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Firtsly, I know this isnt strictly Thai related, but as this seems to be the place to be for expert asistance on such matters, I thought I'd ask here anyway.

My Cambodian fiance has just been granted a VISA for the UK. We have a two year old son who has both UK and Cambodian passports. As Air Asia have stopped running flights to Suvanabhumi from the 1st of October, and are instead flying to Don Muang (not sure if thats the correct name), I did not want her having to transfer across the city, between airports, to connect to her London flight from Phnom Penh. As a change I decided to bus them to Ho Chi Minh city and get her to fly from there instead, as it was less hassle for her.

The problem I now have is that the baby could enter vietnam on his cambodian passport without a vietnamese VISA, but would he be able to board a flight to the UK without a UK VISA in his cambodian passport that he would have to use to leave vietnam on? If he couldnt, he would have to show his UK passport and I dont know if they would be OK with his dual nationality, as I thought this was no longer allowed?

Should I get him a Vietnam VISA in his UK passport and use this to enter Vietnam on, or can I save myself the £40 VISA fee?

This was quite hard to explain, so I hope you can understand my situation.

Any advice would be muchly appreciated....


Easily done. Just enter and depart Vietnam on the Cambodian passport when passing through immigration.

At check-in just show both passports.

I have British and Australian passports and use whichever suits me to avoid visas etc.

One thing you must always do is arrive and depart a country on the same passport.


Just to elaborate a little more.

Immigration IS NOT interested where you are going and which passport you will use when you arrive at your destination.

The airline you travel with IS interested and will ensure that you have the correct passport/visas for the countries you will be travelling to.


UnonOz is correct in terms of passports, one additional consideration is, I am assuming you wont be travelling with your fiance & son ? if that is the case I strongly suggest you contact & find out from the Vietnamese Embassy if you need to do a letter of authorisation.


Better safe than sorry IMHO

Edit Wanted to add - if you need to verify Visas you can check here



That makes sense to me. Your right, I was getting confused between check in and immigration. I will look into the single travelling parent issue.

Thanks for all the help.


I understand you're not Canadian but here is a standard letter the Canadian Foreign Affairs suggests single parents use whilst travelling, at least you can get an idea and use and copy into your letter for your son.




Best of luck

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I myself with my son are going to the UK for a month.. Do I need a letter or permission from my wife to do this? Never crossed my mind before as we normally all travel together.


I myself with my son are going to the UK for a month.. Do I need a letter or permission from my wife to do this? Never crossed my mind before as we normally all travel together.

I would suggest yes, it's only a piece of paper and a notary/spouse signature. It isn't an airline issue more an Immigration when departing both in Thailand and UK- it does make sense in this day and age. The absolute last thing you want is a hassle when travelling.

I'll do some more research and start a thread later today.


Just to elaborate a little more.

Immigration IS NOT interested where you are going and which passport you will use when you arrive at your destination.

The airline you travel with IS interested and will ensure that you have the correct passport/visas for the countries you will be travelling to.

Absolutely correct. I have 3 passports and I only show the relevant one at check-in. There is no need to even show the other one. That's the one you show to immigration. You have nothing to be worried about, OP. There are millions of dual nationals out there who use this system all the time.

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