. Boy oh boy - those Thais!!

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Why not just let the stick-rice-in-banana-leaf vendors on the train like they do at the moment?

or pre-order your meal a la air asia. anyways I cant believe I have given this topic 3 posts of my time. I must be insane. If I do it again, please tell George to give me a holiday.... not some stupid suspension from TV, I mean a real holiday for putting up with such topics on here. wacko.png

given your post count i imagine you are the only on surprised by this.

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Former British athlete Lynford Christie has been offered the role of lunchbox Supremo apparently.

Ahh , the famous "Linford's Lunchbox" line. Christie, another great Jamaican born sprinter. How does such a small nation of 3million people give rise to so many world class olympians and track and field greats?

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