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Yingluck, Thaksin At Odds?

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I'm always amused with posters here calling Yingluck a puppet. What they fail to realize is that she is a woman. I have never been able to tell a woman anything, not my sister in particular. My Thai wife knows everything. My wife does consult me about major decisions then she does exactly what she wants to do.

I think even the dumbest of contributors and the host of lurkers are fully aware that Yingluck is a woman. Some (many?) actually find her a very attractive one. Even the dumbed down electorate are aware of her gender. biggrin.png

I share your view that the lady in question is not a puppet. Poppet maybe to some, a marionette to many.

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The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

Is there a feminine form of Dictator..............


Pussytator? dam_n! I was beaten to it. Well done that man. I'm content with the silver medal after contending against a true champion poster. It's about time that the Aussies won something. smile.png

Edited by Bagwan
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Impetuous teens are often at odds with a parent.


At the risk of picking a fight Buchholz..............you and many others expected TS to be back by now. You didn't expect a new generation of politicians to start roosting in the nest of power.

The longer TS is out of the country the more irrelevant he and his acolytes will become.......and the more power and confidence will flow to his sister.

It's happening below your nose and you can't see it. coffee1.gif

I seriously hope you are right.

Me too. biggrin.png

I would like to see a poll of how many people here have called it completely wrong for the past year.................day in and day out they have railed about the same subject............the impending return of TS.

To me he is further away than ever........and Yingluck's people are starting to empire build. People don't give up the levers of power easily once they get their hands on them. This has been true throughout history and it will become true in this case too.

You are dreaming.
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The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

Is there a feminine form of Dictator..............


Pussytator ? (or its shorter anglo-saxon derived equivalent)

A little naughty sir! Made me spit me coffee out - brilliant!cheesy.gif

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Maybe I'm barking mad however my reading of court politics throughout history ( and that's a hobby of mine ) is that it's the courtiers that turn the heads........the OP is a story about court politics and that's where the danger lies for TS.......the court will split.......and he will not be able to do anything about it.

The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

Read the story again...................an attempt to blacken a name back fired..........it won't be the last time the rule of unintended consequences comes into play.

Game of Thrones is a good television series which truly mimics the feudalistic power struggles going on in Thailand.

Spot on, sir. And what a series it is. Read all the books with much pleasure.

Actually, I think theblether has a point. Although TS has not become irrelevant, it might just be that the new power "elite" are starting to get comfy in their places. The upcoming re-shuffle should make things a little clearer. Instructions and "suggestions" might still come out of Dubai, but you know how it is. Talking on Skype is just not the same. " Yeah sorry the connection is bad, we talk later, na?"

It will be interesting to see how YS develops as a leader. If she is starting to collect a court of friendlies and sycophants, they might not all be selected by Big Brother T. If the YS group is blocking the TS faction from contacting her, that would certainly be new.

Her government might become just a tad more popular/credible (by Thai standards) if she manages to get rid of Jatuporn and Chalerm. Both are liabilities.

One an instigator who is basically a street thug, the other a barking bully with questionable morals and shady sons. Both have a heavy sense of entitlement.

All the bravado about TS returning is starting to look silly. Every day he stays away, the less likely it is.

The day she manages to get those 2 to <deleted>, she will have come into her own.

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To survive her term as PM Yingluck cannot afford to ignore the power brokers outside PTP/Thaksin. She will be getting advice on many isues from major players through Thailand and Thai politics. To be seen to accept some of this advice will re-inforce her postion as a suitable PM. I think Yingluck is smart enough to appreciate this and act accordingly.

Edited by 473geo
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To survive her term as PM Yingluck cannot afford to ignore the power brokers outside PTP/Thaksin. She will be getting advice on many isues from major players through Thailand and Thai politics. To be seen to accept some of this advice will re-inforce her postion as a suitable PM. I think Yingluck is smart enough to appreciate this and act accordingly.

Personally I remain to be convinced that Yingluck has the ability or will to act as the PM. These tricks seem to be people manipulating her, with her appearing to take the credit.

In the same way as 'Yingluck orders this', 'Yingluck is keen to.....', the idea of her running the show doesn't sound likely.

Nip off to Chiang Mai to judge a primary school painting competition -Yes.

Understanding and performing a political role - No

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The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

Is there a feminine form of Dictator..............


Pussytator ? (or its shorter anglo-saxon derived equivalent)

I believe it is Latin

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Impetuous teens are often at odds with a parent.


At the risk of picking a fight Buchholz..............you and many others expected TS to be back by now. You didn't expect a new generation of politicians to start roosting in the nest of power.

The longer TS is out of the country the more irrelevant he and his acolytes will become.......and the more power and confidence will flow to his sister.

It's happening below your nose and you can't see it. coffee1.gif

Maybe he is starting to like goat meat more than somtam?rolleyes.gif Edited by Skywalker69
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"Yingluck appears to be more confident in running the country" and there's nothing scarier than a confident incompetent.

Sentence of the week.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Funny but deep down scary.

The comment would more applicable to a party leader who had failed to win an election would it not?

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I'n pretty sure you have predicted his return in the past however if you say you did not then I will retire and lick my wounds. wai.gif

As someone who generally avoids the prognostication that so many others are fond of, I very rarely ever try to predict anything in Thai politics. It's needless and most often incorrect, not matter who is gazing into the crystal ball.

I appreciate you recognizing you misspoke.

To be honest with you I was dreading going through a years worth of content biggrin.png

It's better to retire wounded than add to my suffering. rolleyes.gif

An easy search engine look could cut your "suffering" to mere seconds of time, but I can appreciate you'd prefer to laugh something off rather than admit you misspoke, but no worries. It's common here to categorically state others of saying things they didn't say.


Come on buchholz it's about time you shared the secret of this amazing thai visa search engine. Why don't you give theblether (and me) a blow by blow account of how one would search your 11,000 odd posts to find evidence of you saying that thaksin would be coming back soon - I know you say you haven't but bear with me on this - How would you do it?

It would obviously be handy for those who "categorically state others of saying things they didn't say" and it might even be good as a sticky - it's like one of those bits of info that nobody tells you but expect you to know, like how how many quotes you can quote before you get that funny message or how many likes a day you can have..........

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Impetuous teens are often at odds with a parent.


At the risk of picking a fight Buchholz..............you and many others expected TS to be back by now. You didn't expect a new generation of politicians to start roosting in the nest of power.

The longer TS is out of the country the more irrelevant he and his acolytes will become.......and the more power and confidence will flow to his sister.

It's happening below your nose and you can't see it. coffee1.gif

Just simply out of curiosity, I must query, is this how you honestly envisioned things would occur?

Personally, I never saw K. Yingluck out from under the yoke of her brother and I'm still not 100% convinced that she is. Will hold conviction to see what happens.

As an aside, I never knew what to think about K.T's return other than it never seemed inevitable to me. Always possible but not inevitable. I find it all interesting to watch. Kinda like sitting in a "live" Political Science class, but never having the crystal ball to tap into that lets me announce "I know what will happen".

I continue to wait and see.

Edited by Dap
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"Yingluck appears to be more confident in running the country" and there's nothing scarier than a confident incompetent.

Sentence of the week.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Funny but deep down scary.

The comment would more applicable to a party leader who had failed to win an election would it not?


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"Yingluck appears to be more confident in running the country" and there's nothing scarier than a confident incompetent.

Sentence of the week.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Funny but deep down scary.

The comment would more applicable to a party leader who had failed to win an election would it not?

I believe Yingluck has never stood for election let alone won one!

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Impetuous teens are often at odds with a parent.


At the risk of picking a fight Buchholz..............you and many others expected TS to be back by now. You didn't expect a new generation of politicians to start roosting in the nest of power.

The longer TS is out of the country the more irrelevant he and his acolytes will become.......and the more power and confidence will flow to his sister.

It's happening below your nose and you can't see it. coffee1.gif

Just simply out of curiosity, I must query, is this how you honestly envisioned things would occur?

Personally, I never saw K. Yingluck out from under the yoke of her brother and I'm still not 100% convinced that she is. Will hold conviction to see what happens.

As an aside, I never knew what to think about K.T's return other than it never seemed inevitable to me. Always possible but not inevitable. I find it all interesting to watch. Kinda like sitting in a "live" Political Science class, but never having the crystal ball to tap into that lets me announce "I know what will happen".

I continue to wait and see.

I've lifted this line from DrEvilSomkids' earlier excellent post..............

it might just be that the new power "elite" are starting to get comfy in their places.

There is too much focus on the Thaksin / Yingluck relationship........the people that Thaksin should fear most are the people in the court surrounding Yingluck........these people are in positions of power and influence and they are beyond the day by day control of TS. I lay you odds that many are looking at the "old guys" that are trying to get back in to power and cringing at the thought of these people returning to government and in some cases taking their jobs.

There will be a civil war within the government and the factions will out...........it happens in every court, every government.........and there are few people more vicious and calculating than politicians, especially those in positions of power who may lose that power any day.

Pay attention to the original article here..............a power play that backfired, there will be more of it.......and the longer TS is out of the country the less power he will wield.

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