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Firing Thai Workers

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I am managing a Thai company and have a problem with personel. I am waiting for reply from lawyers for quite some time so I am asking if anyone has any expirience with that . Problem is that company lacked control from owner side and staff formed a sort of syndicate within company. I have an issue because the most competent (only one, really) worker seems to be a kind of leader so I decided to let her go to show example to others. She is also only one speaking english so with letting her go I need replacement to be able to perform company reorganisation.

With that in mind I seek for a possible western lady with good knowledge in thai for staff managing position....

All comments welcome! I guess some will have some critics on this issue;)

Edited by Mario2008
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In terms of the labour law...money talk BS walks...you will be paying severance if you let her go, you do know that, and if you put a Farang lady in the same postion, you are going to have big problems

Smartest way seeing as you already have identifed the ringleader is to get her on your side with shall we say some addtional incentives to keep the others in line and getting them to do their jobs

Edited by Soutpeel
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Well, if you fire someone - then the liability of the consequences will be yours... ! Unless of course you show her the door and offer her severance as well.

Just get the farang lady you intend to hire and make this lady + everyone else report directly to her... the troble maker will just leave !

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Well, if you fire someone - then the liability of the consequences will be yours... ! Unless of course you show her the door and offer her severance as well.

Just get the farang lady you intend to hire and make this lady + everyone else report directly to her... the troble maker will just leave !

Agree with the above but you dont even need a farang woman, there are some Thai's with international experience/education that may be better suited to help you with your problem, but they come at a higher salary.

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I totally understand how you feel toward such disgusting employee. Personally I used to encounter and tolerate bad employee for nearly 2 years. I thought more than a hundred times to fire her. I consulted my lawyer as well as consulted with the Labour Office. Eventually they taught me to promote another woman staff to an even higher position who belonged to the syndicate in order to break this syndicate, this promotion in both position and salary would cause an internal conflict and power conflict among their syndicate.

Good Luck! Hold on to this, this will be the safest way to both your property and money. Gambatte!

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In terms of the labour law...money talk BS walks...you will be paying severance if you let her go, you do know that, and if you put a Farang lady in the same postion, you are going to have big problems

Smartest way seeing as you already have identifed the ringleader is to get her on your side with shall we say some addtional incentives to keep the others in line and getting them to do their jobs

no that is wrong, you give the worst one the full control.

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The Thai way is to let her be several times wrong and than force her to resign.

I still don't figure it out how it really works.....But we fired a lot staff that way....

Coming late, not complete the work, be corrupt, not reaching targets, let stay but give no work, no computer etc etc.

Be prepared that after you fire her, others may also leave, or block everything they can and of course don't cooperate with new staff. They'll try their best in mobbing and giving them misleading informations.

Try to clean out more than just 1 person to cause a big disruption in their organization and warn the others, that the next one who make something you don't like will be the next. Take care of your company informations. Not that they take your customer list with them.

At the same time bring in new people, but of course you need more people than you have kicked out as they are new to the job. And of course more than 1 person so they can't be mobbed that easily.

Not easy......and expensive.....but it won't get better if you don't fix the problem, so do it as fast as possible.

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In terms of the labour law...money talk BS walks...you will be paying severance if you let her go, you do know that, and if you put a Farang lady in the same postion, you are going to have big problems

Smartest way seeing as you already have identifed the ringleader is to get her on your side with shall we say some addtional incentives to keep the others in line and getting them to do their jobs

no that is wrong, you give the worst one the full control.

You dont give any one full control...go back read what I said...there is control in the office and controling the purse strings...the MD controls purse strings as the regards the ringleader...play to what the vast majority of Thai's want most money..!!!...if the employees dont pull finger and do their jobs..the ring leader doesn get her "incentivies"

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In terms of the labour law...money talk BS walks...you will be paying severance if you let her go, you do know that, and if you put a Farang lady in the same postion, you are going to have big problems

Smartest way seeing as you already have identifed the ringleader is to get her on your side with shall we say some addtional incentives to keep the others in line and getting them to do their jobs

no that is wrong, you give the worst one the full control.

You dont give any one full control...go back read what I said...there is control in the office and controling the purse strings...the MD controls purse strings as the regards the ringleader...play to what the vast majority of Thai's want most money..!!!...if the employees dont pull finger and do their jobs..the ring leader doesn get her "incentivies"

while you might be right that it is the smartest to run it that way in Thailand. But I refuse to run a company like a drug cartel. In a small company there are no ringleaders, or any other authorities with who the MD has to agree to get things done. Definitely nothing should depend on the goodwill one lady who controls the others. If there is a foreman (woman) than he is official foreman, because the MD made him/her foreman.

It is neither a democracy nor politics....it is a dictatorship of the owner/MD.

Specially as these groups are normally formed to either avoid work or to get some corruption money.

It isn't uncommon that new staff need to pay a percentage of the salary to ringleaders. The usual 10 % "commission" for purchases is also very common.

(just sat in a meeting, about a customer, were different groups block each other. As both the purchase department and the technicians want to pocket bribe money. If the purchase buys something and the technicians don't agree, they make it broken and claim it is bad quality. As it is complete out of control there must be a full meeting for EVERY purchase, incl. salesguy, technician, MD and purchase. That happens if some MD let it spin out of control)

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In terms of the labour law...money talk BS walks...you will be paying severance if you let her go, you do know that, and if you put a Farang lady in the same postion, you are going to have big problems

Smartest way seeing as you already have identifed the ringleader is to get her on your side with shall we say some addtional incentives to keep the others in line and getting them to do their jobs

no that is wrong, you give the worst one the full control.

You dont give any one full control...go back read what I said...there is control in the office and controling the purse strings...the MD controls purse strings as the regards the ringleader...play to what the vast majority of Thai's want most money..!!!...if the employees dont pull finger and do their jobs..the ring leader doesn get her "incentivies"

while you might be right that it is the smartest to run it that way in Thailand. But I refuse to run a company like a drug cartel. In a small company there are no ringleaders, or any other authorities with who the MD has to agree to get things done. Definitely nothing should depend on the goodwill one lady who controls the others. If there is a foreman (woman) than he is official foreman, because the MD made him/her foreman.

It is neither a democracy nor politics....it is a dictatorship of the owner/MD.

It seems we have very different opinions of mangement style/approaches...so rather than get into that debate not going to comment any further on that apsect.

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ElJufery, Not sure if you have written correctly or not but you said you fired the most competent worker who also is the only one speaking good english as an example to the other workers that you want to get rid of anyway?

If I've got this correct, then you need to fire yourself. You don't have a clue about managing people or running a business.

Edited by Time Traveller
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