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Bar Budda


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Just seen the following on Thai-UK.Org

Buddha image becomes design motif

Buddhists in the UK have raised concerns about the Glasgow-based pub chain Bar Budda. The company recently announced a new £1m outlet in Belfast and has plans to open bars in Manchester and Kilmarnock.

The company has eight 'Thai-inspired' bars in Scotland and one in Oldham in England. All feature large Buddha images - some even placed on and above the bar, as well as Thai artefacts and food.

Click here for the full article.

The Bar Budda website can be found by clicking here.

Personally I feel that using the Buddha image in this way is insulting to Buddhists, and wonder what the reaction would be if they tried something similar with Christian or Islamic imagery.

What do others think?

If you want to make your feelings known to the company concerned, you can E-mail them at [email protected]

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You can buy Buddha image t-shirts on Khao San road, there's several Buddha Bars around, in Kanchanaburi for example, you can get Buddha statues sold as souvenier items everywhere in Thailand. Whether it's offensive to Buddhists or not, marketing of Buddhist iconography by Thai Buddhists (and Tibetan Buddhists in Nepal) is HUGE business.

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Are monks supposed to drink alcohol?

In this instance, it's the association that gets me.

Definitely a no-no.

Are Catholic Priests ment to bugger boys?No, but it does happen. As far as I'm concerned they can have a Christ Bar as well.Can't leave out Mohammad, so an Islam Bar works for me too.No skin off my nose.When I hear so many stories about Thieving Monks or christians or murdering Muslims etc..they all give me the willies. :o

Edited by chuchok
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Charging Farangs, even Buddhist Farangs, in to see Buddha images and temples is another way Thai Buddhists make money out of the religion. My point is I disagree with the abuse of Buddha images in this way but it's rife all over this country, nevermind two or three pubs in Scotland.

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Just seen the following on Thai-UK.Org
Buddha image becomes design motif

Buddhists in the UK have raised concerns about the Glasgow-based pub chain Bar Budda. The company recently announced a new £1m outlet in Belfast and has plans to open bars in Manchester and Kilmarnock.

The company has eight 'Thai-inspired' bars in Scotland and one in Oldham in England. All feature large Buddha images - some even placed on and above the bar, as well as Thai artefacts and food.

Click here for the full article.

The Bar Budda website can be found by clicking here.

Personally I feel that using the Buddha image in this way is insulting to Buddhists, and wonder what the reaction would be if they tried something similar with Christian or Islamic imagery.

What do others think?

If you want to make your feelings known to the company concerned, you can E-mail them at [email protected]

laudable tho' your intentions are; here in the UK you can but all manner of tat bearing the image of Christ etc. I'm sure Barbudda ain't going to take any notice.

Last year I bought a worn/used islamic prayer mat from a secondhand shop, the "owner" of the shop asked if I was muslim. I replied no.

I was then asked "what are you going to do with the prayer mat" I replied "put it up on my bedroom wall"

In my mind I'm not showing disrespect


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Just a fast Google search for Buddha Bar and Buddha Lounge gave a lot of resuts worldwide. There are also many Allah nightclubs. Nobody's complaining.

Was a bit of a "to do" a couple of years ago over the use of using the word "Mecca" to advertise bingo halls but there must have been a enough winners amongst them (the objectors)who frequented them and reconed that they were not really such bad places.....2 little ducks... :D

Suppose the idea of a jesus christs bar,jehovas witness lounge or a virgin marys disco might /could annoy some folk I am sure if their faiths are strong enough they really wont mind and perhaps might even take supper in a Hells kitchen :o

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You can buy Buddha image t-shirts on Khao San road, there's several Buddha Bars around, in Kanchanaburi for example, you can get Buddha statues sold as souvenier items everywhere in Thailand. Whether it's offensive to Buddhists or not, marketing of Buddhist iconography by Thai Buddhists (and Tibetan Buddhists in Nepal) is HUGE business.

And, the Buddha Bar music cd's. Most, if not all, have a Buddha image on the cover. This genre of music has been around for many years. The pirated copies are sold in most major tourist destinations around Thailand.

Although I have my own feelings about copyright, these cd's sell for 100 -150 bht here, In Oz you can pay from $40 up to $65 per cd :o

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I can't help thinking that if you opened a ‘Mohammed Bar’. filled it full of Islamic imagery and served alcohol it wouldn't last long.

Wall's ice cream recently had to alter one of their logos because at a certain angle it looked a little like it said ‘Allah’. They are a great people though, the Muslims, very tolerant. :o

The Buddha bar look quite nice.

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My wife told me it's all about how the Buddha is displayed. All the Thai resturants in our town, which serve liquor, have Buddhas somewhere in the place. Even by the bar. What is real bad is the house decorations sold at stores here in the States. Buddha head cut from the bodies and place on the end of a pole to decorate a coffee table, or bedside figures, other crap like that.

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I see that they mis-spell Buddha as Budda. Maybe this way they feel free of any implied copyright of Buddhists.

Definitely wrong IMO and I shall write to them.

Wrong and disrespectful IMO too.

Just as wrong is the soon-to-opened Jesus Sex Toy and Crucifix Marital Aid Shop in Glasgow...

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I see that they mis-spell Buddha as Budda. Maybe this way they feel free of any implied copyright of Buddhists.

Definitely wrong IMO and I shall write to them.

I am going to open a bar that takes the piss out of all religions.It wil be derogatory towards most religions and individuals and ment to offend.I will make sure that Agnostics are puit to the sword as well.

Would you like to write to me too?

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I see that they mis-spell Buddha as Budda. Maybe this way they feel free of any implied copyright of Buddhists.

Definitely wrong IMO and I shall write to them.

I am going to open a bar that takes the piss out of all religions.It wil be derogatory towards most religions and individuals and ment to offend.I will make sure that Agnostics are puit to the sword as well.

Would you like to write to me too?

Yeah, for an invite to the grand opening. :o

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I see that they mis-spell Buddha as Budda. Maybe this way they feel free of any implied copyright of Buddhists.

Definitely wrong IMO and I shall write to them.

I am going to open a bar that takes the piss out of all religions.It wil be derogatory towards most religions and individuals and ment to offend.I will make sure that Agnostics are puit to the sword as well.

Would you like to write to me too?

Most sternly, I am very cross :o

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Are monks supposed to drink alcohol?

In this instance, it's the association that gets me.

Definitely a no-no.

Are Catholic Priests ment to bugger boys?No, but it does happen. As far as I'm concerned they can have a Christ Bar as well.Can't leave out Mohammad, so an Islam Bar works for me too.No skin off my nose.When I hear so many stories about Thieving Monks or christians or murdering Muslims etc..they all give me the willies. :o

Muslims would have a fit if that happened and I do not think he place would last long


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The good thing....I called it as a "brand recognition"

Just look at miss BLUE M&M...she said that she doesn't do a commercial...next thing you know...she's gone. The red, the brown, and the yellow are still there!....no more BLUE M&M anymore!

The bad thing...Buddha teaching to believe in rebirth or after life

Look out...those happy sinners....Buddha will get you in the next life, plus extra penalty for missed spell "BUDDHA" as "BUDDA" :o

Edited by BKK90210
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What really distinguishes real Buddhism from religions is that it is real down to earth wisdom that tolerates rather than trying to judge and mend. Can human ignorance ever harm what Buddhism is all about? Nope, cause ignorance and misconceptions are just part of life and the human kind. Since this can not be changed it is useless to make oneself suffer by trying.

Someone opens a bar with dubious reference or someone engages in weird behavious and practices? So what? Nuttin' to do with Buddhist teaching but rather as weird as Buddism or Buttism or like "can not find my butt with both hand science". :o

Edited by Richard Hall
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Are monks supposed to drink alcohol?

In this instance, it's the association that gets me.

Definitely a no-no.

Are Catholic Priests ment to bugger boys?No, but it does happen. As far as I'm concerned they can have a Christ Bar as well.Can't leave out Mohammad, so an Islam Bar works for me too.No skin off my nose.When I hear so many stories about Thieving Monks or christians or murdering Muslims etc..they all give me the willies. :o

Muslims would have a fit if that happened and I do not think he place would last long


yes, they should follow the example of the Catholics who wouldn't bat an eye at the opening of the Crucifix Dildo Shop.

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I think it would be hilarious to see what would happen if I tried to open up a restaurant called "The Last Supper" where everyone sat at huge buffet-style tables, drank out of grails, and all the waiters dressed like apostles. Jesus would come over halfway through your meal and ask how everything was

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An interesting mix of replies.

When I told my wife about this her first reaction was a typical Thai shrug and an "Up to them." Then I showed her the pictures on their website. She hit the roof, and could not understand why it is allowed!

She at first thought I was describing a few Buddha images on the walls, or maybe a proper shrine; she didn't realise how they are actually using the images, and when she did felt that it showed a total lack of respect.

Edited by GU22
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I think it would be hilarious to see what would happen if I tried to open up a restaurant called "The Last Supper" where everyone sat at huge buffet-style tables, drank out of grails, and all the waiters dressed like apostles. Jesus would come over halfway through your meal and ask how everything was

"The Last Supper" bar would probably go down a storm in Thailand. You did say drank out of grails didn't you?

The Buddabar is not in Thailand so why the outrage?

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Are monks supposed to drink alcohol?

In this instance, it's the association that gets me.

Definitely a no-no.

Are Catholic Priests ment to bugger boys?No, but it does happen. As far as I'm concerned they can have a Christ Bar as well.Can't leave out Mohammad, so an Islam Bar works for me too.No skin off my nose.When I hear so many stories about Thieving Monks or christians or murdering Muslims etc..they all give me the willies. :o

Muslims would have a fit if that happened and I do not think he place would last long


yes, they should follow the example of the Catholics who wouldn't bat an eye at the opening of the Crucifix Dildo Shop.

Cometh into the kindom of heaven......

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[Original post completely written in Thai removed. /Meadish Thaivisa's rules clearly state that English should be used everywhere except for in the Thai language forum. If you have something to say in this matter, please say it in English. And also please think a little longer before you accuse every single Western person of something. We are not all the same. Thank you.]

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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