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The Avenue (Not So) Shopping Center


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A couple of years ago I visited The Avenue Shopping Centre on 2nd Road, down from Mikes Shopping Mall. From what I can remember it was a thriving little area of busy shops and plenty of people wandering about. Now that I live just down the road from it and pass through it every day, I've noticed that it's an absolute mess. 80% of the units are closed, the escalator doesn't work and today I couldn't tell if they were taking the 'Avenue' sign down or putting it back up.

I'm guessing a lot of trade has been lost since California WOW closed it's doors. It looks like there's a new pool hall being constructed but other than that, it's an absolute tip.

Any ideas what's going on there? Is it shutting down or opening up?

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Is it shutting down or opening up?

To be honest,I think it is opening down,once again.

Is the pool hall using the premises previously used by Cawow?

Opening down? Which is it? Opening up or closing down? hahah. Confusing me there.

I'm not sure what used to be in the pool hall but it has a large glass front and the ceiling is covered in umbrella's? It's on the ground level right next to the Pizza Pizza restaurant. I don't think CAwow was in there, was that not up the stairs?

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Apparently it is becoming a music centre with karaoke bars!

Excellent, Pattaya doesn't have enough of those... *sarcasm*

There's a karaoke place right next to my condo building, about 100 yards from The Avenue. Nice looking little place but always dead.

You now understand the expression opening down?
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Apparently it is becoming a music centre with karaoke bars!

Excellent, Pattaya doesn't have enough of those... *sarcasm*

There's a karaoke place right next to my condo building, about 100 yards from The Avenue. Nice looking little place but always dead.

You now understand the expression opening down?

haha nice one!

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That place has gone downhill since day 1 of opening. McD's and Starbuck's seems to do OK but most of the other places, the few that are there, seem to be barely hanging on. Aside from those guys, anyone paying more than 10k baht for 50sqm/month, is probably overpaying.

Not to mention the massively overpriced "farang friendly" View shopping market. I couldn't believe the price of their cheese and meats.

The actual Avenue building doesn't look finished, I almost feel bad for Shenanigans irish pub up stairs, you have to see all of the building site crap lying about just to get to their pub. We went in there for food last night, it was great but it's in a terrible location.

Edited by CalzoHoudini
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Never liked the place, have similar projects at home, don't like this kind of projects where ever they are..no personality..nothing special to offer..the cosy feeling is zero. The Shenanigans is a very nice place though good food etc..Don't understand why they moved in first place..

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With California Wow open, Villa and the restaurant open 24 hours, 8 cinemas upstairs I liked the place. It was easy for parking if you were on a motorbike and easily accessible from Buakhao and 2nd Road. Now that California Wow is closed and Villa closes at 1am, it's changed a lot.

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Is it shutting down or opening up?

To be honest,I think it is opening down,once again.

Is the pool hall using the premises previously used by Cawow?

the bit they have put glass around for the pool hall was previously the round open area towards the rear surrounded by rocks/water feature, i have only seen it used for temp open air sales

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Is it shutting down or opening up?

To be honest,I think it is opening down,once again.

Is the pool hall using the premises previously used by Cawow?

the bit they have put glass around for the pool hall was previously the round open area towards the rear surrounded by rocks/water feature, i have only seen it used for temp open air sales

Well, it seems they haven't changed the purpose of th area, as this pool hall probably also will be temporarily same as all the business in The Avenue till date.
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Once the condos behind it are finished it will have good business from all the people in the condos.

I would be surprised if the completion of the condos would significantly bump up the trade at The Avenue. That place would need to have some very high demand attractions to pull people in. I typically stay near there and even with the place was new, and outside of the movie theater, it was only able to pull me in on the odd occasion. Maybe the place will excel in this new iteration, but I am dubious.

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Once the condos behind it are finished it will have good business from all the people in the condos.

Well, we stay at the Avenue Residence behind the Avenue Centre. There's also the Garden condos and The Urban right next to us but I think everyone just uses the Avenue centre to pass through on to second road. There are a couple of new signs up today. The Pool Hall is opening soon and a huge sign stating that an all new 'Pattaya Avenue' is coming soon.

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