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Dr Tul Alleges Explosives Left Hanging In A Bag On His Car


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The Yellows and the Multis would prefer to go to war with a neighbouring country over a small piece of land containing a temple built by forebearers of that other country than accept borders agreed upon in the past. Some time back I had a girlfriend who was a yellow. Uni educated and quite smart... we were together for three years. My first clue that we were going to have a problem was when we were visiting Phimai and she said that it had really been built by Thai people, not Khmers. I soon learned that this is part of the Yellows belief system, and it was impossible to argue against (at most, she would sometimes say that no-one can be sure who built the Khmer ruins that are seen around Thailand). I pulled the plug on the relationship when she sent me an email in which she said all Cambodians should be killed, every last one of them, because they are barbaric (irony!!) and do nothing but cause trouble. There's some Yellow thinking for you...

"that other country than accept borders agreed upon in the past."

There are two issues there. The land that the the temple sits on was judged to be in Cambodia in 1962. Thailand has basically accepted that.

The other issue that the fighting has been over in the last few years in 4.6 sq kms near the temple (not immediately surrounding it). The courts didn't make a decision on that, and there were conflicting documents when the treaty was drawn up in 1906/08.

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