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Survey: 1 In 2.8 Thai Married Couples Divorced Within Recent Years

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The report stated that the divorce among Thai couples was caused by current economic and social factors.

In times of such uncertainties, rent - don't buy. :rolleyes:


Is divorce such a bad thing? Should a marriage last a lifetime?

Yes it is and yes it should.

Divorce is certainly not necessarily a bad thing – I would suggest it is never a bad thing after just a few months.

The fact is, that marriage can be a bad thing. But that was not discovered maybe, until it really happened. Very severe and appalling things can start - making divorce a blessed release.

Lifelong successful partnerships are a boon but since nobody remains the same person after twenty years (let alone forty) the people finding one are very lucky or tolerant.


I am vehemently AGAINST any type of marriage, because in the end it likely will cost me my last shirt. Now try to explain that concept to someone who has at least 6 dying grandmothers, a dozen gravely sick water buffalos and a menagerie of unfortunate cousins at home; not to mention that dad urgently needs a new pickup truck and mom cannot live without a more spacious house. No wonder I'm still single. LOL

Stay out of Isaan.

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I seriously doubt the 'divorced within the same year' part, the 108'000 is obviously the overall number of divorces in 2010, nothing to do with when they got married. Sloppy translation as usual, that's all. coffee1.gif

The report stated that the divorce among Thai couples was caused by current economic and social factors.

In times of such uncertainties, rent - don't buy. rolleyes.gif

The old, "If it flies, f^cks or floats" line. Very true.


Is divorce such a bad thing? Should a marriage last a lifetime?

Divorce is a terrible thing! I believe in marriage as a pact of love and stability between 2 people that lasts a lifetime. I also believe in monogamy and trust.

I used to believe in this, until I realized it is not natural to be with the same person FOREVER!! It freaks me out, frankly. Furthermore, these days people are so much more distracted I think it is difficult to carry on an intelligent conversation while your date keeps checking his Facebook page at the table, lol


I used to believe in this, until I realized it is not natural to be with the same person FOREVER!! It freaks me out, frankly. Furthermore, these days people are so much more distracted I think it is difficult to carry on an intelligent conversation while your date keeps checking his Facebook page at the table, lol

You don't have to be with the same person forever, just don't get married. Also, the fact that I believe in marriage doesn't make mine successful. I just like to hold on to the believe that people can be monogamous, cause as someone pointed out earlier: if you play ball, you should let your partner play ball!


I used to believe in this, until I realized it is not natural to be with the same person FOREVER!! It freaks me out, frankly. Furthermore, these days people are so much more distracted I think it is difficult to carry on an intelligent conversation while your date keeps checking his Facebook page at the table, lol

You don't have to be with the same person forever, just don't get married. Also, the fact that I believe in marriage doesn't make mine successful. I just like to hold on to the believe that people can be monogamous, cause as someone pointed out earlier: if you play ball, you should let your partner play ball!

Monogamy means one at a time, not one for forever.


note : if farang gets married and get non-o visa, and gets divorced, you get the 7 days to quit te county in your face

even if it is your cheating spouse that is the cause

and she will take the house you paid for, the car, the monnies...


Divorce is a terrible thing! I believe in marriage as a pact of love and stability between 2 people that lasts a lifetime.

bah.gif Marriage should be banned.


Is divorce such a bad thing? Should a marriage last a lifetime?

Divorce is a terrible thing! I believe in marriage as a pact of love and stability between 2 people that lasts a lifetime. I also believe in monogamy and trust.

I believe in the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny.

I second that.......clap2.gif


I believe there are two forms of recognized marriage: religious and governmental. The third form is often unrecognized by the sheep, who are indoctrinated into being confined in their to only the first two. The third form is two individuals being able to remain together simply by consent and the natural, individual behavior that defines that consent and makes being together an improvement over one's individual life. It is often exemplified in the behavior we have with our mates, family, loved ones, that keeps us together much longer than with a significant other, via the vices of perverted constructs of these first two "marriage" contracts; social programs not being far behind on my shit list of interfering evils against individual happiness.

I prefer to keep religion and government out of my personal affairs and make every attempt to choose my behaviors that allow me to keep the people in my life that make my life more edifying; whether it is my mates, my family or my significant other. It is my choice and mine alone.

Marriage is a term used first by religion to collar humans with the requirements of performance based acceptance in order to gain the approval of some mythical god (with money being in there as the root, driving force behind this) and avoid being caste out of the church and heaven. The government hopped on board years later to use it as a form to collar two humans with the requirement of paying money in order to gain approval of a government run society and to be a "good citizen" and avoid being caste in to prison. Social groups now use it as a means to castrate and feminize the male and empower the female and children, whilst casting the man out of the household as the leader. Religion, government and social groups (government's answer to religion) are the curse of mankind. They have increased in proportion to further impede mankind's self-actualization to be self-responsible. They all exist solely to control our own thoughts and actions and create a mass of dependent, stupid, ignorant robot sheep who chase the carrot on the stick from misconstrued feelings of guilt, patriotism and "doing the right thing"... all at the cost of our own inner peace and happiness.

No! What was once simple, long before religion and government existed, has grown in proportion to be nothing more than a corrupt opportunity for others to meddle in the private affairs of two humans who want nothing more than to remain together simply for the purpose of enjoying each others company.

Creating terms like single, married, divorced, widowed, etc. are nothing more than a far stretch by religion and government and social groups to retain their hold over each individual from exercising their own form of religion and government and social behavior within their hearts and minds. Anything less is to accept being defective and handicapped with guilt and subservience towards the fallacies that religion, government and social groups pull over our eyes from birth to the grave.

The beasts of the field are more noble in their behavior than feeble man, in his sick and twisted ways of controlling and manipulating one's ability to achieve excellence and a good life.

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