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More Thai Soap Operas Told To Be Translated For 'Asean' Audience


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The plan it's similar to the many Korean drama serials that are being dubbed in a variety of Asian languages. If they can pull off one or two really popular ones regionally, then there's quite some money to be made.

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The plan it's similar to the many Korean drama serials that are being dubbed in a variety of Asian languages. If they can pull off one or two really popular ones regionally, then there's quite some money to be made.

The moment you got to Korean, is where the comparison ends. The Korean wave is successful because it actually has some quality and polish behind it.

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BANGKOK, 24 August 2012 (NNT) - The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) has suggested that more soap operas be translated into ASEAN languages to promote Thai culture to neighboring countries and generate more income to Thailand.

Is this the best Thailand can do to promote it's culture,that can be shown to Asean audiences? IMO it can only have an adverse effect,and really shows the major difference between the Rich and the poor, cultured people have better things to do.

Edited by MAJIC
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PLEASE DON'T!!!! Thai soap operas are one of the reasons why Thailand is SO behind all the other Asean countries!!! They promote love affairs, having a little wife, corruption, ignorance of others and the right to hurt women.........the list goes on. It would be better if they were not ever shown ever, even in Thailand!!!!

But that's "Thai Culture" innit? Nice to see Mr Arkom acknowledging the fact.,...Forget the Laotian and Cambodian villagers, who are the ones who will most likely watch these shows anyway. Why on earth would translating these shows in someway promote tourism???

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Nothing escalates an argument with your Thai gf or wife more than by saying "I see we've been watching the Thai soaps again"

One time (in band camp) while making small talk with a Thai physician, the topic of TV (not .com) came up. When it came around to daytime dramas, the doctor looked sheepishly downward and said those shows are more than an embarrassment, but they keep our ER rooms in the black.

It's true! In Chiang Rai there was a crappy little hospital that was deserted. They put some flowers outside, banged in a couple of 42" plasmas and the place is now rammed!

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Who can blame Thailand? They're obviously testing the waters of the projection of soft power regionally.

Does anyone really think that Cambodians, Burmese, Lao, Vietnamese or anyone except maybe Singaporeans have anything remotely near what we'd call good enough taste to see TH soaps for the complete pile of steaming horsesh!t that they really are?

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This is a deliberate attempt by the Thai Government to brainwash the whole Asean population in the same way they have been brainwashing Thai people for the last 50 years. Everyone will be so busy watching this garbage that they will not be in any fit state to compete on any level. It's brilliant and can only have been thought up by the sharpest pencils in the box !!

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Come on already.... we're in mainland SE Asia here.... a part of the world where people's dream is to go to Singapore just to get their picture taken with a f^cking Merlion statue.

Like we should be surprised at all if it does get traction.

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Who can blame Thailand? They're obviously testing the waters of the projection of soft power regionally.

Does anyone really think that Cambodians, Burmese, Lao, Vietnamese or anyone except maybe Singaporeans have anything remotely near what we'd call good enough taste to see TH soaps for the complete pile of steaming horsesh!t that they really are?

I'll give you all of those but for the Myanmar'ese (they are not all Burmese). Maybe you are British?

A half century ago the "Burmese" were among the richest and most competitive countries in ALL OF ASIA. I think we are in for some interesting times with them. Vietnamese are rather competitive as well.

I think the Thais essentially have just been on the winning side of history lately (just by pure mostly stupid luck). They are in the league with Laos and Cambodia. Everyone else in the region is bound to be better.

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Who can blame Thailand? They're obviously testing the waters of the projection of soft power regionally.

Does anyone really think that Cambodians, Burmese, Lao, Vietnamese or anyone except maybe Singaporeans have anything remotely near what we'd call good enough taste to see TH soaps for the complete pile of steaming horsesh!t that they really are?

The thing is many of them do have enough brains to realist.

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I strongly feel the Thai T.V. channels should stop all the ridiculous dubbing of English spoken films and documentaries, I mean, those voices they use........ odd........ anyway, keep the original soundtrack and provide Thai subtitles......promote the English language which will be the uniting language of ASEAN.........or is that too practical for the bureautwats in BKK?

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PLEASE DON'T!!!! Thai soap operas are one of the reasons why Thailand is SO behind all the other Asean countries!!! They promote love affairs, having a little wife, corruption, ignorance of others and the right to hurt women.........the list goes on. It would be better if they were not ever shown ever, even in Thailand!!!!

Those soap craps were the main reason why I cancelled the True subscription and now we are relieved of Thai TV.

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"He cited Thai soap operas, which are popular in many ASEAN neighbors"

Which Asean countries ?.....or is the esteemed Khun Arkom just pulling this out of his bottom ?

Why not? That is obviously where he keeps his mental facililities.

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I claim that the primary reason for being able to retain a semblance of sanity was that I didn't watch one episode of 'Dallas'. I'm proud to admit that the last episode I watched of 'Coronation Street' was shown in black and white, and that I tolerated that was only because the wonderful Arthur Lowe appeared in it. The artistic merit of 'Die Nasty' may be judged by the fact that the appalling Joan Collins played a leading role. I watched the first five minutes of the first episode of 'Eastenders' before switching off never to be revisited. I must however admit to watching 'Flamingo Road' but only because it was so awful that it was totally brilliant. Surely it was a pi$$ take?

I share the opinions of those who have already lamblasted Thai soaps, but a phrase about pots and kettles springs to mind.

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I claim that the primary reason for being able to retain a semblance of sanity was that I didn't watch one episode of 'Dallas'. I'm proud to admit that the last episode I watched of 'Coronation Street' was shown in black and white, and that I tolerated that was only because the wonderful Arthur Lowe appeared in it. The artistic merit of 'Die Nasty' may be judged by the fact that the appalling Joan Collins played a leading role. I watched the first five minutes of the first episode of 'Eastenders' before switching off never to be revisited. I must however admit to watching 'Flamingo Road' but only because it was so awful that it was totally brilliant. Surely it was a pi$$ take?

I share the opinions of those who have already lamblasted Thai soaps, but a phrase about pots and kettles springs to mind.

All relevant. The big issue to me is that each channel from 8 till 10.30 is nothing but soap operas. 30 minute episodes us very different from 2 and a half hours 5 days a week.

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ever saw a japanese soap`? no killings, no fightings every 2min, no men hitting his woman or girlfriend every 5min, and racing scenes every now and then AND the best is NO every two min CRYING and this rediculus sounds palimpalimpalim dingdingding.... damned, I hate soaps anyway but never saw shit like this one they produce here...

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I strongly feel the Thai T.V. channels should stop all the ridiculous dubbing of English spoken films and documentaries, I mean, those voices they use........ odd........ anyway, keep the original soundtrack and provide Thai subtitles......promote the English language which will be the uniting language of ASEAN.........or is that too practical for the bureautwats in BKK?

Not dubbing in the native language and not providing L1 subtitles on the boob tube is one of the main reasons Philippinos have such good English skills.

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I strongly feel the Thai T.V. channels should stop all the ridiculous dubbing of English spoken films and documentaries, I mean, those voices they use........ odd........ anyway, keep the original soundtrack and provide Thai subtitles......promote the English language which will be the uniting language of ASEAN.........or is that too practical for the bureautwats in BKK?

Not dubbing in the native language and not providing L1 subtitles on the boob tube is one of the main reasons Philippinos have such good English skills.

Having a genuine respect for being liberated from a horrible occupation may have something to do with a but of an affinity to American culture.

But that sort of thing never went on here of course.

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The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB)

... now there's an oxymoron (emphasis on morons)

has suggested that more soap operas be translated into ASEAN languages to promote Thai culture to neighboring countries and generate more income to Thailand.

... Yup, we certainly need more of screaming and yelling, crying, guns, beatings and violence to display 'true' Thai culture. If MCOT starts airing this crap in English language ratings will go lower than watching ASEAN ever was. Get a life... blink.png

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Wow, this just seems so wrong on all levels. Just to draw a parallel. Because of Dallas people around the world became convinced that all Americans were super rich and a little bit sleazy. What will the Thai soap operas say about Thailand? Definetly not what they want to be said. Also will the Thai soaps be shown without the pathetic attempts at censoring?

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Wow, this just seems so wrong on all levels. Just to draw a parallel. Because of Dallas people around the world became convinced that all Americans were super rich and a little bit sleazy. What will the Thai soap operas say about Thailand? Definetly not what they want to be said. Also will the Thai soaps be shown without the pathetic attempts at censoring?

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

If the farangs start to think that the women are as conniving as in the soaps, pattaya might get a lot quieter.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Isn't torture illegal?

Apparently not. Every time I think of taking another Thai language course I just say to myself Self if you could understand Thai all the soap operas your wife watches would drive you crazier. She will occasionally turn on a comedy show like Milton Berle or Red Skeleton. Kind of makes me nostalgic for the uncle Miltie hour.

I was wondering if Arkom Termpitayapaisit really thinks those soaps are true replicas of Thai culture.

Lock him in a room and make him watch them non stop for a week. Thai soaps have more guns in them than US westerns.

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