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Having an O visa that can be potentially renewed annually by oneself and at my cost - should be a benefit to a school and in my hiring as well, no?

How difficlt is it to obtain a WP after the O? I presume as most countries this can only be done via the instiution?

So it makes a person more, less or neutral in regard to marketable commodity compared to someone needing a B visa?

I have heard that being maried is also a plus as it show stablity, a committment to the country (living), responsibility (hopefully you are at home w/ wifey and not down at Cowboy at 11pm). How much of a plus is this over being a single man?

How much does your marketability move up or down with marriage?

How much does your marketability move down with age (I have seen ads +40 need not apply)?

Thank you


When I started teaching at a Government school, I was using a O visa based on marriage.

When to the school went to apply for the waiver from the teacher's council of Thailand. They wanted me to have a B visa.

I think being married to a Thai is a negative because they will only offer you low salary thinking you won't leave for greener pastures.

The age thing just means those who fall with the limit will be given a preference, but if no young people answer the ad, they still need to fill the position.

If you have a secondary source of income, then I would say become a teacher here, if this your only source of income, them maybe you should be

looking for another job.


Thanks - no, while I could use the money, I am not desparate for it.

So they will offer me less?! SERIOUS!

Salaries are already so low and so much bs (taxes, graft, games, out of pocket).


What you wrote is interesting. We have an employee who is the child of two Thai nationals. He is eligible for Thai citizenship and a Thai passport, but hasn't get gotten either. He entered work and started work using his US Passport (born and raised in the US). He entered Thailand on a non-immigrant O visa. He was turned down for a Work Permit and told he had to get a non-immigrant B visa.

I thought it was just a fluke, but he speaks fluent Thai and he was with our school Admin person who handles visas/work permits on a constant basis, but no luck.


Getting the WP is sometimes difficult, the Labour Office wants people to have a non immigrant B visa, and not an extension based on marriage, although this gives the impression (especially as it is stamped "Thai Wife"), that you are sure to stay in Thailand longer than others (My opinion).


Thanks - makes me even more discouraged Scott and Beano.

I am planning on making an O visa (Multi), not extension for what it is worth.

I can understand the desire of B visa, it is all proper but I also do not see why in the world an O visa holder based upon marriage or even study should not be given a wp.

For such a small sum, plus hassles it is again looking like best plan is to return to US when time is right and make some money.


Before you get too discouraged, take a look at this thread. I don't know if it addresses your problem, but it might be worth checking it out:


I got a WP using my 'O' visa, extended on the basis of marriage. I went to the MOL office in Din Deng, Bangkok. The paperwork was taken care of by the agency I work for. All I had to do was turn up at the MOL, and part with the fees.

This was last done last November. Now that the rules have changed, you shouldn't have any problems.


Thanks for the follow up everyone. Wow at least at one point the answer was in fact -no.

Seems to me to be a huge plus for the school. Anyway, could slso see they would like to tie your visa down like the wp. If you leave school, you must leave Thailand.

Ok, so I'm not tossing in the towel yet.


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