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@ NeverSure

You are talking nonsense.

1. There are two radically different histories of WW II, the one that was actually fought, and the one where the US kicked everyone's assess. Guess which one Cold War-era classrooms in the US were allowed to teach? Here's a hint: It's the same one Hollywood chose to film.

World War II wasn't just a clever name. It was a global conflict that included epic acts of heroism by non-Americans like the storming of Madagascar, the Battle of Westerplatte, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Kursk, the epic Kokoda Track, the pilots of the Polish Underground State, the details of El Alamein or the HMS Bulldog.

Of course, Americans never hear about any of those

You are the one talking nonsense. Americans know all about Winston Churchill, the battle of Britain, the fall of Singapore, Stalingrad and how WW2 could not have been won without our allies.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The French ya gotta love em.

A French satirical magazine is set to publish several cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed on Wednesday, a move that is likely to inflame the Islamic faithful and militants who have already rioted in more than 20 countries over a movie mocking the prophet.


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I read the world news all the time (not from here).

I can tell you that the whole world seems to be going mad the last 5 years, the things people do makes me lol.

The end is near tongue.png

no ,just the muslim world has gone mad.

I agree. Too much resentment of western nations that have stable democracies, enjoy a high standard of living and have a liberated view of sex, the arts, literature etc.

and tragically interfere in world politics every chance they get

The age-old fights about religion, natural resources and imaginary lines on a map started long before the west came into power. And will continue long after the east comes into power.

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@ NeverSure

You are talking nonsense.

1. There are two radically different histories of WW II, the one that was actually fought, and the one where the US kicked everyone's assess. Guess which one Cold War-era classrooms in the US were allowed to teach? Here's a hint: It's the same one Hollywood chose to film.

World War II wasn't just a clever name. It was a global conflict that included epic acts of heroism by non-Americans like the storming of Madagascar, the Battle of Westerplatte, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Kursk, the epic Kokoda Track, the pilots of the Polish Underground State, the details of El Alamein or the HMS Bulldog.

Of course, Americans never hear about any of those

You are the one talking nonsense. Americans know all about Winston Churchill, the battle of Britain, the fall of Singapore, Stalingrad and how WW2 could not have been won without our allies.

Some Americanssmile.png

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To quote Burke "All that is needed for evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing".

Unfortunately, this is what good Muslims do.

Really?? I thought they were too busy treating their women like cattle and their cattle like gods! Or stoning people to death or participating in honour killings................................

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To quote Burke "All that is needed for evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing".

Unfortunately, this is what good Muslims do.

Really?? I thought they were too busy treating their women like cattle and their cattle like gods! Or stoning people to death or participating in honour killings................................

You obviously didn't read the post I was responding to. Bangkockney was suggesting that all the acts of violence that are directed at the west is only by a small minority of Muslims. I was responding by saying, that may be true, but the rest stand by and do nothing.

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"The Religion of Peace?" It's all the fault of the US?

Scroll clear down for a long list of worldwide Muslim terrorist attacks across the globe, just in the past 30 days!

I see that at least 3 of them occured in Thailand. What did Thailand do to inherit the wrath supposedly aimed at the US? Does someone think there isn't a problem in S. Thailand?

This is a worldwide problem, started by Muslims who intend to either convert everyone to Islam or KILL them.


It would serve your post a lot more credence not to point to dedicated anti Islamic hate sites. Regards Thailand look up conflict in the Deep South from independent media sources, not hate sites - it's nothing to do with America

EDIT: You are sounding as blind and ill informed as the Muslims demonstrating and blaming the US government about "that film"


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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

OK now you've peeked my interest... How did the Templars screw up the world order during the Crusades?

I noticed that many people have no idea what the crusades were actually about but I could be wrong so I would really like an explanation for this statement.

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I knew someone would want to bring up something that happened over a thousand years ago. Tell me what they have contributed lately. It's not me that has blinkers, it's people like you who fail to see what's really happening. Have a look what's happening in several European countries now. People have had a gutfull.

please tell me what you contributed lately. i am quite interested, can hardly wait tongue.png

I spent my working career in the Occupational Therapy department of a major hospital caring for service veterans. What's your contribution? But my point was, which you have clearly missed, is that the western world has produced just about everything we use today. Cars, radio, television, computers, electricity, aircraft, etc, etc, etc Tell me what one muslim country has contributed in recent times.

You could argue the West is fortunate the Islamic nations currently don't have advanced manufacturing, aviation & electronics industries. Though some are catching up such as Malaysia and Turkey, but right now they are friendlies

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The is what happens when extreme paranoia gets out of hand and some groups become dehumanised and only seen as the enemy.

Over the last few years the perceptive of Muslims is that they are demons that are going to take over the world and Western values will be wiped out.

Historically, the last time paranoia of these sorts happened, it resulted in the Holocaust.

The problem is, there seems to be some confusion as to what is defined as free speech and opinion and what is taking the piss, offensive and just down right abusive.

The Americans have brought this problem onto themselves because of they’re righteous and arrogant attitudes. The rights and wrongs don`t fall into this, it`s diplomacy what matters and this is something that sadly the Americans are lacking.

This began in America and now it should be their problem and be prepared to lose face and delete the video, it`s that simple.

oh goody, a holocaust parallel, amusing on so many levels and so much to work with.

I am truly astounded i hadn't seen the similarity before now.

I am glad you are impressed.

My point is that if people are brainwashed enough and taught to believe that those of any certain group or groups are anti establishment, inferior, backward and problematic, than this can lead to the perception of hatred, the dehumanising and apathy against these people, as what happened in the case of selective ethnic peoples during Word War Two.

The situations are a little different. The Jews were completely non-violent and discriminated against purely because of their religion. Radical Muslims are considered "anti establishment, inferior, backward and problematic" because of their violent behavior and constantly resorting to terrorism..

With the risk for being called an anti-semetic, which period are we talking about when you say the Jews were completely non-violent?

Because when it comes to religion the three big ones, Islam, Christianity and Jewism, there were no innocent people involved in the clashes except the non-combatants.

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To quote Burke "All that is needed for evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing".

Unfortunately, this is what good Muslims do.

Really?? I thought they were too busy treating their women like cattle and their cattle like gods! Or stoning people to death or participating in honour killings................................

You obviously didn't read the post I was responding to. Bangkockney was suggesting that all the acts of violence that are directed at the west is only by a small minority of Muslims. I was responding by saying, that may be true, but the rest stand by and do nothing.

and I agreed with you, But was merely stating that the ones that stand by and do nothing are busy doing the things i mentionedthumbsup.gif

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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began?

That's what worry's me the most. It's either one or the other, no middle ground with that lot.

We European's have built this modern world and all it's fruits (with help from local 3rd worlders too) and unless you want a fundimentalist hell-hole in your precious expat world's you'd better wake the $%$^ up.

Oh and btw you liberalist baby-boomer, self-hating European's are among some of the worst examples of humanity.

The enemy without and the enemy without.

European's have got both doses of medicine.

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Good Muslims as you put it do lots for the fight against terrorism. There are scores of them in the Security Services, many in undercover roles taking huge risks for the fight against extremism.

Look at the help the US received from Muslims in tracking and finding Bin Laden. Look at the price they have paid.

I've had the pleasure of working with Muslim interpreters in Afghan who feared their families would be murdered should their identities be known. All in the fight against extremism.

To dismiss these acts of bravery, to mock those who do take a stand, is insulting in the extreme.

I will use your own analogy and say all Americans are to blame for allowing their fellow countrymen to provide funding and arms to the IRA, to fight a conflict against one of the US' own allies.

How can they fear their families identities will be known?

Dont they dress em like bottles of Guinness so no one can see them?

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There are extremists in every religion. The less educated the followers, the more devoted they are. USA is now where UK was during the british empire, and before that the chinese and their empire, and before that the romans, etc, etc. I've missed out a few - but I'm sure you get the point. The difference is that now there are more people in the world, travel is relatvely easy, and media/communication is almost instant. It is so easy to whip up a furore about anything now it is laughable. Look at the crazy pages on Facebook for various followings - some mentioned in other threads here on TV.

Thailand is a backwater. It will always suffer from the multicultural problems because it is relatively easy-going. I am an english-speaking westerner and I have much less trouble getting into and living for long periods in Thailand than in USA. Try getting into Australia or China for anything other than a package holiday.

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A few friends were having a similar discussion on Saturday evening. One of my friends came up, with what I thought was, an alternative view on why people of the Islamic faith seem to be easily riled.......they don't drink and therefore don't get the opportunity to let off a bit of steam now and again.

Sounds quite plausible to me.

Edited by SweatySock
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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began?

That's what worry's me the most. It's either one or the other, no middle ground with that lot.

We European's have built this modern world and all it's fruits (with help from local 3rd worlders too) and unless you want a fundimentalist hell-hole in your precious expat world's you'd better wake the $%$^ up.

Oh and btw you liberalist baby-boomer, self-hating European's are among some of the worst examples of humanity.

The enemy without and the enemy without.

European's have got both doses of medicine.

Some european countries are now waking up (hopefully it won't be too late) and placing more stringent conditions on muslim immigrants. You only have to read what's happened in Holland, Belgium and France to see that a backlash has begun, because liberalism and generosity are seen as a weakness by some.

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A few friends were having a similar discussion on Saturday evening. One of my friends came up, with what I thought was, an alternative view on why people of the Islamic faith seem to be easily riled.......they don't drink and therefore don't get the opportunity to let off a bit of steam now and again.

Sounds quite plausible to me.

You forgot to mention sexually repressed. They need to get their ashes hauled more often.

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People who cannot or will not travel will always sit and assume how life on the other side of the world is, because they've read it in the newspaper or they heard it from their friends.

Yet they misunderstand the concept of knowledge. It comes from one's own experiences and can only be obtained by actually going out there and see it for yourself.

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A few friends were having a similar discussion on Saturday evening. One of my friends came up, with what I thought was, an alternative view on why people of the Islamic faith seem to be easily riled.......they don't drink and therefore don't get the opportunity to let off a bit of steam now and again.

Sounds quite plausible to me.

they have lots of stonings to let off steam!

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You could argue the West is fortunate the Islamic nations currently don't have advanced manufacturing, aviation & electronics industries

Erm...Saudi, Malaysia, Indonesia...?

One could even add India to that list, where the Muslim "minority" has a lot of influence and power....

While not on a par with the West,, these nations are hardly just sitting around in war torn countries seething about the US all day long....

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A few friends were having a similar discussion on Saturday evening. One of my friends came up, with what I thought was, an alternative view on why people of the Islamic faith seem to be easily riled.......they don't drink and therefore don't get the opportunity to let off a bit of steam now and again.

Sounds quite plausible to me.

You forgot to mention sexually repressed. They need to get their ashes hauled more often.

I'm lost. Is that why we have an influx of middle aged men coming to Thailand?!?

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A few friends were having a similar discussion on Saturday evening. One of my friends came up, with what I thought was, an alternative view on why people of the Islamic faith seem to be easily riled.......they don't drink and therefore don't get the opportunity to let off a bit of steam now and again.

Sounds quite plausible to me.

You forgot to mention sexually repressed. They need to get their ashes hauled more often.

They have 4 wives! <deleted>? what are they doing with them if they are sexually repressed?....Oh yeah stoning them i forgot

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Good Muslims as you put it do lots for the fight against terrorism. There are scores of them in the Security Services, many in undercover roles taking huge risks for the fight against extremism.

Look at the help the US received from Muslims in tracking and finding Bin Laden. Look at the price they have paid.

I've had the pleasure of working with Muslim interpreters in Afghan who feared their families would be murdered should their identities be known. All in the fight against extremism.

To dismiss these acts of bravery, to mock those who do take a stand, is insulting in the extreme.

I will use your own analogy and say all Americans are to blame for allowing their fellow countrymen to provide funding and arms to the IRA, to fight a conflict against one of the US' own allies.

Most 'good muslims', that I've met or worked with, are educated. I think education, and the internet, are the best way to fight terrorism. Yes, even youtube...

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Good Muslims as you put it do lots for the fight against terrorism. There are scores of them in the Security Services, many in undercover roles taking huge risks for the fight against extremism.

Look at the help the US received from Muslims in tracking and finding Bin Laden. Look at the price they have paid.

I've had the pleasure of working with Muslim interpreters in Afghan who feared their families would be murdered should their identities be known. All in the fight against extremism.

To dismiss these acts of bravery, to mock those who do take a stand, is insulting in the extreme.

I will use your own analogy and say all Americans are to blame for allowing their fellow countrymen to provide funding and arms to the IRA, to fight a conflict against one of the US' own allies.


Anyone who has actually worked with muslims in these situations will know that they risk far more than being killed. No american soldier worries about the neighbours coming to slaughter his family just because he is in Afghanistan/Iraq/where-ever.

USA is so ambivalent - funding the IRA is an excellent example of how they sow the seeds of worldwide resentment......

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