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Whats The Best Option For Changing Money


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I will be flying to Australia next week and was wondering whats the best way and most cost effective way to obtain AUS$ either before I leave or on arrival ..

is it best to change thai baht into aussie dollars before I leave ?

is it best to take US$ and change them into aussie dollars on arrival ?

Thanks for any advice ...wai.gif

Edited by steven100
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Money changers in Oz charge some fat fees.

When I was leaving the country I had a few $$ left. Went to an exchange window at the airport and turned out the fee was more than the amount I wanted to exchange -- I would have owed them money! wink.png I went and spent it on sweets instead.

BTW, I've been stuck with a few hundred Fiji dollars for the past five years, forgot to change them while in Oz. No place wants them.

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