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Legal Will In Thailand


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I am an Aussie who has a Thai partner. We both live in Australia but have recently purchased a new condo in Bangkok. The condo is in both names (in Australia that whould mean 50/50 and I persume this would also be the same in Thailand). I have an Austalian Last Will and Testament and am not sure if this is legal in Thailand. Also, if my Thai partner suddenly dies, how do I ensure that I get the full 100% and visa versa.

This is the first time I have purchased a property outside of Australia and I am not sure of the legalities. Also, we are not married.

Any advice would be appreciated and we are both in Bangkok in July 06 and are both preparted to meet a lawyer if necessary.

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Your partner needs to make a Thai Will, she can leave the property and any other assets here in Los to you. Being a Condo you should have no problems, the problems arrise if it was a house and land. But even then it can be left to you and you can own it under some restrictions and requirements.

One problem that may arrise with a condo if and when anything should happen to her before you, the 49% ownership of the entire condo block can change from sale to sale, so you may push it over the edge at the time, just something to ask a lawyer about.

Not being married means that her family would be left the property automatically if anything happens to her without a Will. Even with the Will, her family can have a claim against her assets, but likely nothing would eventuate and you would win anyway with a legal Will.

Your Oz Will is no good here at all I believe.

My lawyer quoted me 12000b for a will for my missus. I think that is expensive for Los and will look elsewhere. But they have done other work for me and in the end may just stick with them for the ease and security of familiarity.

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