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Overstay And Visa Fees Waived For English Teachers?

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I heard that if you can get a job working as a English teacher you can get a waiver for any Overstay fees you may have, and a voucher for your visa. I know one person who got the voucher for his visa, but I haven't heard anything else about it.

Anyone know anything info?


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Everyone pays overstay fines, does not matter if you are the GM of a company. And there is no such thing as a voucher to get away with it, their is a receipt when you get charged for it.

If you overstay one day, then the officer might just allow you to pass and get away with it, but this is usually for those on tourist visas.

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There seem to be a lot of bizzare topics of late (started by new people), which seem to be driving traffic in the forums. I wonder who is behind them???

"How can I invest my 2 million USD"

"The bank staff don't smile at me because I go there for change"

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He wasn't overstayed, but he said he got a voucher for his visa. A 1 year visa, that he got 9 months on at first and gets the other 3 later.

Possibly related to an expiring passport then, but I've never heard of an actual voucher being issued, just the additional months being added when the new passport was available.

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Its probably as in my case the agency,school or college is preparing the visa papers/ wp papers ,so any overstay fine will be covered by them.

Ah yes, that's sounds like the most likely scenario. Thank you.

If you are a teacher overstay a year or so and get back too us how it worked out the only sure fire method of proveing or disproveing rumors
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If you are a teacher overstay a year or so and get back too us how it worked out the only sure fire method of proveing or disproveing rumors

Actually first time teaching! although been living here 11 years but working legit in the "Travel game". now sick of all the traveling, hence the teaching gig in a southern college .....nice package ....56 hours a month so plenty of time to commute back to Bangkok ( I have an apartment there), house near beach, and motorcycle provided here , This will do until something I fancy catches my eye back in the real world

Anyway I have all my paperwork now, plus the cash for the overstay fine and will be doing a visa run, new passport, the whole nine yards next week when the college closes.


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Its probably as in my case the agency,school or college is preparing the visa papers/ wp papers ,so any overstay fine will be covered by them.

Ah yes, that's sounds like the most likely scenario. Thank you.

All I can say is do your research thoroughly because if you turn up at the border with a big overstay and claim that a friend told you it would be OK, well they might share the joke while you are counting out the readies and getting a nice big red stamp in your passport. All the UK consulates give advice on visas and requirements and will answer questions by phone or email and have good websites.

Edited by sysardman
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