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Things To Mitigate Dissatisfaction In Thailand For Gf


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Aye, I can't believe that I have continued to read through this whole thread! tongue.png It seems that there was good advice, but after about page 4, this forum thread derailed.

In any case, I think that the summary of advice is to leave Bangkok. It is not going to work here. I honestly think that your girlfriends looks are not the issue. If she was pretty, ugly, or somewhere between those two, she would not be happy here. I mentioned earlier - sometimes, expat people and other cultures/countries just do not make a good match. That is the case here.

People have offered suggestions on where to get your girlfriend more involved in the city here. You said you tried that and it did not work. So, why would you want to stay in a place that is causing her to be unhappy (and causing you to be unhappy also)?

As you do not have any ties here (other than your condo), you should start to make plans to leave. Sell your condominium here in BKK, make less phone calls to your tax attorney and use that money saved to rent a apartment/house in Las Vegas until you can get back your other condo. Based on everything you have said, there is no benefit to staying here in BKK.


Thanks for your post.

Sadly to say. not a soul has offered any germane advice.

The parameters of the problem set are this: how to make my GF's time more enjoyable in BKK for the next few months.

The solution to leave Bangkok falls outside of the stated parameters or limitations.

When you skim this novel. you miss out. Attention to detail is a skill that many of you lack.

I dont have a tax attorney. Never said I did. Reread the post.

As I have iterated ad infinitum, there is being able to fly Business Class Cathay to LA and eat out whenever I want and there is chartering a private plane and staying in a suite at the Burj In Dubai.

Many people on here would not know the difference, but the variation within the 1% is larger than that between the 34 percentile and the 94th percentile.

I am not rich, by far...never said I was. If I did, I would simply by another condo in Vegas and one in Dubai and shuttle between the two.

Your other comments are more on point: Some people just don't take to certain places.

My question is why do pretty model types not like here? I have dated a few of them, brought them here, and they all despise it.

More importantly, how can i keep them happy here?..or happier.

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Aye, I can't believe that I have continued to read through this whole thread! tongue.png It seems that there was good advice, but after about page 4, this forum thread derailed.

In any case, I think that the summary of advice is to leave Bangkok. It is not going to work here. I honestly think that your girlfriends looks are not the issue. If she was pretty, ugly, or somewhere between those two, she would not be happy here. I mentioned earlier - sometimes, expat people and other cultures/countries just do not make a good match. That is the case here.

People have offered suggestions on where to get your girlfriend more involved in the city here. You said you tried that and it did not work. So, why would you want to stay in a place that is causing her to be unhappy (and causing you to be unhappy also)?

As you do not have any ties here (other than your condo), you should start to make plans to leave. Sell your condominium here in BKK, make less phone calls to your tax attorney and use that money saved to rent a apartment/house in Las Vegas until you can get back your other condo. Based on everything you have said, there is no benefit to staying here in BKK.

I don't think many of us took him seriously. I thought he only wanted to brag and tell everyone else they were below him having Asian women and so on......

Dude, take it back now..take it back...you are about to eat dirt...and smile as you eat that sh^t sandwich.

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The degree of boredom required to undertake such a meeting is, however, in line with his formidable Xbox games collection - the guy obviously has a lot of time on his hands. But I won't have a go at him, in fact, I quite like the guy. The world would be a duller place without such characters.

I'd be quite impressed, though, if the mysterious poster who is scheduled to meet them doesn't turn out to be a 'no-show'.

Dude, I didn't tell her too much...just that we were grabbing Sushi at Koi. i'm not stupid.

I actually got on her good side as I phrased it like "honey, I really want to keep you happy and asked for some advice about how to do it. I know that you are having a tough time here and I am doing all I can to keep a smile on your face until the short sale comes though."

What he will--well should--attest to is this:

My gf is in a completely different caliber (looks wise) of the normal woman here. She looks like a Victoria Secrets model and the way she looks intimidates 90% of the people that she will encounter here.

That I have served as a mid-level Diplomat.

That I am an Ivy League graduate.

The first two were done. I forgot about the third.

An generally, that I am legit, not bsing or embellishing.

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If your in love you don't usually need third parties to keep you occupied or happy, especially in an exotic country like Thailand. In fact, it's usually exactly the opposite.

Is this a romantic relationship, or more of a coupling for convenience and show off?

This sounds like a relationship issue where she needs other people around and/or she is trying to fill some unmet needs.

Why do you assume every hot girl is with a hot guy for money? This is erroneous.

Who said anything about love? Why is this relevant.

The question is: My gf does not like it here. How can I make it better for her here for two months or so.

I date young hot beautiful women because I am a young, successful, good looking, in great shape man.

It's not about the money dude. No, I am not broke, but I am not a sugar daddy.

Her only unmet need is not having peers in Thailand.

I am trying to find some for her.

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The degree of boredom required to undertake such a meeting is, however, in line with his formidable Xbox games collection - the guy obviously has a lot of time on his hands. But I won't have a go at him, in fact, I quite like the guy. The world would be a duller place without such characters.

I'd be quite impressed, though, if the mysterious poster who is scheduled to meet them doesn't turn out to be a 'no-show'.

Dude, I didn't tell her too much...just that we were grabbing Sushi at Koi. i'm not stupid.

I actually got on her good side as I phrased it like "honey, I really want to keep you happy and asked for some advice about how to do it. I know that you are having a tough time here and I am doing all I can to keep a smile on your face until the short sale comes though."

What he will--well should--attest to is this:

My gf is in a completely different caliber (looks wise) of the normal woman here. She looks like a Victoria Secrets model and the way she looks intimidates 90% of the people that she will encounter here.

That I have served as a mid-level Diplomat.

That I am an Ivy League graduate.

The first two were done. I forgot about the third.

An generally, that I am legit, not bsing or embellishing.

congrats. A certified legend in your own lunch box.

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I met Aurelllian last night.

I had mentioned in an early post that I liked his swagger – his confidence, his high standards and that he has means…and he plays XBOX. We exchanged a few PM’s, had a few things in common and decided to meet up for sushi and mohito’s. Wasn’t looking for free sushi or to check “bonafides” and didn’t really care how much of the myth was true or not, but my gut said he was legit.

His post got a little of track, so let be bring it back.

I’ll be the first to admit, my mental image of his girlfriend was a stuck up bitch that was never satisfied. I admit I was wrong. She is 6foot1 in heels. She is very pretty, well spoken and grounded. The photos were of her. She is not a ladyboy and does not look like a Russian hooker. It’s not about money.

And after meeting her I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. In fact I think she would like to have a normal Thai friend to hang out with sometimes, but so far the Thais see her as a way to advance their status. I’m sure there are Thais or farang out there for her to hang with, but I understand the challenge, and she knows it will take time, and she does try. But I am sure that meeting people in the US or Europe and the locations to do that would be much easier.

What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

So, can he back it up?

In a word, yes. He proved what he does and I’m not sure how much he wants me to say, but he undersold himself here. He is just a confident guy who has every right to be. He was open about what type of girls he likes and he has the game to get them.

Not sure if he has the XBOX skills I have, however. Sorry, they wouldn’t let him into Koi with the 60” plasma.

So, that’s it. Not much to say really. Story checked out.

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I met Aurelllian last night.

I had mentioned in an early post that I liked his swagger – his confidence, his high standards and that he has means…and he plays XBOX. We exchanged a few PM’s, had a few things in common and decided to meet up for sushi and mohito’s. Wasn’t looking for free sushi or to check “bonafides” and didn’t really care how much of the myth was true or not, but my gut said he was legit.

His post got a little of track, so let be bring it back.

I’ll be the first to admit, my mental image of his girlfriend was a stuck up bitch that was never satisfied. I admit I was wrong. She is 6foot1 in heels. She is very pretty, well spoken and grounded. The photos were of her. She is not a ladyboy and does not look like a Russian hooker. It’s not about money.

And after meeting her I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. In fact I think she would like to have a normal Thai friend to hang out with sometimes, but so far the Thais see her as a way to advance their status. I’m sure there are Thais or farang out there for her to hang with, but I understand the challenge, and she knows it will take time, and she does try. But I am sure that meeting people in the US or Europe and the locations to do that would be much easier.

What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

So, can he back it up?

In a word, yes. He proved what he does and I’m not sure how much he wants me to say, but he undersold himself here. He is just a confident guy who has every right to be. He was open about what type of girls he likes and he has the game to get them.

Not sure if he has the XBOX skills I have, however. Sorry, they wouldn’t let him into Koi with the 60” plasma.

So, that’s it. Not much to say really. Story checked out.

Bugger. The truth always takes the fun out. wink.png

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I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. ... and she does try.

He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

Thanks for the effort and the update. I said before, I did not challenge whether he is what he says he is, but I challenged (and will continue to do so if I find the time...) the way he was bragging about it...

And when you say "she does try"... that definitely was NOT the message the Op brought over about his GF... all he was talking about was that she will never be happy if she does not find other Victoria Secret supermodels to chat with... again a completely different message from what you are giving us...

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It's funny how some people assume anyone dating a hot girl must be lying. LOL

Few points for the OP:

1. There are actually people in Asia (including Thailand) who could make good friends for her, usually people in the arts / fashion / design field. Very open-minded, great English, fun, party-minded but not wannabes, and probably sharing similar interests/experiences, and used to hot girls too so they wouldn't gawk. They are out there.

Of course, if she has decided she just doesn't want to talk to locals, then that doesn't work. But if she doesn't want to talk to this type, or any locals, and doesn't like younger foreign models either, and presumably would be bored talking to housewives as well, then it's unsolvable. There is nobody left. She/you are asking for the impossible.

2. Another option would be to live in the islands or at least take regular trips there until you can go back to the US. If you go every weekend or every fortnight to Samui or Krabi or whatever, wouldn't that be more fun for her?

3. A final option would be to feed her some natural "happy mood" supplements. You would be surprised at the effect some simple amino acids can have in relaxing a person and putting a smile on his/her face.

4. Now more generally speaking, on the topic of game and keeping a high caliber woman. This is something I know quite a bit about. I've dated very hot women in highly exposed professions (models, club PRs, dancers, singers) where they went out all the time and got hit on all the time, usually without me being there to stop it. I've never showered any of them with gifts or even travel and cocktails like you do. I've barely ever paid anything except my own share and didn't offer them a luxurious lifestyle. I've given them pretty much nothing except lots of laughs, good sex and love. And they stayed with me for years even though they had offers for cars, apartments and exotic travel from other guys (this is Asia, trust me rich local guys aren't shy about very direct indecent proposals).

Maybe what you need to work on is your game, you obviously have enough to get them, but you also should have enough to keep them, even without any spending. Absolutely doable unless they are only with you for your money, in which case, cut them loose.

5. Now a question of my own: why do you personally not like it here? Just curious.

Very good post. Thanks.

1. I don't doubt that there are people in Thailand that she would jive with. The question is how to find them. We are stalking a needle and hay stack type quest here. How many Natalie Glebiova types are here? We met some similar type folk on Samui but they were only here for a week. I don't really understand why women need to have friends that look like them..well, I guess i do....but the question is how to link them up.

It took me almost three years. i don't have three years.

i finally found someone that I liked after two + years of comming here last week at the Amcham event. Finally. A young handsome MD..but he is a whoremonger:) i dont get the allure.. I had a threesome with a former miss ohio runner up and her soroity sister for a cheap ski weekend at Mad River.

If you are not a slob, can carry on a conversation, and not flat bloke a young man can do very well back home.


My girl is not opposed to any demographic.

2. She likes the islands, but it's a grand or two a pop. I cant send her home every month for a week and then drop another 2 grand on beach trips. Sorry, I have a deadbeat tenet and also I have to fly home myself every six weeks or so.

Thanks for the thought though.

3. Do you mean like drugs? Not tracking. Explain.

4. I am not a sd. My game is not the problem--although I don't really have any. the problem is that she does not like it here. Not that i am not satisfying her. As I said before, things are fine when we in Dubai or vegas. if it was me, she would be upset in Dubai and vegas too.

i don't doubt that your affability is your hook. Frankly, my personality is sterile and rigid. I'm not really nice. Upon first glance I am always taken for a member of law enforcement.

But the issue is not me. Yeah, I feel sorry for the young wanke_rs that only have money to offer..for an old guy with a SB..ehh, thats more understandable

i dont spend money on women that I would not spend on myself.

5. Thailand is a wonderful place but not for me. This sounds snobby, but, I like to be around intelligent, well educated, good looking people with means to enjoy life.. they do not exist in large numbers here. I got a junior membership in a country club back home and love it. Vegas has a ton of idiots too, so walking into a locker room and seeing a guy that knows what the Kennedy School is so refreshing.

I am not a snob, and appreciate everybody who works and know that life can be hard..but I connect best with a certain demographic.

I spent years in Iraq and Afghanistan so am no stranger to hardship.

DC is actually my type of city but I am not "special" there so I try to avoid it. Just another dude going to work and getting into a German ride.

And to be honest, Thais dont like people like me. And thats ok. I dont blame them. I wont say what like me is, but it colors my entire perception of the place. But I am grateful for the opportunity to crash here and take care of the locals as best i can. I tip well, smile, and never make a fuss when my order is wrong. I don't date their women (which they respect) and don't cause problems.

You seem cool. What do you do here?

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I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. ... and she does try.

He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

Thanks for the effort and the update. I said before, I did not challenge whether he is what he says he is, but I challenged (and will continue to do so if I find the time...) the way he was bragging about it...

And when you say "she does try"... that definitely was NOT the message the Op brought over about his GF... all he was talking about was that she will never be happy if she does not find other Victoria Secret supermodels to chat with... again a completely different message from what you are giving us...

I am only going by the conversation and seeing her react with a few Thai girls. Some were very casual and pleasant. Others were all wierd.

She certainly doesn't look down on anyone, but I did see first hand how Thai girls react to her.

In a past job I managed pro athletes and I saw how people reacted to them all the time. There is no way these athletes can know who is a good person and who wants to be friends for whatever benefit they can get. It was hard for them to make real friends.

I saw a bit of that syndrome last night.

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This thread is just so funny.

Presumably in order to prove his GF's 'model quality', he will be bringing her along to the rendezvous too. Can you imagine the conversation he had with her earlier today?

"Come on, honey, let's go out and meet someone I met yesterday on an internet forum so that I can prove to them that you're fit, I'm an ivy league former diplomat and also a 3%er"

The degree of boredom required to undertake such a meeting is, however, in line with his formidable Xbox games collection - the guy obviously has a lot of time on his hands. But I won't have a go at him, in fact, I quite like the guy. The world would be a duller place without such characters.

I'd be quite impressed, though, if the mysterious poster who is scheduled to meet them doesn't turn out to be a 'no-show'.

I agree....I started out irritated by his narcissistic ways, but respect him for the way he's come back on every point thrown at him. He's a great entertainer.... and either a first class troll, or he's a guy in serious need of some help!!!

My wit is only surpassed by my forehand. It simply overpowers opponents...like Justice Scalia eviscerating the rationale for Obamacare.

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My wit is only surpassed by my forehand. It simply overpowers opponents...like Justice Scalia eviscerating the rationale for Obamacare.

How good for you Ivy League braggart that you see yourself on the same level as Justice Scalia....

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I am confused. Which is she?

NOW do you understand? You are thai, you know dam_n well how a 6'2 blonde girl in heels with D cups is perceived here. This is not LA or Vegas.

Are you literate? What's your moniker? Bookman..how ironic. what do you do with these items?

go back and read what you wrote and find your error.

your ineptitude has caused me to delay my trip to MBK;it's raining now.

I am not pleased with you all all. No beer for you.

What error?

Is she 5' 10 or 6' 2?

It seems you have two heights for your GF.

you really are being obtuse now it says IN HEELS

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My wit is only surpassed by my forehand. It simply overpowers opponents...like Justice Scalia eviscerating the rationale for Obamacare.

How good for you Ivy League braggart that you see yourself on the same level as Justice Scalia....

Come on dude. You guys will not give me a break.

I am not a braggart. Sorry if I came off as one. Everything I posted was met with an ill conceived rebuttal. Everything.

I patently responded to each scurrilous allegation with a well resaonsed and accurate response.

The background was of import to impart context. I am sorry that you took it as anything more that that.

yes, i was a bit bombastic but not a braggart.

No, I am not on Justice Scalia's level.

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I met Aurelllian last night.

I had mentioned in an early post that I liked his swagger – his confidence, his high standards and that he has means…and he plays XBOX. We exchanged a few PM’s, had a few things in common and decided to meet up for sushi and mohito’s. Wasn’t looking for free sushi or to check “bonafides” and didn’t really care how much of the myth was true or not, but my gut said he was legit.

His post got a little of track, so let be bring it back.

I’ll be the first to admit, my mental image of his girlfriend was a stuck up bitch that was never satisfied. I admit I was wrong. She is 6foot1 in heels. She is very pretty, well spoken and grounded. The photos were of her. She is not a ladyboy and does not look like a Russian hooker. It’s not about money.

And after meeting her I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. In fact I think she would like to have a normal Thai friend to hang out with sometimes, but so far the Thais see her as a way to advance their status. I’m sure there are Thais or farang out there for her to hang with, but I understand the challenge, and she knows it will take time, and she does try. But I am sure that meeting people in the US or Europe and the locations to do that would be much easier.

What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

So, can he back it up?

In a word, yes. He proved what he does and I’m not sure how much he wants me to say, but he undersold himself here. He is just a confident guy who has every right to be. He was open about what type of girls he likes and he has the game to get them.

Not sure if he has the XBOX skills I have, however. Sorry, they wouldn’t let him into Koi with the 60” plasma.

So, that’s it. Not much to say really. Story checked out.


It was a pleasure to meet you last night. We had a blast. Thanks.

Your varied experiences are only surpassed in awesomeness by your pet.

Safe travels back to your county villa and let me know when you want to catch up and grab a beer.

Just to clarify: I will destroy you in Madden. Tap that a7s 54-0 with Vick at Qb for the niners.

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This thread is just so funny.

Presumably in order to prove his GF's 'model quality', he will be bringing her along to the rendezvous too. Can you imagine the conversation he had with her earlier today?

"Come on, honey, let's go out and meet someone I met yesterday on an internet forum so that I can prove to them that you're fit, I'm an ivy league former diplomat and also a 3%er"

The degree of boredom required to undertake such a meeting is, however, in line with his formidable Xbox games collection - the guy obviously has a lot of time on his hands. But I won't have a go at him, in fact, I quite like the guy. The world would be a duller place without such characters.

I'd be quite impressed, though, if the mysterious poster who is scheduled to meet them doesn't turn out to be a 'no-show'.

I agree....I started out irritated by his narcissistic ways, but respect him for the way he's come back on every point thrown at him. He's a great entertainer.... and either a first class troll, or he's a guy in serious need of some help!!!

I don't think he's a troll or needs some sort of help.

His description of his girlfriend (tier 1) and his apparent awareness of his place in the pecking order of life (according to him well off, but not really really rich) appeals to my Nietzschean side. Saying how much he owns (including the GF) appears nothing more than a bit naive compared to the modesty of most, but those insulting him for doing so are reflecting as much on their own character as his. What he divulges about himself is his business, what others think of it is purely theirs.

I quite like people like this not because they offer something to aim for or to admire, but because for better or worse they don't mind giving up info about themselves. They believe in themselves no matter what, and it could as likely get them into trouble as make them successful in their careers and materially rich.

So when I say I like the guy, I mean it in the same way as I like quantum physics, buddhism and the way clouds form in the sky - they are all fascinating. Those who like that which fascinates them will know what I mean.

His posts not only show that he realizes what he's got, but what he hasn't. Maybe the only thing to bear in mind for people like that is the proximity of 'Tier 1' to 'Tier 0'.


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Well Aurellian,

Let me say this, and take it in the spirit it was intended and not as a personal attack. This post does not address the validity of your claims, which may be true or may not be true. Frankly, the truth is not pertinent to what I have to say.

What I will say is that your...erm "pride" in having an "Ivy league" education. I think you should tone that down a bit when you mention it. Frankly don't mention it at all unless absolutely necessary. The reason being is it belittles everyone. It belittles people who did not attend the "prestigious" elite schools because it appears that those who did think they are better. It belittles people who did attend the schools because it gives an impression that those who did attend, are looking down upon those who did not.

I have met very intelligent people who did not attend the "elites". The fact that some of us could, was not due to anyone being "better" than someone else. It is due to luck more than anything. There are many people who are intelligent and driven, but did not have the opportunities that others had. A degree from the "school of hard knocks" is just as valid to me as a degree from Stanford or Princeton.

I feel the need to address this with you on a more personally level, because when you speak boastfully of an Ivy league degree it brings me down too.

You said to me well I doubt that you went to an Ivy or.. Well when you were speaking I felt the same thing. Because from having attended these schools, having friends from these type schools, it is the height of "uncool" to brag about where you went to school. So basically knock it off. You're giving us a black eye here.

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I met Aurelllian last night.

I had mentioned in an early post that I liked his swagger – his confidence, his high standards and that he has means…and he plays XBOX. We exchanged a few PM’s, had a few things in common and decided to meet up for sushi and mohito’s. Wasn’t looking for free sushi or to check “bonafides” and didn’t really care how much of the myth was true or not, but my gut said he was legit.

His post got a little of track, so let be bring it back.

I’ll be the first to admit, my mental image of his girlfriend was a stuck up bitch that was never satisfied. I admit I was wrong. She is 6foot1 in heels. She is very pretty, well spoken and grounded. The photos were of her. She is not a ladyboy and does not look like a Russian hooker. It’s not about money.

And after meeting her I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. In fact I think she would like to have a normal Thai friend to hang out with sometimes, but so far the Thais see her as a way to advance their status. I’m sure there are Thais or farang out there for her to hang with, but I understand the challenge, and she knows it will take time, and she does try. But I am sure that meeting people in the US or Europe and the locations to do that would be much easier.

What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

So, can he back it up?

In a word, yes. He proved what he does and I’m not sure how much he wants me to say, but he undersold himself here. He is just a confident guy who has every right to be. He was open about what type of girls he likes and he has the game to get them.

Not sure if he has the XBOX skills I have, however. Sorry, they wouldn’t let him into Koi with the 60” plasma.

So, that’s it. Not much to say really. Story checked out.


It was a pleasure to meet you last night. We had a blast. Thanks.

Your varied experiences are only surpassed in awesomeness by your pet.

Safe travels back to your county villa and let me know when you want to catch up and grab a beer.

Just to clarify: I will destroy you in Madden. Tap that a7s 54-0 with Vick at Qb for the niners.

Thanks. Happy to grab a beer anytime.

But take my advice on the pet thing...a llama makes a bad condo pet.

Madden Schmaden.

Call of Duty is what all the cool kids play.

...and sorry. I think I killed the thread.

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Well Aurellian,

Let me say this, and take it in the spirit it was intended and not as a personal attack. This post does not address the validity of your claims, which may be true or may not be true. Frankly, the truth is not pertinent to what I have to say.

What I will say is that your...erm "pride" in having an "Ivy league" education. I think you should tone that down a bit when you mention it. Frankly don't mention it at all unless absolutely necessary. The reason being is it belittles everyone. It belittles people who did not attend the "prestigious" elite schools because it appears that those who did think they are better. It belittles people who did attend the schools because it gives an impression that those who did attend, are looking down upon those who did not.

I have met very intelligent people who did not attend the "elites". The fact that some of us could, was not due to anyone being "better" than someone else. It is due to luck more than anything. There are many people who are intelligent and driven, but did not have the opportunities that others had. A degree from the "school of hard knocks" is just as valid to me as a degree from Stanford or Princeton.

I feel the need to address this with you on a more personally level, because when you speak boastfully of an Ivy league degree it brings me down too.

You said to me well I doubt that you went to an Ivy or.. Well when you were speaking I felt the same thing. Because from having attended these schools, having friends from these type schools, it is the height of "uncool" to brag about where you went to school. So basically knock it off. You're giving us a black eye here.

Not sure how much longer this dog is gonna hunt.

You are correct that smart people must not attend an elite school (or any school for that matter). the smartest guy I know went to Humboltd State. An ag school. the dude was brilliant..just smoked weed all day and thought about stuff.

He his music teacher now in Seattle and happy as can be.

Actually, the truly brilliant often eschew formal education as it is restrictive and confining.

I would rather hang with Mark Cuban any day over some boring mismanagement consultant with a fancy MBA....MBAs are useless aside from the networking.

What you are saying is not really correct. You got a MA from Stanford in like Asian studies or something. Good for you..but it's not the same..no need to say more.

Some people name drop and others don't. I personally find it officious and indicative of bad taste but whatever...do what you gotta do.

Please answer my question about lake las vegas.

What does any of this have to do with my GF?

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I met Aurelllian last night.

I had mentioned in an early post that I liked his swagger – his confidence, his high standards and that he has means…and he plays XBOX. We exchanged a few PM’s, had a few things in common and decided to meet up for sushi and mohito’s. Wasn’t looking for free sushi or to check “bonafides” and didn’t really care how much of the myth was true or not, but my gut said he was legit.

His post got a little of track, so let be bring it back.

I’ll be the first to admit, my mental image of his girlfriend was a stuck up bitch that was never satisfied. I admit I was wrong. She is 6foot1 in heels. She is very pretty, well spoken and grounded. The photos were of her. She is not a ladyboy and does not look like a Russian hooker. It’s not about money.

And after meeting her I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. In fact I think she would like to have a normal Thai friend to hang out with sometimes, but so far the Thais see her as a way to advance their status. I’m sure there are Thais or farang out there for her to hang with, but I understand the challenge, and she knows it will take time, and she does try. But I am sure that meeting people in the US or Europe and the locations to do that would be much easier.

What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

So, can he back it up?

In a word, yes. He proved what he does and I’m not sure how much he wants me to say, but he undersold himself here. He is just a confident guy who has every right to be. He was open about what type of girls he likes and he has the game to get them.

Not sure if he has the XBOX skills I have, however. Sorry, they wouldn’t let him into Koi with the 60” plasma.

So, that’s it. Not much to say really. Story checked out.


It was a pleasure to meet you last night. We had a blast. Thanks.

Your varied experiences are only surpassed in awesomeness by your pet.

Safe travels back to your county villa and let me know when you want to catch up and grab a beer.

Just to clarify: I will destroy you in Madden. Tap that a7s 54-0 with Vick at Qb for the niners.

Thanks. Happy to grab a beer anytime.

But take my advice on the pet thing...a llama makes a bad condo pet.

Madden Schmaden.

Call of Duty is what all the cool kids play.

...and sorry. I think I killed the thread.

yea, about time to put her to bed...and get away from my laptop.


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So anyway, back to the topic at hand.

I'm struggling to understand why it's so important that your missus finds someone to click with during the handful of weeks she stays here at a time. People can stay in Thailand for years and still find it hard to find someone to click with.

If the social scene isn't doing it, why not concentrate on things that can be done with you or just on her own? Why not encourage her to get into a hobby if she hasn't got one already. Reading, writing, creating something - anything - can be very satisfying as well as time consuming, which is what you all want. She must be into something. And between you I'm sure you could fund whatever hobby she wants to take up and she could go out and about getting whatever materials are required for it without getting harassed (I'm guessing MBK doesn't come to a standstill when she walks in).

I'm not saying it would fill up the entire time, but it will definitely ease the situation.

Surely it's not just all about the social networking is it?

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What you are saying is not really correct. You got a MA from Stanford in like Asian studies or something. Good for you..but it's not the same..no need to say more.

Some people name drop and others don't. I personally find it officious and indicative of bad taste but whatever...do what you gotta do.

Please answer my question about lake las vegas.

What does any of this have to do with my GF?

No I didn't. I got my bachelor's from Stanford and a J.D. from UCLA. M.A. in asians studies? Please. At least I finished the degrees I started.

Las Vegas--Southern Highlands I like, or if you wanna do the condo thing, then near the strip. I am digging those condos they are building at South Coast plaza. Lake Las Vegas I do not dig, personally. I think it is ghetto.

Nothing to do with your girlfriend. Was the proviso in the post.

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