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Female Finnish Tourist Punched And Assaulted On Koh Lipe Island

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google translate could not translate this article very well. My wife read the story in Thai and said the women was attacked and robbed but did not get raped. According to the Thai article

Still no description of the attacker in this Thai version.

Ask your wife what ข่มขืน in that article means.

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Police find image of Koh Lipe rapist

Police have reportedly obtained the security camera footage showing the man who raped and robbed a Finnish woman on Satun's Koh Lipe on Thursday night, an informed source reported Monday.

The victim in her 30s was attacked at around 11pm on Thursday by a man who allegedly raped her and got away with her iPhone, Bt1,000 in cash and her purse. Police investigators Monday dispatched plainclothes officials to check on nearby resorts and shops for information. The victim chooses to remain anonymous.


-- The Nation 2012-08-27

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Blurry pic from Thairath of the CCTV image of the suspect. Police are saying they think he might actually be farang and not Thai.


The pic is carried again in the Manager, but they don't specify his nationality here. He's described as 1.7m tall, aged 20-30 and having black hair. They also mention that they found a shoe at the scene that they think could be his.


Edited by katana
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Indeed, I feel very sorry too. There is no respect for "tourist" and it never will. The embassy should place a warning for visiting Thailand, so people can be more aware of what's going on here lately. It seems that every criminal think that Thailand is paradize.

Edited by navara
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google translate could not translate this article very well. My wife read the story in Thai and said the women was attacked and robbed but did not get raped. According to the Thai article

Still no description of the attacker in this Thai version.

Ask your wife what ข่มขืน in that article means.



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Here is the Thai Version from above post:

สตูล - ท่องเที่ยวสตูลระส่ำ หลังเกิดเหตุคนร้ายก่อเหตุข่มขืนนักท่องเที่ยวชาวฟินแลนด์ ขณะเข้ามาพักบนเกาะหลีเป๊ะ เพื่อที่จะมาเรียนดำน้ำ ตำรวจเร่งติดตามตัว คาดคนร้ายยังอยู่บนเกาะ

ผู้สื่อข่าวรายงานว่า เมื่อวันที่ 25 ส.ค.55 เวลา 21.00 น ร.ต.อ.ไพโรจน์ พิจิตรบรรจง พสง.(สบ 1) ได้รับแจ้งเหตุถูกข่มขืนกระทำชำเรา บนเกาะหลีเป๊ะ หมู่ที่ 7 ต.เกาะสาหร่าย อ.เมืองสตูล จึงรายงานให้ พ.ต.ท.คมสัน แสงไกร รอง ผกก.ส. พ.ต.อ.สมปอง ช่อคง ผกก.สภ.เมืองสตูล ก่อนนำตัวผู้เสียหาย คือ น.ส.เมียร์ อายุ 34 ปี สัญชาติฟีนแลนด์ ขึ้นจากเกาะเพื่อเข้าตรวจร่างกายที่โรงพยาบาลสตูล

โดยผู้เสียหายเล่าว่า เมื่อช่วงค่ำวันที่ 23 สิงหาคม 2555 ขณะที่ตนกับเพื่อนอีก 3 คนนั่งดื่มเบียร์ที่ร้านห่างจากที่พักประมาณ 500 เมตร ก่อนจะแยกย้ายกันเดินทางกลับที่พัก โดยขณะนั้น ตนอยู่ในการมึนเมา ห่างจากรีสอร์ตที่พักไม่ไกลนักจู่ๆ ก็มีชายแปลกหน้าวิ่งเข้ามาประกบหลังกอดเอว และพยายามปลุกปล้ำพร้อมชกเข้าที่หน้าท้องตน 3-4 หมัด จนจุกก่อนลากไปกระทำชำเราจนสำเร็จความใคร่ทามกลางความมืด

โดยคนร้ายได้เอาโทรศัพท์ไป 1 เครื่อง พร้อมเงินสด 1,000 บาท และตนก็ได้เข้าแจ้งความต่อ พ.ต.ต.นนทพัฒน์ สมบูรณ์จันทร์ สวป.สภ.เมืองสตูล รับผิดชอบบนเกาะหลีเป๊ะ จุดตรวจประจำเกาะให้ทราบ

หลังทราบข่าว พ.ต.อ.พิษณุ อัชนะพรกุล ผกก.สส.ตำรวจภูธร จ.สตูล และกำลังได้กระจายกำลังหาตัวผู้กระทำผิด หลังทราบรูปพรรณสัณฐานของบุคคลต้องสงสัยจากกล้องวงจรปิด โดยคาดว่าจะได้ตัวในเร็วๆ นี้ และเชื่อว่าคนร้ายยังอยู่บนเกาะหลีเป๊ะ

สำหรับ น.ส.เมียร์ ได้เดินทางมาท่องเที่ยวที่เกาะหลีเป๊ะ และพักที่รีสอร์ตบนเกาะก่อนเกิดเหตุเป็นเวลา 2 สัปดาห์ ซึ่งการเดินทางมาครั้งนี้มาเพียงลำพัง เพื่อที่จะมาเรียนดำน้ำกับเพื่อนๆ ที่มาพักแล้วก่อนหน้านี้

Now here is Translation to English 100%:

Satun- tourism Satun rasam after accident murderer terrorist why rape tourist enclave Finland while in vacation on Koh Lipe. To come to learn diving Police tracked the Accelerator expected Bandit still on the island. .

Reporter reported on 25 Aug55 , at 21.00 . Phasong. ร.ต., a. brilliant Phichit neatly SOP ( 1) receive notification was rape by force action. On Koh Lipe Moo 7 tambol Koh seaweed Muang Satun took the report, Deputy Pol. Lt. Col. Khomsan Saengkrai phok g sat. Fixed bunch of Colonel in the police authority to aim for navigation before the Satun city amnatcharoen phok g the damage is, Ms. Mia aged 34 years. Nationality fin land up from the island to make the body at the hospital, Satun .

<font><font lang="en">By the damaged a story that when evening date 23

This was Translated using Microsoft's new Translator: Thai / English

100% ok

How she is okay prayers with her! Now You can see how the Media Posts what they want to be read, and what actual great concern was offered by Police... really...

Best wishes for recovery!


Edited by davidstipek
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What's happening here in Thailand. The criminal climate seems to get worse by the day. About 10 years ago I had a female colleague asking me if it was safe to travel on her own to Thailand. My answer back then was a straight yes, but my mind changed over the last few years. Not only women seem to be targeted any more but also men seem to have become prey here.

I feel so sorry for this young woman who believed having the most wonderful trip out here. Now she will return home as a broken person. In one action all the nice memories she might have built up here are wiped out.

Edited by stefb1964
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Not too surprised that the officer taking the initial statement, Pairoj, was a man.

The poor woman might indeed be victimised a second time when a male police officer comes by to take her statement. I think police here needs to look over the borders to some western countries. In Belgium for example, we would send a female officer to do this. Even the doctor examining her preferably would be a woman too. All the way long and during these dramatic moments as the exams and the taking of a statement are, we have a 'victim aid team' to support and advice them.

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OMG How Awful !!

Thinking of going home with only pleasant memories of her travels and now she will leave with deep scars on her Soul and with deep hatred.

Don't forget the baby in 9 months!

Offensive and thoughtless post. The woman has been assaulted; it is not funny in the least.

Edited by Reasonableman
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OMG How Awful !!

Thinking of going home with only pleasant memories of her travels and now she will leave with deep scars on her Soul and with deep hatred.

Don't forget the baby in 9 months!

Unacceptable tought. This woman is a victim and you make fun of her ? Very disrespectful of you.

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If it had been a farang man, the article would be screaming that point. So, one can assume it was a Thai. What a sad thing to happen, either way. I hope the police leave no stone unturned, and come down like a ton of bricks on the rapist.

for sure he, the rapist, will be a non Thai indeed !

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We got used to this kind of news coming from Phuket.

But Lipe??!!

There is really very little hope left if these sort of crimes spread to every corner of Thai tourist destinations.

Actually, there is none. Why do (girl) tourists keep flocking here?!

why should'nt they keep coming when you go on holiday you don't think about getting raped, if the culprits of these crimes were punished properly maybe they would think twice about committing them but as usual we will probably hear nothing more about him once caught, just a slap on the wrist and disappear back into society more than likely, i say tattoo rapist on their forehead and see how long they last in society.
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We got used to this kind of news coming from Phuket.

But Lipe??!!

There is really very little hope left if these sort of crimes spread to every corner of Thai tourist destinations.

Actually, there is none. Why do (girl) tourists keep flocking here?!

Because P.T. Barnum was right. Lipe has been totally destroyed by overdevelopment just like Phuket. I remember anchoring in the S bay 10 years ago, an empty beach unbroken except for a path leading to the sea gypsy village. That path is now "walking street" and the bay has bars and shops from one end to the other. Even more shocking considering it is was a national park. Fortunately the rest of the Butangs are still relatively pristine.

yes ch but for how long, look at koh pang nan and koh tao 20yrs ago pristine now ruined seems money is more important than anything in the los,
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google translate could not translate this article very well. My wife read the story in Thai and said the women was attacked and robbed but did not get raped. According to the Thai article

Still no description of the attacker in this Thai version.

Ask your wife what ข่มขืน in that article means.



er... yes, I know it means rape. That was the point I was making rolleyes.gif .The word ข่มขืน appears in the article because the article says she was raped. There seems to have been some sort of communication breakdown between Muggi1968 and his wife.

Edited by katana
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OMG How Awful !!

Thinking of going home with only pleasant memories of her travels and now she will leave with deep scars on her Soul and with deep hatred.

Don't forget the baby in 9 months!

Unacceptable tought. This woman is a victim and you make fun of her ? Very disrespectful of you.

There are countries where abortion is illegal, even for raped women. So quite valid point, but ofcourse not in this case.



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Rapes happen in every country in the world. But a lot of female tourists are raped every year in Thailand. Is it the Thai male attitude towards westerners? If you got it I'll take it. If your a woman and I see an opportunity to have sex with you I'll take it.

It shouldn't be so - but a female tourist should never travel, walk, swim or whatever on their own, especially where it's secluded.

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