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Mass Killer Anders Breivik Sentenced To 21 Years In Prison


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Breivik Sentenced to 21 Years in Prison for Norway Attacks


OSLO (AFP) -- An Oslo court on Friday sentenced Norwegian far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik to 21 years in prison, subject to extension, for his killing spree last year that left 77 people dead.

The verdict, in line with what Breivik himself wanted, brings to an end a spectacular 10-week trial for the twin attacks that traumatized normally tranquil Norway and shocked the world.

In previous testimony, Breivik laid out in chilling detail what motivated him to meticulously plan for years and then execute Norway’s worst massacre since World War II.

Breivik has called himself a “foot soldier” for the ‘Knights Templar,’ allegedly a clandestine ultra-right group named after an order of Christian Crusaders of the Middle Ages. Police doubt the group’s existence.

He has also railed against “cultural Marxists” whose support for immigration he blames for the emergence of a “Eurabia,” the reason why he targeted the center-left government and a summer youth camp run by the Labor Party.

The court heard how Breivik spent years planning the bloodbath, using a farm as cover for purchasing the chemical fertilizer he used for the almost one-ton bomb he set off in a rented van outside Oslo’s main government building.

In his years of seclusion, Breivik said he practiced meditation, worked out and used steroids to steel his mind and body, while playing shooting and role-playing video games for relaxation.

He joined a pistol club and obtained a hunting license to get the 9mm Glock handgun and Ruger semi-automatic rifle which he used to mow down terrified youths, the youngest just 14, trapped on the tiny lake island of Utoeya.

Dressed in a police uniform, he methodically shot dead 67 people, many at point blank range, and two more died as they fell to their death or drowned while trying to escape the more than hour-long shooting spree.

During his trial Breivik showed little emotion and no remorse and once described his mass slaughter as “cruel but necessary” to protect Norway from multiculturalism. At one stage he told the court: “I would do it again.”


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-08-24

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It looks like he will be sentenced to 21 years, of which he has to serve a minimum of 10 before he can apply for a early release.

But if he still is concidered dangerous the 21 years sentence can be extended.

He currently serve the sentence in a 3 room cell. A bedroom, a workroom with computer, and a excersise room. Pictures here: http://www.ba.no/nyh...icle6203546.ece

But the plans are ready for building a new high security cell at US$ 4.200.000,- if he get sentenced.


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Breivik sentenced to 21 years in jail


Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik gestures as he arrives at the court room in Oslo Courthouse, in Oslo, Norway, on August 24.

OSLO: -- A Norwegian court on Friday ruled that mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was sane and sentenced him to 21 years in jailfor the killing of 77 people in bomb and shooting attacks last year.

The anti-Muslim gunman smiled briefly as presiding judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntsen read out the verdict in the packed Olso District Court. The five judges were unanimous in their verdict, overruling arequest by the prosecution to declare Breivik insane.

Under Norwegian law, the maximum prison sentence is 21 years. But Breivik’s detention can be extended if he is deemed a danger to society.

The 33-year-old right-wing extremist had wanted a sane verdict. He said he carried out the bombing attacks in Oslo and a shooting spree at a Labour Party youth camp on the nearby island of Utoya to protect Norway from an influx of Muslim immigrants.

Breivik had pleaded not guilty to charges of terrorism and premeditated murder. The question of his sanity had been central to the 10-week trial, during which survivors and family and friends of the victims testified.

The massacre on July 22, 2011 shocked Norway’s largely liberal society and sparked a national debate about right-wing extremism, freedom of speech and immigration.

Court-appointed psychiatrists had reached different conclusions over the state of his mental health.

During the 10-week trial, shocking details emerged on how Breivikshot dead 69 people at a Labour Party youth camp on the island of Utoya after setting off a bomb in the government quarters in Oslo that killed eight.


-- The Nation 2012-08-24

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You can argue that 21 isn’t much for killing 77, or argue for death, and 21 for each life and so on.

But this is the laws of Norway and the judges has to follow the laws.

But, don’t worry, he will never get out.

After a sertent amount of the sentence, I think it is 2/3rds he will be judge if fit for parole, and he never will be granted parole. After the full sentence he will be judge if he can be released without any danger to society, and he will get 5 years more. This will go on for the rest of his life.

He was not declared sane, but “legally responsible for his crimes”.

And the different will only be if he spend the rest of his life in a secure hospital or in prison.

I think a hospital for insane people would have been worse, and also more embarrassing for him.

To be declare insane, was what he fought hard against in the court, and it upset him when they tried to do that.

What angry most in Norway, is his conditions in the cell and in prison.

He is allowed to communicate with his computer and write letters to others that sympathize with his beliefs. The thing he cannot write about is how to escape or any plans in that direction.

And like somebody already said, his cell is well equipped and so is the prison, like a nice hotel in Thailand.

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My parents along with my wife and I were in Hamar Norway when this tragedy happened and had planned a trip to Oslo on one of these jump on jump off bus tours.

We were scheduled to be in Oslo on the day of the bombing and deadly attack on the youth camp. On the account of the weather we decided to go a day earlier because it was a awesome sunny day. I mention this because the tour bus takes people through the financial and government sections of Oslo as well as all the tourist spots. The buildings and architecture are quite stunning in Oslo. This nut job basically will spend the rest of his life in prison because as I was told they can continue his sentence indefinitely while he is still a danger to society. This guy is a coward at best! Easy to kill unsuspecting innocent people and unarmed. Before we left Norway we were able to lay flowers for the victims. I believe that this guy should never be remembered! The victims should be the ones never forgotten.

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I just can’t conceive of a sentence of a sentence that is truly suitable for the mass murder…21yrs, life or death doesn’t seem to cut it.

​I think you could stab him once for every victim. In his limbs to start with, so he doesn't pass out and he knows what is coming. This is a complete mungral, no other words could describe it.

Judgement in this case needs a higher source. I do agree with him that multiculturalism is a problem and is a globalist-concept that would create massive social issues in Norway, as one can already see in (K)anada, Ameri(k)a, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. Killing people is not the solution to the purposely-implemented, socially-engineered-concept, such as multiculturalism. On a side note, your avatar is inappropriate and one could hardly take you seriously because of it.
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Anders Behring Breivik's prison: Ila near Oslo

OSLO: -- Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is due to serve his 21-year sentence in Ila prison near the capital, Oslo.

Breivik, 33, has already been kept at Ila for more than a year under its Regime of Particularly High Security, which is the country's strictest regime for prisoners.

The prison said in a statement before Friday's verdict that Breivik would initially be kept isolated from casual contact with other prisoners.

It released photos of its facilities, which give an idea of the life Breivik leads on the inside.

Full story/pictures: http://www.bbc.co.uk...europe-19354906


-- BBC 2012-08-24

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Great to see a measured response to all this from the Norwegians, rather than the knee-jerk histrionics we see in US and UK.

I think a few people need to familiarise themselves with philosophies and aims of the Norwegian prison system.

Edited by cowslip
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Judges in Oslo rule #Breivik was sane when he killed 77 people in Norway in 2011. He faces a minimum of 21 yrs in jail. /BBC

So, 3.27 months per killed person? What a "tough"sentence!

A Norwegian guy I was chatting too at the gym recently told me prisons in Norway are very cushy too, hardly a sentence at all!

With a "cushy" guy perhaps......

Hope a friend or relative of the victims will stay there as well..laugh.png

Edited by lostinisaan
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The food he will be getting in a Norwegian jail will be vastly better than what I can afford:


Breakfast - Smorgasbord, including fresh smoked salmon, herrings in an assortment of dressings, selection of fresh breads and rye biscuits. a choice of fruit juices, tea or fresh coffee.

Lunch - Full buffet including a variety of cold cuts, choice of 12 varieties of cheeses, fresh salads.

Dinner - Ala-cart - full menu including today's special - meat balls and boiled potatoes in butter. followed by Forrest fruits cheesecake. Wine selection from the dungeon.

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I just can’t conceive of a sentence of a sentence that is truly suitable for the mass murder…21yrs, life or death doesn’t seem to cut it.

​I think you could stab him once for every victim. In his limbs to start with, so he doesn't pass out and he knows what is coming. This is a complete mungral, no other words could describe it.

Judgement in this case needs a higher source. I do agree with him that multiculturalism is a problem and is a globalist-concept that would create massive social issues in Norway, as one can already see in (K)anada, Ameri(k)a, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. Killing people is not the solution to the purposely-implemented, socially-engineered-concept, such as multiculturalism. On a side note, your avatar is inappropriate and one could hardly take you seriously because of it.

Here are the seeds of another lunatic in action!

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I just can’t conceive of a sentence of a sentence that is truly suitable for the mass murder…21yrs, life or death doesn’t seem to cut it.

​I think you could stab him once for every victim. In his limbs to start with, so he doesn't pass out and he knows what is coming. This is a complete mungral, no other words could describe it.

Judgement in this case needs a higher source. I do agree with him that multiculturalism is a problem and is a globalist-concept that would create massive social issues in Norway, as one can already see in (K)anada, Ameri(k)a, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. Killing people is not the solution to the purposely-implemented, socially-engineered-concept, such as multiculturalism. On a side note, your avatar is inappropriate and one could hardly take you seriously because of it.

On a side note your comments are inappropriate and one could hardly take you seriously because of it.

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he is clearly not a right wing in the European understanding. he is ultra christian with a complete mix of extreme right and left ideas.

In his understanding he fought to protect Norway, so he should go in some closed institute that takes care of him till he mentally recovers (which won't happen, I guess).

He did it with good intentions, just his mind is not in this world....

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I think 21 years is a bit light on. I am not a hang em all person, but I would like to think he would get life.

There is no such ting as life in prison in the Scandinavia. 21 years is maximum in Norway, but there is something more

after 21 years the court can keep him in prison for ever, only have to say hi is still a danger to the society every 5 years.

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The evil scumbag should have been found to be insane (solely because he didn't want that to happen) and still never see the light of day again.

My heart still goes out all affected and the Norwegian people as a whole.

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Another article describing his living accommodations during his incarceration.


Custom-built prison cell awaits Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik

By Steve Mertl | Daily Brew – 13 hours ago

Those of you who think the Canadian prison system coddles criminals will be gobsmacked to learn what awaits Anders Breivik, who massacred 77 of his fellow Norwegians last year in the name of racial purity.

Friday is judgment day for Breivik, when a Norwegian court decides whether he is mentally fit to go to prison or insane, and so put under the care of psychiatrists.

According to The Associated Press, those hoping Breivik will be tossed in a hole to rot will be disappointed.

No matter what the court's decision is, Breivik will spend his days in a suite of cells built just for him.


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21 years is likely to be much more, that number is just the maximum allowed in one go

Note that it can be extended indefinitely as long as he is considered a danger to society, same as in Sweden and many other countries

Media reports that he was smiling when he heard the verdict...

Thanks for clarifying the sentence because I thought 21 years

in the can is much to light a sentence for this asshol_e.

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Judges in Oslo rule #Breivik was sane when he killed 77 people in Norway in 2011. He faces a minimum of 21 yrs in jail. /BBC

So, 3.27 months per killed person? What a "tough"sentence!

Don't worry, he'll be locked up for life....

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Shockingly light sentence. He should have been confined to a psychiatric unit for the remainder of his life.

He got the maximum allowed sentence in Norway. But when it's up, they will determine if he is still a risk to society, which he will be, and they will add another 5 years. This will go on repeat until he dies...

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Shockingly light sentence. He should have been confined to a psychiatric unit for the remainder of his life.

He got the maximum allowed sentence in Norway. But when it's up, they will determine if he is still a risk to society, which he will be, and they will add another 5 years. This will go on repeat until he dies...

I wouldn't count on it. He might do one of those jail cell conversions and fool them.
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