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Seriously, why do you care? Do you have any interest in them at all? If so, why? Isn't there enough to choose from here at the local level?

I just ignore them as if they don't exist. However, if, on the very rare occasion one talks to me such as asks for directions or such , I give a friendly, courtious answer to help them and carry on with whatever I was doing. I have absolutely no malice towards them, nor do I have any interest. My life is here now.


One evening last year, just on dusk, on a remote part of Layan beach, I had a beautiful young blonde haired Russian girl on her back on the sand.

Her body trembled as she gasped to catch her breath. And then she stared deep into my soul with grateful and adoring eyes...

It is amazing how good you look to a hot young farang girl when you have just saved her life...

I'm not going to lie... As a farang female living here I do sometimes look at Western men and think that they have that seedy sex tourist perverted look. Some women perceive this negatively, I personally, don't particular like it but each to their own and all that jazz.

I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. :)

Its the ones sitting outside on Soi 4 at 9am drinking beer that I find most amusing.....utterly devoid of imagination. :lol:


I'm not going to lie... As a farang female living here I do sometimes look at Western men and think that they have that seedy sex tourist perverted look. Some women perceive this negatively, I personally, don't particular like it but each to their own and all that jazz.

I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

All about image. Be polite, friendly, say please and thank you and other people see, not just the people you are interacting with. Standing there drunk, being obnoxious with an 18 yo girl hanging off you is never going to be a winner. Everyone has questions that they would love to have an answer to, who are they going to ask?


I never give a flying f--- what all the farang women do, say or think here, and the more important point is.... thank god to that, as it is the first time in life that I dont have to.


i get those weird glares from DUDES that are here. but it's older men with a strange glance or grimace who look like expats, not college backpackers.

it's a look like they want to know what I'm doing here. to young to be retired, to old to be passing through I guess.

i get those weird glares from DUDES that are here. but it's older men with a strange glance or grimace who look like expats, not college backpackers.

it's a look like they want to know what I'm doing here. to young to be retired, to old to be passing through I guess.

I know that. It's been happening more oft now, as I'm shopping with my pregnant wife, currently about the size of an aircraft carrier. I read that glare as a hostile turf dispute, as if I've claimed a piece of Thailand that they now can't access. It's been a complete surprise, as all Thais are politely asking when the baby's due and giving thumbs up.

I think it has relevance here. Everybody would like to shape their own Thailand and distractions from a world preferred to be far away are not appreciated. I can relate to that too, I'd hate my personal paradise to be invaded by hostile feminists. Echoes of battles fought on the other side of the world.


I dont get nasty looks. In fact, just found out few days ago that if I wear long pants and nice shirt even hottie Thai chicks give me a wink. Im always in shorts and not a tshirt.

Anyway— you obviously look creepy, live in Pattaya or Fooket. My hunch is the way you dress and carry yourself you look like a tourist or a local degenrrate.

You asked!

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Interesting the posts from those that have no interest in western women, it implies they are only interested in women for sex or potential sex. I really enjoy talking with random travelers, many have rather sophisticated viewpoints and are interested in my opinions and experiences.

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I'm not going to lie... As a farang female living here I do sometimes look at Western men and think that they have that seedy sex tourist perverted look. Some women perceive this negatively, I personally, don't particular like it but each to their own and all that jazz.

I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

I was bending over getting an umbrella out of the back of my car when 3 young Thai girls walking past on their way to work at Black Canyon giggled. I turned around and got a wink. I felt so objectified and violated, I put a haughty look on my face and carried on staring at their tits... Actually I bought a coffee and had a laugh and a joke.

Sometimes I look at women and nod in appreciation at a well presented package... you know nice shoes, bag and dress combination.

a Query. If a woman is dressing like a sex object with the intention of having men desire her - is it ok to stare then? Surely it's rude not to, if she's spent all that money on hair, make up and "club" wear?

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

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Its the ones sitting outside on Soi 4 at 9am drinking beer that I find most amusing.....utterly devoid of imagination. laugh.png

I agree. To start imbibing at 10 am is so much more civilized.



I'm not going to lie... As a farang female living here I do sometimes look at Western men and think that they have that seedy sex tourist perverted look. Some women perceive this negatively, I personally, don't particular like it but each to their own and all that jazz.

I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

I was bending over getting an umbrella out of the back of my car when 3 young Thai girls walking past on their way to work at Black Canyon giggled. I turned around and got a wink. I felt so objectified and violated, I put a haughty look on my face and carried on staring at their tits... Actually I bought a coffee and had a laugh and a joke.

Sometimes I look at women and nod in appreciation at a well presented package... you know nice shoes, bag and dress combination.

a Query. If a woman is dressing like a sex object with the intention of having men desire her - is it ok to stare then? Surely it's rude not to, if she's spent all that money on hair, make up and "club" wear?

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

The women who complain most about being "sex objects" are usually those nobody takes notice of.

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I am polite to women no matter how judgemental they are about me and no matter how wrong their judgements are.I willnot sink down their their low level, I let these uptight ,anal, selfserving,control freaks believe what they like. I am were I want to be doing what I want, and hopefully they cannot change that. So they can stare ,talk, judge all they want. But at the end of the day it changes nothing.

One other thing they should realize, is that these men they judge so harshly do more to get women out of the trade than any of their holier than thou NGO's. Many guys marry them and take them out of the trade. What do these holier than thou falang women really do to improve the lives of these women.Perhaps they preach feminism,a lot of good that does them.

Not wanting to hijack this thread but to give a quick example of their ignorance and how I deal with it. This year I went back to Canada to buy a new sailboat and see friends.I had a week left before I was to come back to Thailand.I was at a friends house at a party.A Canadian woman starting talking to me about Thailand and asking questions.About 6 people were in the conversation.The woman ask many questions I felt were on the edge of being really aggressive.At one point when talking about my gf and her exhusband I mentioned how he used to beat her. To this the woman replied "And how often do you beat her". .Soon after I simply said I had to go said it was nice meeting everyone and left. The next day I went to a travel agent and changed my flight to come back to Thailand the next morning. I am here to getaway from such ignorant,bullheaded,tunnel vision women. That said I will still be polite to them no matter how ignorant or stupid they are..


I wonder what gets some guys paranoia started?

A guilty man flees when not pursued (Proverbs)

That boy is running like he just stole something. (Goodtimes)


I have a few farang lady friends (Western women in Asia), all well younger than me. I met them camping in the NPs and on LPTT and FB.

One time I was walking down the street in a crowded area of BKK. There was a jaw dropping Thai beauty coming toward me...well, my jaw dropped and it was noted well enough by her...

She blew me a little kiss and gave me a smile (I am 51).

Thai chicks are so dam_n lovely.


I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

But...to men, women are sex-objects....

To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

  • Like 1

I'm not going to lie... As a farang female living here I do sometimes look at Western men and think that they have that seedy sex tourist perverted look. Some women perceive this negatively, I personally, don't particular like it but each to their own and all that jazz.

I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

I was bending over getting an umbrella out of the back of my car when 3 young Thai girls walking past on their way to work at Black Canyon giggled. I turned around and got a wink. I felt so objectified and violated, I put a haughty look on my face and carried on staring at their tits... Actually I bought a coffee and had a laugh and a joke.

Sometimes I look at women and nod in appreciation at a well presented package... you know nice shoes, bag and dress combination.

a Query. If a woman is dressing like a sex object with the intention of having men desire her - is it ok to stare then? Surely it's rude not to, if she's spent all that money on hair, make up and "club" wear?

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

I think if a woman has purposely made herself up to look like a sex object, i.e. she is a prostitute in a bar trying to offer you services then yes, by all means stare. Surely it's normal and common sense to look at the goods before you buy them. :P

I'm on about women in every day life who are just going about their business. As an observer it actually looks sometimes like a dog has just spotted a steak up for grabs on a plate in front of them. It actually defies my belief sometimes that some men could be so... blatant.

It's normal for everyone to look at people if they are attracted to them. It's how our brains work and it's called human nature... But some people really ought to learn how to control it. I don't start licking my lips and rubbing my thighs when I see a hot guy walking past me! Why don't some men have more control when looking at women?!

  • Like 1

I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

But...to men, women are sex-objects....

To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

Your comment makes me lose faith in the male gender.

Yesterday I walked past three young female falang tourists and I overheard "yeah he looks like one". I took this to mean something negative and if looks could kill I would be 6ft under right now.

It's never happened to me. Clearly you have a sex tourist or 'paedo' look about you. Please describe what you were wearing at the time (e.g. sandals, white socks, Singha vest, balding ponytail) and maybe we can give you some style advice to avoid these kinds of comments.

Would this fit your description?


ah the disappearing man


I went to a marital counselor with my first wife. We sat in the outer office for a while. The doctor walking in and out greeting clients. The doctor after introductions said it would be a minute.

I am an observant fellow and I was a good looking young man during my first marriage.

10 minutes later in the doctors office the subject came up about me looking at other women. I am guilty I admit it. I told the doctor and my wife. I mentioned I was looking at the lady doctor trying to figure out why she unbuttoned another button on her blouse, I said, from the time we came in, to the time we had our appointment. That's when the appointment ended.

I have noticed that women in general and Thai women specifically don't do anything by chance. Every move, every glance, every piece of clothing and button is planned for some reason or another. But it is better if you keep this information to yourself because women don't like to be told about it. They think men don't really notice and that we are all just rampaging hormonal buffaloes.


I'm not going to lie... As a farang female living here I do sometimes look at Western men and think that they have that seedy sex tourist perverted look. Some women perceive this negatively, I personally, don't particular like it but each to their own and all that jazz.

I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

I was bending over getting an umbrella out of the back of my car when 3 young Thai girls walking past on their way to work at Black Canyon giggled. I turned around and got a wink. I felt so objectified and violated, I put a haughty look on my face and carried on staring at their tits... Actually I bought a coffee and had a laugh and a joke.

Sometimes I look at women and nod in appreciation at a well presented package... you know nice shoes, bag and dress combination.

a Query. If a woman is dressing like a sex object with the intention of having men desire her - is it ok to stare then? Surely it's rude not to, if she's spent all that money on hair, make up and "club" wear?

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

I think if a woman has purposely made herself up to look like a sex object, i.e. she is a prostitute in a bar trying to offer you services then yes, by all means stare. Surely it's normal and common sense to look at the goods before you buy them. tongue.png

I'm on about women in every day life who are just going about their business. As an observer it actually looks sometimes like a dog has just spotted a steak up for grabs on a plate in front of them. It actually defies my belief sometimes that some men could be so... blatant.

It's normal for everyone to look at people if they are attracted to them. It's how our brains work and it's called human nature... But some people really ought to learn how to control it. I don't start licking my lips and rubbing my thighs when I see a hot guy walking past me! Why don't some men have more control when looking at women?!

Please note its not only prostitutes that dress like prostitutes...

admittedly rubbing one's thighs and saying, milky milky is a bit over the top but sometimes "women in every day life" want you to notice them and appreciate them looking fine.

As regards the OP - My signature quote from Foucalt - A truth is only a truth in so far that it is accepted by those it is meant to control is exactly for this reason - i refuse to accept the labels that others would force upon me.

"Enjoy life as a flow of change, chaos and beauty"

Realize that you can’t control others

Laugh and embrace imperfection

Do something positive with the opportunity

I'm in a very Bruce Lee, Be Like Water Zen mood on my mountain top today.


I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

But...to men, women are sex-objects....

To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

Your comment makes me lose faith in the male gender.

I'm sure not every man is like this. Probably most aren't :)


I wonder what gets some guys paranoia started?

A guilty man flees when not pursued (Proverbs)

Probably someone still sits on him who had taken offence by his conduct.


I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

But...to men, women are sex-objects....

To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

Your comment makes me lose faith in the male gender.

Oh yee of little faith...biggrin.png

Just doin' what comes naturally...

Disguising it so it isn't obvious (what's wrong with that?) is a "learned skill"..

"Man is a poor dissembler; woman is much more skilful in concealing her desire. If all the men agreed that they would never more make the first advance, the women would soon be fawning at our feet."

"Whether a pretty woman grants or withholds her favours, she always likes to be asked for them."

Ovid. Ars Amatoria (The Art of Love)


Oh my, "Please note its not only prostitutes that dress like prostitutes..." 2 Uniquewub.png I gotta tell you this cause it happened. It happened to me. My 13 year old daughter was graduating from a hi so private school. And they had a graduation ceremony. All the little girls wore expensive Chanel like frocks. I said no. Absolutely no. My wife and daughter looked at me in horror and asked why! I said, “because she looks like a hooker!” My wife had dressed up my little girl to look like a hooker. I must be really old fashioned but there must be something wrong with dressing up little girls to look like that.


To the OP............if you are over 50, fat and balding and you are walking along with an 18 year old Thai chick who is dressed in such as a manner as to make people think, 'She is of dubious honour'................then the farang women are probably correct.


I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

But...to men, women are sex-objects....

To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

Your comment makes me lose faith in the male gender.

This is only for clarification not to flame or arque.

Women are sex objects a simple reality.If a couple got married and never had sex would the wife be satisfied.

If a man was to live all his life with a woman and not see her as a sexobject, what would she wonder? If he wanted a maid whynot hire one?

Would women prefer men objectify other men and leave them alone? Or simply end the species in one generation by no longer having sex with women. No sexobject easy, donot have to worry about next generation carrying on the level of men wishing to persue and have women submit to sexual desires. No babies no families, no feeling of sexobject.

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