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Police Ponder Pattaya Problems


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Police ponder Pattaya problems

PATTAYA:--Concerned that Pattaya faces obstacles to achieve the prime minister’s goal of doubling the city’s revenue budget by 2015, the area’s law enforcement and City Hall officials met to consider the way ahead.

The city’s problems–particularly traffic congestion, street crime and the jet-ski menace–have been making headlines for years, yet all three remain largely unsolved.

A consultant for the Thai police nationally, General Somyos Pumpanmuang, stated that Walking Street must become a “safety zone.” He also ordered the production of fresh reports on the city’s most powerful criminals, international gangs, people traffickers, jet ski operators and a variety of scammers. Somyos also called for more closed-circuit TV technology and emergency phone booths.

There was a discussion of the situation in Phuket which has been mandated to become a clean-up model, but many officials believe that street crime and jet ski mafias on the island continue to operate unhindered.

Chonburi Police officials said that there would be improved safety for tourists with the construction of a three-meter watch tower on Pattaya’s Beach Road, more police boxes and extra police patrols. It was also pointed out that many trees had been pruned to allow more light on dark areas where prostitutes often lurk.

Full story:http://pattayatoday.net/news/news-from-around-pattaya/police-ponder-pattaya-problems/

PATTAYA TODAY 2012-08-23


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April Fools day come early? It makes me giggle when I read stories about the police trying to get to the bottom of it all.

The most powerful criminals in town are high ranking police and elected officials. And lets not forget Kanman Pho who is still running Chonburi. Just because the police won't look for him and claim he is missing, doesn't mean he's not sitting right where everyone knows he is pulling the strings around town.

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