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If You Hadnt Done What Youve Done,,!


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i hadbetter word that better, but you all know by now im not the best with words and spelling,

i just mean if you had your time over again would you be farming what your farming now or would you go into something differant,

ike jim with his rubber,,,,,,would you change to something else jim given the time and money?

IA would you change from pigs,,,, to,???

just wondering,,, im thinking of going into afishing park,, i could still do my pigs as i do love doing them, but something as come up for sale and im very very tempted, its a long way from us and ive run it past the wife over the phone, we are going to go and have a look when i get back home,

but it is very interesting,

i was just wondering if you would do things differant,

please dont think im being nosey,,, something to chat about anyway,,lol

take care all jake,, still here in rainy scotland

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Hey Jake.......please send some of that rain over here, we desperately need it.

But to answer your question, for me, I haven't been here long enough to say whether I would've tried something else.

Ask me again in about 10 years, after the palm oil trees have starting earning some money (or not).


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Life is full of opportunities, most people miss them because they do not recognize them or are afraid to try.

Find something you truly like, go for it, you will be successful.

In other words, I am happy; would not change much.

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Hi Jake. Yes I'd do things a little different. Insisted the house goes where I say for a start, and not bow to superstition lol. I'd buy the 10 Rai next to the 25 Rai we have, when it became available at 7.5k/Rai, and not listen to the "We don't need it", and I'd plant half the land with Palm Oil, instead of all rubber. That being said, we are where we are. Be careful where you send that rain, cos Ranong has enough 555

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As your self-appointed Business Adviser ... about your plan to venture into the

just wondering,,, im thinking of going into a fishing park

I would like to see the following as part of your Business Plan!

  • Identification of target market
  • Scoping study of the competition
  • OD and RBH's assessment of the fish species choices and growing conditions.
  • A budget
  • Cash Flow chart
  • Projected ROI
  • Advertising Plan
  • English speaking staff roster
  • and lastly, a Plan B

... alternatively, you could always get a few mates (us) to rock up with some beer, OD can supply the Prawns from his Harvest and your Missus can fry up what we catch out of your Pond ... whistling.gif


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bloody hell david,,,lol

ive only seen pics of the place,,lol, 15rai land 6 rai lake, part stocked with some big fish, a few small day shelters round it, 2 houses on the land one wooden very very nice, and one concrete,

i would want to be opening i a couple of years as a holiday fishing park,(hopefully) i could build 6 one room bungalows round it with a nice fishing varanda of there own,,

and also maybe even have day ticket,

and if it all didnt work out still a beautiful place to make my home, could still do my pigs and chickens as i love doing the animals,,

theres lots of things going on in my head how to do it, but im a very keen fisherman so i know what the angler would want when they got here, ive even thought of the name for the onsite bar,, the fishermans tails,

i mean what a place that would be for farm meeting number 15,,,lol


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There was someone on here not so long ago talking about having a recently opened fishing park up your way somewhere. I wonder if this is the same place. I've seen one on the highway I think its 314 about 20k south of Sa Kaeo. There might even be two or three.

I think you would need to be here through the development phase. I've had people coming round paying to fish from my big pond but I charged them by the kilo, and had to pick up their beer cans and other crap. But the garbage thing is the subject of another post going round in my head.

And for sure put plenty of shade in, therefore assuring you can remain cool.

And to stay on topic, sometimes I wish things were different and sometimes not, so I sit on the fence.

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thank you,

as i said this place is a long way from sakoew, but the wife is up for it if we like it when we go and see it,

its not a fish and eat place, its a place to come and fish for specimen fish, have your pic taken with them and put them back, same as i did in england and still do when i get chance to with my son,

ive been specimen fishing for carp for 20years,

there is 2 ponds on the site the other as been used for breading or rearing normal catfish, blh duk,

but the place has got loads and loads of potential, just with a little work, i can get some giant siam carp and other fish, once i find out the stocking of the fish that are allready in there,,

im very excited about it, i can carry on working as i do for a few months a year on the shutdowns, im in no rush to open strait away i want it right when i open the doors, so people will want to come back and tell the freinds,

ill get a web site up and running when its near to opening,,

take care all jake

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me again,

i got told when i moved here to do something that you know about, well i went into pigs not knowing a thing,,,lol,

now i can go into this knowing a great deal about fishing and most of all what people would want when they come to fish your lake,,

even down to having a varanda right outside your front door were your rods are, and a fan there to keep cool while sat waiting, speciman fishing isnt about numbers its about the size and fight of the fish, out whitting the fish, ive sat at the side of lakes for days without a bite,,

if i do get this place and i think there is a very good chance that i will buy it, this is something that i know i could make a real go of, and like i say still have my pigs and chickens, theres enough land for all,


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Hi Jake

I’m very happy with my lot but were I to do it all over again, I would have established my farm in an area with a good source of water for irrigation. Why did I make this fundamental mistake? I did not set out to farm when I purchased my first 10 rai to build my home. With irrigation I may have remained a cattle breeder, which is how I started farming here.

With regards to your own dream – go for it, but carefully. Working in a field (no pun intended) that coincides with your interests can contribute to success. Have you asked the vendor why he/she wants to sell? Have you visited other fish parks here? Try to identify the important differences between the successful fish parks and the failing fish parks (evidenced by fewer [paying] fishermen).



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hi john,

yes spoken to vendor,

hes an english bloke, ive even spoken to him on phone at lengh,, hes selling for 2 reasons, he used to be like me and used to go away to work in verious contries, but his work dried up, so he is teaching in thailand and hasnt got the money to get this place to were it should be to atract the fisherman,

the other reason is that he is going to move back to england with wife and sons so that they get a better education, and he will get a job there full time,

he seams a very genuine bloke, the place has full chanook, sorry spelling,

like i say ive seen many pics of the place the houses ect roads, so we are going to go and spend some time there when i get back, not just a few days but a couple of weeks to get the feel of the place, and its only 10k from the beach, so we can have a family holiday at the same time,

i think its got so so much potential,

and as you know im not afraid of hard work, i can build the bungalows mayself,5x5 room with shower and toilet off the back of the place, varanda on the front over the water, would be brilliant,

the bloke is a carpenter by trade and as even said he,ll help me build, ill pay him of course, so he dosnt seam the kind you wouldnt trust, and i consider myself very street wise ive been a contractor all my working life, allways lived out of the suitcase from town to town and country to country, he seems ok, and like i say hes offerd to stay on for a while to help,

and its just like in the uk, get a good lawyer to check things out before parting with your dough,

hope things ok with you, jake

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I have been involved in three businesses here in Thailand. I learned my lesson and I appear to be a slow learner because it took three times for me to figure out that I want NO more businesses. I am now quite happy with the two small farms and if my wife makes money, it is just good luck for her. We get along just fine on my pensions and we want for nothing. If I had more money my lifestyle would not change so things are great.

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good for you gary,

im pleased for you mate,

im still only 52, i dont think that old,,lol, i would say that,,lol,

so ive got a few years left, i just want to have a go at doing something that ive wanted to do, i did many years ago nearly buy a place in france with a fishing lake, and look at it now loads of people going there in search of big carp to 90,odd pounds, so i missed that one,, like i said earlyer, even if the business didnt work out it would be a beautiful place to live and bring our children up,

well it looks beautiful on the pics the bloke sent me, ill see for myself soon enough, when im finnished in scotlad,


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"All about the fight" Lol Sister in law had a big Red Pacu in her small pond. Trying to catch that on very light tackle was great fun. I'd had it on my line 7 times before I eventually landed it. A good large dinner plate size it was. Good eating, but once I'd caught it. I let it go. Every time I lost it I would laugh just because the fight was so much fun. Much better than a Swale Barble

Thais thought I was nuts lol.

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i agree mosha,

ive allways been a country boy, allways had lurchers, weather small whipit cosses, something like a bedlington whipit take some beeting, it was allways the chase that i liked, i would love being out at nite with the lamp, i had a good black bitch grayhound/spanial to grayhound/whipit, brilliant bitch but even she coulnt catch all it was allways about the course,

on a school field watching a dog do what it was bred to do and trained to do was great and i must say i miss that, so having the fishing will just be an extention of that,,lol,

and i wont have to keep restocking, and the fish will just keep getting bigger,


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Hi there Jake ...

This has morphed a little away from what you originally wrote about but something to think about.

If you do decide to run it as a Fishing Farm ... have you thought about a work permit?

Running your existing Hobby Farm with some potential stock for sale is one thing ... running a commercial Fishing Farm which only relies on customers for business is completely another.

And if that Business competes with a Thai owned operation, now, or in the future ... I'd be covering my ass with a Work Permit.

Actually I thought you were joking about going into a commercial operation ... but if you are serious, then I would contemplate more about what I wrote back in Post #5

My background is that I have a Uni degree in Business and worked for the government helping local business and start-up companies ... hence the list provided before.

Oh ... one last thought about buying almost anything ... the profit is most likely made when you buy ... not when you sell ... so go hard on the asking price if you decide to 'suck it and see' ... (go ahead with the transaction) ... smile.png


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a up david,

i understand what your saying mate, it will be more like a holiday resort were fishermen come, not a farm, and there isnt another one near it,

as for work permit, i could go down the start a business road, but at first we will run it in macs name, im still working abroad as you know, so we are in no hurry to get it started,

theres a lot to think about with this and i want to get it right first time, ive made mistakes in the past with rushing in so slowly slowly catch the monkey on this one,


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bloody hell david,,,lol

ive only seen pics of the place,,lol, 15rai land 6 rai lake, part stocked with some big fish, a few small day shelters round it, 2 houses on the land one wooden very very nice, and one concrete,

i would want to be opening i a couple of years as a holiday fishing park,(hopefully) i could build 6 one room bungalows round it with a nice fishing varanda of there own,,

and also maybe even have day ticket,

and if it all didnt work out still a beautiful place to make my home, could still do my pigs and chickens as i love doing the animals,,

theres lots of things going on in my head how to do it, but im a very keen fisherman so i know what the angler would want when they got here, ive even thought of the name for the onsite bar,, the fishermans tails,

i mean what a place that would be for farm meeting number 15,,,lol


Hi Jake

Good idea for Bar. It should read " The Fisherman's Tale"

One question though, will you have"live bait" in the bar for the fisherman's TAIL? ( a bit of night fishing)

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hi bob,

i wasnt thinking of having live bait there, just for the reason that it could bring familys,

But i was thinking of a little book i could keep with photos and phone numbers, so maybe if someone was a little cold in the night i could ring them a hot water bottle,

Then not having them on site full time i dont have to worry about wages,,

like i say ive got lots of ideas i just think it could be a very could idea, and ive been havinga look on the internet at fishing places catch and release for the bigger fish and there is a few, a lot round bangkok, koi samui, but there isnt one near this place,

im still young enough to be able to go to work and earn good money, very good money to some people, so i can still do what im doing for a few years while im getting things in order,

but like i say i havnt even been there yet just seen the pics ive been sent, so me and the wife and new born will be going for a couple of weeks holiday to see what its like,


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good on you jim,

your right,, (again) hindsight is a wonderfull thing, thats why this farming foram of our is good, becouse the new farmers can come here and ask the older one advice,

you take care mate, and if i do get this up and running like i say will be a great place for number 15 farming meet,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi jake,

Just don't forget what you LIKE to do with the rest of your life. For me working with my pigs is a delight. Having a fish farm and dealing with fish (or anglers )would not give me as much sattisfaction and fun as I have now. For you the fishfarm might be a better finacial prospect but ask yourself if managing a fishfarm is what you want to do after you finaly settle here permanently. If you are a fanatical angler yourself the ff is ideal, but I don't think you would have posted this if you are

Of course it also depends on costs. If you can get it cheap and can afford it, why not? You can always rent it out.

But remember, money will always be better in the west. Here you go for enjoyment of life. (and as an english speaker you can always teach english for more money then you will.make on any farm during the first x years)

Sent from my GT-S6102 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Like all, life will never be perfect and at times I am bored. Like now, rains and little rubber, then I miss the other life, adrenaline rush , comradeship and a life of take it to the limit one more time.

Never worried about being hurt, just took it to the edge, whether being lost in jungles or caught in big sea in small boats and other things.

We all get old and now my worries are my kids and there future, but like last time and the time before, I am planning, just one more adventure. Jim

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IA would you change from pigs,,,, to,??? What would you do differently?

I used to have 20:20 eye sight but never had much time for hindsight or what ifs. Whats done is done. Would I change from pigs and do things differently? Yes and absolutely is the simple answer! But I have chosen my path and will keep walking it. There is too much left to do to stop now and pigs are only one part of it.

Obviously there have been disappointments along the way as I am sure we all have. I have a direction change to make, forced on me by circumstances outside my control. But what business doesnt have to make compromises? I suppose my view is not about what I would change, but what I had the chance to do differently and missed the opportunity. Still it is all water under the bridge now.

I formally retired in 2008, now there is something I wish had been different! Financially a disaster for retirement funds, beyond my control, so I started the great plan undercapitalised and I knew it. We have survived the first four years and built a solid foundation for the business. The future remains in front of us.

Would I take that "risk all" plunge again? Boots and all...

As I used to scream at the Pommies playing cricket in Oz, "Have a go, ya mug!"

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Would I change ,Yep Id have never come to Thailand in the first place then I could still have been in England cold, wet, unhappy, with an overwieght ugly wife, with an attitude problem. Still you carnt have it all boys can you ??? crazy.gif

Hope the lake works out Jake , still looking to beat my Siam Carp record 32kg Bun San Ran BKK

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