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Norwegian Dies Following Bar Brawl At Central Pattaya Beer Bar


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In Australia they call it the King Hit,dozens of cowards are using it all the time.1 Hit to head-victim falls and hits head on the ground.result = Death.

The authorities are trying to rename it 'coward's hit', and that's what it is, with the victim unaware/unable to see that it's coming, usually thrown from behind. The origins of 'king hit' I don't know, but it's defined in Wiktionary as

A blow intended to incapacitate in one hit, often delivered without warning

It may be that it wasn't a king hit, of course, and if the two were involved in a scuffle, may well not have been.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Bubu Boo-Booed, then he Bye-Byed. Too bad Farangs don't have the sense to be really careful when bar hopping in Pattaya ... or anywhere in Thailand. seem s he was with friends. Never get in a fight with a local, cause you wil be jumped by his local friends arrmed c/w knives, daggers, bicycle or farm chains, chunks of glass, metal bars, wooden batons. Anti personal pepper sprays works great, but good luck getting it thru Airport Security & customs.

Why bring pepper spray through the customs while its widely sold here

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Major head fracture from hitting his head on a table,.... I don't think so!

RIP to the poor victim and condolences to the family!

Why not? If he hit the corner of the table or the edge it's very possible!

I had an acquaintance who simply tripped and hit her head on the corner of a raised car tailgate. She collapsed, went into a coma and never recovered.

The movie violence we see these days gives many people a distorted idea of just how fragile we are. Kids see stuntmen falling four or five floors onto what looks like a concrete surface and believe it. In a fight? A serious swing to the head with a baseball bat can't hurt that much, surely....

Condolences to the deceased and his family.

It is more than possible it is a fact, because many people have died this way when they fell and their head hits a table, an iron bar, or a stony floor.

A few years ago a famous American ... Dr. Robert C Atkins died as a result of this, he was walking on a slippery icy pavement in New York City , he fell over, his head hit the floor, and he died.

Motorbike accidents have the same problem, particular those not wearing helmets.

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Ask the police....this is becoming a joke. A few months back a British Teacher, beaten into a coma, still in a coma in the UK... suspect remanded and released on payment of a laughable amount called Bail. The attacker still runs his visa service shop. Babu...hmmm people do not seem to know him, yet know his name. Ask Taxi drivers and police.... they seem to know all these characters around in Pattaya. Amazing Thailand. Why dont we have a park in the middle of Pattaya to commemorate farangs died in tragic circumstances such as this. Thrown off balconys, stabbed, brains bashed out or put high on drugs, shot and kidnapped. Might become a tourist attraction.... maybe

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condolences to the family , so sad,

I too had a local push me and made me fall down , over a sale of a shirt as I did not want it so I went to another stallholder .He got angry I wasted his time so pushed me . The police came and did nothing at all. I showed then the bruise that I got and it was "mai pen rai " and the police left .I wonder what would have happen if it was the other way around ..

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An altercation in a bar --one man left standing --from that we assume the last man standing is the violent criminal.

I;lle bet there is more to this than meets the eye or the page. Lets see now It was early hours of Thursday all children had gone home to bed.

Or should I say all children should have gone home to bed.

Most grown men I know who have lived here a long time are in bed by 9.30--and thats not AM. There is a reason for that and it does not involve happy hours

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What are the laws for one punch crimes such as this in Thailand ,anyone know?

I was knocked out with one punch in walking street last week in front of Thai police, they seemed to think it was within the law for thai people to punch farang
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Hmmmm interesting comment at the bottom, dont know if true or not from Pattya ones comments section.

Bubu sounds a real nice guy, salt of the Earth.

Bubu can follow what the hi-so's do and run to the temple for a week or so and be "too busy" to deal with this.

The dead guys girlfriend was approached the next morning by Bubus “wife” pretty much ordering her to say it was an accident. She was warned the consequences would be dire if she did not. As she was not present at the time she cannot actually say anything at all. So far the police have not even been to interview this woman. FWIW he took just one punch to the side of the head. A lesson to people to be very careful if they wish to dish out violence, the consequences could be dire.

Edited by travelmann
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Anti personal pepper sprays works great, but good luck getting it thru Airport Security & customs.

I think, I've seen it in Thailand. Can't recall, where, but probably around the taser/knife/throwing star business.

Also, the very small one, you can always make it in the check in.luggage

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Condolences to the victims family. What are the laws for one punch crimes such as this in Thailand ,anyone know?

Not aware of any law in Thailand that specially acknowledges "king hit", but you may be interested in the debate in Australia where resultant deaths are not uncommon:


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Force = mass times acceleration. Introduce the scull and a hard surface and you have a lethal blow.

The fact that even one solid punch can - and often does - kill a person, is one of the reasons i've walked away from conflicts i could have 'won' - it is impossible to predict what will happen when a human body goes into free-fall towards a hard object or surface. The other reasons : i seriously do not want any interaction with police-forces anywhere if it can be avoided...and lastly, i'm too pretty to be hit ;-) RIP to the deceased.

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What are the laws for one punch crimes such as this in Thailand ,anyone know?

I was knocked out with one punch in walking street last week in front of Thai police, they seemed to think it was within the law for thai people to punch farang

So you were walking along --absolutely doing nothing , done nothing , paid all bar bills and you were knocked out to the floor.

I don't believe you.

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Bubu Boo-Booed, then he Bye-Byed. Too bad Farangs don't have the sense to be really careful when bar hopping in Pattaya ... or anywhere in Thailand. seem s he was with friends. Never get in a fight with a local, cause you wil be jumped by his local friends arrmed c/w knives, daggers, bicycle or farm chains, chunks of glass, metal bars, wooden batons. Anti personal pepper sprays works great, but good luck getting it thru Airport Security & customs.

Why bring pepper spray through the customs while its widely sold here

Yep - can see the entire gamut of attack & defence weaponry on sale at the local market - including knuckle-dusters and huge blades - pepper-spay available everywhere.

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Bubu Boo-Booed, then he Bye-Byed. Too bad Farangs don't have the sense to be really careful when bar hopping in Pattaya ... or anywhere in Thailand. seem s he was with friends. Never get in a fight with a local, cause you wil be jumped by his local friends arrmed c/w knives, daggers, bicycle or farm chains, chunks of glass, metal bars, wooden batons. Anti personal pepper sprays works great, but good luck getting it thru Airport Security & customs.

Who said BUBu is a local ?

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Scuffle between drinking companions ends in fatal injury

PATTAYA:-- A Norwegian businessman and local resident passed away on early Friday morning following an altercation with a fellow national in a second road bar

A 43 year old long term resident of the city, Jarle Nyegaard had been previously rushed to Pattaya Memorial and kept in their intensive care unit where, despite every effort, he died without regaining consciousness.

In the well known and popular Kares bar, the Norwegian had joined several friends for a meal and evening out, a few hours later, he was in a coma, and later died.

Reports vary, but whilst initial speculation was that the dead man had been hit during a fight in the bar and struck his head on a table, Customers in the bar at the time have now told police that the fight happened outside, as the deceased mounted his motorbike to return to his home and had an argument with a companion who thought he might be better to leave the bike and make his way home by bus , as it had been a “heavy night”and that the argument escalated into a fight.

--pattaya103.com 2012-09-21


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What are the laws for one punch crimes such as this in Thailand ,anyone know?

I was knocked out with one punch in walking street last week in front of Thai police, they seemed to think it was within the law for thai people to punch farang

So you were walking along --absolutely doing nothing , done nothing , paid all bar bills and you were knocked out to the floor.

I don't believe you.

you think I imagined getting punched out or you think its ok to punch people out if you have a problem with them?
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Disgusted by some comments here at Thaivisa......

not every news needs a comment full of Sarcasm, Hatred or Mockery...

Guys.... the whole story isn't even out yet or maybe it will never but come-on.... a guy lost his life here... Some decency Please.....

I doubt very much whether these same people would make the same comments

if they had their real photos, real names and real addresses posted at the same

time. Hiding behind pseudonyms and making unsavoury comments is not a very

clever thing.

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My grandfather was killed by a fall of around 2 or 3 feet which resulted in a fractured skull, he was in his 40's at the time and on his way to an army camp when it happened, so a fit, sober, man struck down by the simplest of accidents.

I note the earlier comment from WarProfiteer about the bar owner being killed by slipping on a wet pavement, I know of a similar situation in my home town where the bar owner struck a guy who was brawling, he hit his head on a kerb, and died. The bar owner ended up in court and was eventually found not guilty of murder / manslaughter as there was self defence involved.

Right, the point is, the human skull is far more fragile than we believe, I quite believe that this poor gentleman died in the way described, and it's a tragedy that it happened.

I don't believe for a minute that this Bubu guy meant this to happen, and I bet you he is distraught at the man's death however!!!!

This is what happens when you think your a hard man, a fighting man!!! The jails throughout the World are full of people who got tanked up and kicked people's heads in. A moment of rank stupidity and a lifetime of regret to follow.

Bubu should do the only decent thing, and hand himself in. Everyone else should leave the hard man act at home......I know this case appears to be between two farangs however we all know the simple rule.......don't fight in Thailand, just don't do it.

I'm sorry that the gentleman has lost his life, I lost a lifetime of company with my grandfather as I was only a babe in arms when he was killed. His siblings are all still living and in their 80's so you can see there was 45 years of life and companionship snatched away that day. That was an accident........

This was a needless death.......just don't fight......walk away, and seriously, don't ever fight in Thailand.

Just don't fight period! Dosn't matter what country your'e in, You will either be the winner or the loser and sometimes the loser can lose evrything including their life

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Major head fracture from hitting his head on a table,.... I don't think so!

RIP to the poor victim and condolences to the family!

It doesn't take much force to fracture the temporal (temple) area of the skull. It's very thing. That's why boxers, fighters, mma guys go for that area when they want a knock out. I don't know where the injury was but depending on genetics etc it's not hard to die these days.

RIP to the victim.

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