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Thaksin Writes To Families Of 2010 'martyrs'

Lite Beer

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Talk about narcissistic and egocentric deranged delusions of grandeur! I think Thaksin needs to seek serious counselling or stop taking the pills. Declaring martyrs and again stirring the pot or dissension. Is there no way to put an end to this crims interference in daily life of Thai's, especially on matters as sensitive as this. There can be no peace in Thailand as long as this fool persists in playing at puppet master.

Well I certainly like your post. Unfortunately I think it has gone past his stepping down as a puppet master. As long as he is alive he will be a God to the people who think nothing of any one else but themselves.

Fortunately while I can have a opinion of the government that is not becoming them. I also had a few issues with Abhist. Despite the fact he was the best man for the job.

I can appreciate the Thai people I meet in my daily life I can laugh with them at my clumsy attempts to speak Thai. I can enjoy a culture that is far different than the one I came from. I can enjoy a more even climate and scenery I had only heard about. I can enjoy life. For my self it is a country of dos not a county of don't s. It is a country similar to what I grew up in. People are not afraid of living. Where I came from it had become a country afraid of dying to the point they forgot to enjoy life.

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Talk about narcissistic and egocentric deranged delusions of grandeur! I think Thaksin needs to seek serious counselling or stop taking the pills. Declaring martyrs and again stirring the pot or dissension. Is there no way to put an end to this crims interference in daily life of Thai's, especially on matters as sensitive as this. There can be no peace in Thailand as long as this fool persists in playing at puppet master.

Well I certainly like your post. Unfortunately I think it has gone past his stepping down as a puppet master. As long as he is alive he will be a God to the people who think nothing of any one else but themselves.

Fortunately while I can have a opinion of the government that is not becoming them. I also had a few issues with Abhist. Despite the fact he was the best man for the job.

I can appreciate the Thai people I meet in my daily life I can laugh with them at my clumsy attempts to speak Thai. I can enjoy a culture that is far different than the one I came from. I can enjoy a more even climate and scenery I had only heard about. I can enjoy life. For my self it is a country of dos not a county of don't s. It is a country similar to what I grew up in. People are not afraid of living. Where I came from it had become a country afraid of dying to the point they forgot to enjoy life.

Despite your sadness for your original descent, do you really think it is 'beyond' the fears of the red shirts to eventually let the lunatic go?

Do you believe a holocaust could happen in today's world, in that Thaksin is almost an administer of hatred of all that gets in his own particular ways?

If the Thais had a clear understanding of world history they would certainly have a clear understanding of events of recent decades in their own country. Alas, red-tape always gets in the way. Yes, RED tape.

I am so glad that you enjoy your freedom, in comparison of last freedoms; yet do you really believe that fear is not forthcoming to be rid of in LOS? I think it is, in the next maybe 10 years. Corruption, I think, will be challenged. The people of Thailand are not so fearful or dumb as many make out. There will, soon, become a coalition that will cause angst for the bent leaders, bent Police chiefs, bent anybody.... it will come, especially after the into of ASEAN.

The people of Thailand are not afraid of living, far from it. They are afraid of challenging the bent authorities. If you think Singaporians will come here to accept such practices, or those from many of the ASEAN countries of huge comparative GDPs, then think again. Things will change - they must - as all is integrated .......

Challenging authorities, the police, and the rich is starting to happen, and has been happening over the last 2 years.

I could go on into details, but I think my challenge about fears of Thais is fairly simply explained..... they are ready to fight against corruption.


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"I feel grateful for the sacrifice of all martyrs who re-established democracy but met with fate. I insist that I always feel grateful to the debt of honour I owe to all of you and will try to take the best care of the families of everyone," Thaksin wrote.

He said giving all Thais the opportunity to become prosperous was also his goal but he had faced resistance from those who oppose change. "This leads to the political chaos [that persists] up to the present. But I will offer you both my moral support and will stand by you until I die."

"debt of honour", I guess that means he isn't sending any cash.

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One sees yet again the narcissist sociopath self gratifying mindset of Thaksin in the letters he wrote.

Indeed he is nothing more than a rat or a maggot who is sating himself on the blood of those he encouraged to pursue his cause veiled as a democratic movement but in reality a cause designed to enhance his return to Thailand and the rebirth of his theft from the state coffers and indeed the Thai people.

These people are not martyrs they are yet again ritual sacrifices upon the high altar of Thaksins megalomania and greed coupled with his insatiable lust for dictatorial powers.

Yet again we see that the lust for power and revenge is the only agenda that Thaksin and his acolytes have any intention of pursuing.

The act of writing these letters is a despicable one.

Edited by siampolee
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Dear Bereaved,

Your son was probably one who helped me create mayhem in 2009 and 2010 in Bangkok. He got at least 500 baht from me before he died, and you got a big payment, so you can be proud of him for at least that much. He may have also shot and maybe killed some Army people. If so, he contributed to the melee, and that too you can be proud of. If I had a bronze medal with my face on it, I would give you one. Sorry he's not coming home to you. If you have any more sons or daughters, be sure to tell them how great I am. We may need their help in the future, if we need to stage another riot in Bangkok. Or, if they don't like to travel, we can probably get them involved in a melee in your town - especially if Mr. Abhisit happens to visit. Thanks again, and keep nurturing those babies you're making. We'll need more in the future to burnish my image and hopefully to get billions of baht from the Thai government which, I'm sure you agree, they took from me unfairly. Enclosed is a CD of me singing 'Let it Be' for you to cherish me additionally.

See you,

your friend Thaksin.

Edited by maidu
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Dear Mr Somchai,

Thank you so much for sacrificing your son for me. You see without any deaths I and the red shirts would have nothing to blame the Democrats for.

We had hoped the Democrat government would have collapsed immediately after Ratchaprasong 2010, but sadly many people saw through my plot and there wasn't the massive public outrage as in October 6th, 14th and Black May.

It was so unfortunate some of your family members had to die for me, but I always remember you when I make one of my rare phone-ins, and I do hope you enjoy the 4 million plus baht you received.

I do remember vowing to come back and lead the people from the front as soon as the first shot was fired by the army, but alas it wasn't possible that day as I was busy shopping in an expensive department store in Paris at the time. I had to show the media I wasn't behind the violent protests you see!

I'm not sure when I'll be back, that ungrateful man Mr Kasit even suggested I should stay away for ever- and to think he was one of the founding members of Thai Rak Thai!

He compared me to the statesman Mr Pridi who sacrificed his own happiness by staying in exile until his death! I know Mr Kasit's flattery is insincere but I can't follow his advice as I don't understand the word 'sacrifice', I looked it up in my special dictionary for square headed people but the nearest word I could find was 'selfishness'- I'm very familiar with that word.

Hopefully see you soon,but then again maybe not!

Your desert friend.

Post of the Day !



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has anyone links to the actual letters?

I bet there are a few people on this forum that could arrange for you to be sent a signed original wink.png

i don't get it... genuinely not trolling, i really don't get it?

I think he is referring to the fact that you just except any thing positive about Thaksin and his PT also the red shirts and ask for links when it is against the Thaksin conglomerate or is a good point for the democrats.

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has anyone links to the actual letters?

I bet there are a few people on this forum that could arrange for you to be sent a signed original wink.png

i don't get it... genuinely not trolling, i really don't get it?

I think he is referring to the fact that you just except any thing positive about Thaksin and his PT also the red shirts and ask for links when it is against the Thaksin conglomerate or is a good point for the democrats.

Nope! What I am referring to is something we seem not allowed to discuss. That is, that I am so convinced that some people on here can only be paid to spout off the crap that they do that one of them at least, can get Nurofiend a signed original copy, as they must be in touch with the megalomaniac every week. Now see how long this lasts !!

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Talk about narcissistic and egocentric deranged delusions of grandeur! I think Thaksin needs to seek serious counselling or stop taking the pills. Declaring martyrs and again stirring the pot or dissension. Is there no way to put an end to this crims interference in daily life of Thai's, especially on matters as sensitive as this. There can be no peace in Thailand as long as this fool persists in playing at puppet master.

Well I certainly like your post. Unfortunately I think it has gone past his stepping down as a puppet master. As long as he is alive he will be a God to the people who think nothing of any one else but themselves.

Fortunately while I can have a opinion of the government that is not becoming them. I also had a few issues with Abhist. Despite the fact he was the best man for the job.

I can appreciate the Thai people I meet in my daily life I can laugh with them at my clumsy attempts to speak Thai. I can enjoy a culture that is far different than the one I came from. I can enjoy a more even climate and scenery I had only heard about. I can enjoy life. For my self it is a country of dos not a county of don't s. It is a country similar to what I grew up in. People are not afraid of living. Where I came from it had become a country afraid of dying to the point they forgot to enjoy life.

Despite your sadness for your original descent, do you really think it is 'beyond' the fears of the red shirts to eventually let the lunatic go?

Do you believe a holocaust could happen in today's world, in that Thaksin is almost an administer of hatred of all that gets in his own particular ways?

If the Thais had a clear understanding of world history they would certainly have a clear understanding of events of recent decades in their own country. Alas, red-tape always gets in the way. Yes, RED tape.

I am so glad that you enjoy your freedom, in comparison of last freedoms; yet do you really believe that fear is not forthcoming to be rid of in LOS? I think it is, in the next maybe 10 years. Corruption, I think, will be challenged. The people of Thailand are not so fearful or dumb as many make out. There will, soon, become a coalition that will cause angst for the bent leaders, bent Police chiefs, bent anybody.... it will come, especially after the into of ASEAN.

The people of Thailand are not afraid of living, far from it. They are afraid of challenging the bent authorities. If you think Singaporians will come here to accept such practices, or those from many of the ASEAN countries of huge comparative GDPs, then think again. Things will change - they must - as all is integrated .......

Challenging authorities, the police, and the rich is starting to happen, and has been happening over the last 2 years.

I could go on into details, but I think my challenge about fears of Thais is fairly simply explained..... they are ready to fight against corruption.


I would agree with you on this point.

"Challenging authorities, the police, and the rich is starting to happen, and has been happening over the last 2 years."

That is also the impression I have been getting this last year.

But I do not believe it will turn Thailand in to a war zone. The change will be a slow one and extend into the next two elections. Even then there will still be corruption and abuse of power but at a lower less in your face rate. After all The Thai's are humans and what country does not have those negative parts. I see a better Thailand political wise in the future. In 10 years a much better place. As corrupt as it is and could get my Thai neighbor is still a nice guy.

The very nature of the letter shows that Thaksin feels he is loosing control of the red shirts. It is just a pathetic way of trying to hang on to power.

I can not cite you any thing specific but I feel that Yingluck is distancing herself from Thaksin a little bit. Can't say for sure if she will become a good for Thailand PM or not but I do believe that by the end of her term Thaksin will not be in control anymore.

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Just read a heart attack patient died in Ubon Ratchathani due to Reds blocking the street in protest over a seminar by PAD(discussing current PT government) at a hotel there. The ambulance couldn't get through the traffic blocked by their protest. They were upset that the hotel management allowed PAD to hold the seminar in their province, claiming it was an insult to the REDs there. I wonder if Thaksin will write a letter to this patient's family commending their family member for being a martyr for the REDS protest (against PAD seminar)? Will the patient's family qualify for the large payout from government due to local protests there?

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has anyone links to the actual letters?

I bet there are a few people on this forum that could arrange for you to be sent a signed original wink.png

i don't get it... genuinely not trolling, i really don't get it?

I think he is referring to the fact that you just except any thing positive about Thaksin and his PT also the red shirts and ask for links when it is against the Thaksin conglomerate or is a good point for the democrats.

'the fact that i just 'except' anything positive about thaksin and his pt'... actually you know what hellodolly, i can't be bothered with having it out with you and correcting how wrong you are in every single aspect of that post.

but to anyone else who cares, i was simply asking does anyone have links to the letters so that i could read them myself, you know, to be informed... i try to do that you see, inform myself on topics, rather than just the constant trolling and one-upmanship of some posters here... rolleyes.gif

which i is why i felt the need make clear to gentlemanjim that i wasn't trolling when saying i didn't get what the joke was, but what do i get? a snipped troll response from 'insight'.


Edited by nurofiend
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Every time things seam to settle down a tinny bit, this troll comes out of the woods, sorry, desert and makes noise.

Why can't he just go away, dissapear and be quite. Sitt in a hammock, look at the camels and enjoy his "pension"

He's less Thai then most farang I know living here. I feel, better a farang living in the LOS, moaning about injustice and stupidity in this country than a Thai "Is he even Thai? Definately not at hearth" living abroad, promoting violence and destruction. Even threaten the people with increased violence and civil war if he's not allowed back?

Thaksin - go away, go fishing, plant some lettuce, spend the money you took from the people and SHUT UP!

The answer is very simple JoeLing,Thaksin is no doubt well aware that No Publicity,signals the end for his power struggle,and the death blow to his Meglomaniac ambitions to once again Rule and Pillage Thailand.

Footnote: He is Chinese/Thai.

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- deleted -

I bet there are a few people on this forum that could arrange for you to be sent a signed original wink.png

i don't get it... genuinely not trolling, i really don't get it?

I think he is referring to the fact that you just except any thing positive about Thaksin and his PT also the red shirts and ask for links when it is against the Thaksin conglomerate or is a good point for the democrats.

'the fact that i just 'except' anything positive about thaksin and his pt'... actually you know what hellodolly, i can't be bothered with having it out with you and correcting how wrong you are in every single aspect of that post.

but to anyone else who cares, i was simply asking does anyone have links to the letters so that i could read them myself, you know, to be informed... i try to do that you see, inform myself on topics, rather than just the constant trolling and one-upmanship of some posters here... rolleyes.gif

which i is why i felt the need make clear to gentlemanjim that i wasn't trolling when saying i didn't get what the joke was, but what do i get? a snipped troll response from 'insight'.


have not seen any information on English translations or even seen links for Thai. Just reports about them. It will be nice when reading Thai is as easy as English.

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As far as I can see, there is nothing in the provided links about a gardener assault at the hotel - seems to just be a statement thrown in with the other comments about the ambulance.

As for being on-topic, it's just best to let these things go - a 200 person protest and a story about an ambulance in traffic at best has nothing to do with letters from Thaksin and a less-forgiving view would be that it is a crass method of using someone's death as a hammer to bash Thaksin & the red shirts with. That is not a statement about the person who had the heart attack, just the use of his/her story here on this thread.

There are no crass methods needed to want to bash Thaksin with a hammer. I fail to understand why intelligent people are unable to see his crystal clear intention of establishing a one party republic based on the Cambodian model.

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As far as I can see, there is nothing in the provided links about a gardener assault at the hotel - seems to just be a statement thrown in with the other comments about the ambulance.

As for being on-topic, it's just best to let these things go - a 200 person protest and a story about an ambulance in traffic at best has nothing to do with letters from Thaksin and a less-forgiving view would be that it is a crass method of using someone's death as a hammer to bash Thaksin & the red shirts with. That is not a statement about the person who had the heart attack, just the use of his/her story here on this thread.

There are no crass methods needed to want to bash Thaksin with a hammer. I fail to understand why intelligent people are unable to see his crystal clear intention of establishing a one party republic based on the Cambodian model.

And it's starting to look like it's happening........

The Cambodian style, one party republic will soon be here in Thailand.

This will disquiet a few foreigners as the country collapses into communist mayhem and class hatred.

Might help the pensioners as the baht falls through the floor, ( but not the Thai pensioners though, because there aren't any meaningful pension provisions in Thailand )

Anyway, the writing is clear on the wall.

Hun Sen and Thaksin have their plan and Thailand as we know it now, is set for change.

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I can see the connection between Red protests, their dire repercussions, and Thaksin - even if some posters, like tlansford can't. There's been a pattern going on for years. First and foremost, the Reds and all their protests are manifestations T's meglamania. Ever since the Reds have been in existence, they've been engaged in un-democratic and often harmful behavior. They've broken up peaceful demonstrations and meetings by others (with differing views) and were key components of the riots in Pattaya and Bangkok in 2009, and the two month mega disturbance in Bangkok in 2010. None of the Reds even offered to assist with cleaning up the messes they made in either set of riots. It's rather clear that Thaksin and his friends and family support the Reds with money and inciteful words, ......so there's at least part of the connection between the two.

Why should they clear up ??

They were the ones getting shot and it was their blood on the streets.......( in one way or another.......).

GentlemanJim may actually have hit the nail on the head, perhaps Thailand really is headed towards the extreme red socialism as embodied by the red shirts.

The big event is coming and there may be serious change after.

Maybe the war has already started but we just don't realise it yet ??

Who knows what horrors the next 4 years could bring.

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There are no crass methods needed to want to bash Thaksin with a hammer. I fail to understand why intelligent people are unable to see his crystal clear intention of establishing a one party republic based on the Cambodian model.

And it's starting to look like it's happening........

The Cambodian style, one party republic will soon be here in Thailand.

This will disquiet a few foreigners as the country collapses into communist mayhem and class hatred.

Might help the pensioners as the baht falls through the floor, ( but not the Thai pensioners though, because there aren't any meaningful pension provisions in Thailand )

Anyway, the writing is clear on the wall.

Hun Sen and Thaksin have their plan and Thailand as we know it now, is set for change.

I can see the connection between Red protests, their dire repercussions, and Thaksin - even if some posters, like tlansford can't. There's been a pattern going on for years. First and foremost, the Reds and all their protests are manifestations T's meglamania. Ever since the Reds have been in existence, they've been engaged in un-democratic and often harmful behavior. They've broken up peaceful demonstrations and meetings by others (with differing views) and were key components of the riots in Pattaya and Bangkok in 2009, and the two month mega disturbance in Bangkok in 2010. None of the Reds even offered to assist with cleaning up the messes they made in either set of riots. It's rather clear that Thaksin and his friends and family support the Reds with money and inciteful words, ......so there's at least part of the connection between the two.

Why should they clear up ??

They were the ones getting shot and it was their blood on the streets.......( in one way or another.......).

GentlemanJim may actually have hit the nail on the head, perhaps Thailand really is headed towards the extreme red socialism as embodied by the red shirts.

The big event is coming and there may be serious change after.

Maybe the war has already started but we just don't realise it yet ??

Who knows what horrors the next 4 years could bring.

Phil, sometimes you post with a clarity that is not normally reflected in the perceived support you display for Thaksin and the reds in your normal posts. IF the visions that you and I have mentioned in the previous few posts are in the remotest way accurate then this will not be a country which will be suitable for raising a small family, and no amount of exchange rate advantage will make this a suitable place to live, even for retiree's.

I face a serious dichotomy over what I see as a genuine unfolding future situation in Thailand, so much so that as I said on another thread, today I have started looking at buying in NZ as a way to provide a secure environment for my family when Mr Happy Toilet and all his peer group eventually flush this lovely country down the toilet! You shouldn't sacrifice your articulate clarity of vision for the satisfaction afforded by baiting for the sake of baiting. Regardless of the past, Thaksin and his ideology is very bad for the future of Thailand.

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I can see the connection between Red protests, their dire repercussions, and Thaksin - even if some posters, like tlansford can't. There's been a pattern going on for years. First and foremost, the Reds and all their protests are manifestations T's meglamania. Ever since the Reds have been in existence, they've been engaged in un-democratic and often harmful behavior. They've broken up peaceful demonstrations and meetings by others (with differing views) and were key components of the riots in Pattaya and Bangkok in 2009, and the two month mega disturbance in Bangkok in 2010. None of the Reds even offered to assist with cleaning up the messes they made in either set of riots. It's rather clear that Thaksin and his friends and family support the Reds with money and inciteful words, ......so there's at least part of the connection between the two.

Why should they clear up ??

You really need to ask that question, seriously.

Next time I'm passing your house, I will relieve myself on your drive-way, and when you ask me to clean that mess up, I will respond with "why, it's not my drive-way"

Would you like that?

Would you like that I shot you in the head ???

For taking a piss ???

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One problem was after Police Commissioner Patcharawat Wongsuwan was indicted for mishandling the PAD protests no police or army chief is willing to take any action against protesters. So in 2010 Suthep was appointed head of CRES by Apisit over the army so he and Apisit have to take overall responsibility.

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One problem was after Police Commissioner Patcharawat Wongsuwan was indicted for mishandling the PAD protests no police or army chief is willing to take any action against protesters. So in 2010 Suthep was appointed head of CRES by Apisit over the army so he and Apisit have to take overall responsibility.

Some people don't like to hear it, but the Police was, to a great degree, complicit with the Red Shirts, well, with Thaksin anyway.

Edited by AleG
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Why should they clear up ??

You really need to ask that question, seriously. Next time I'm passing your house, I will relieve myself on your drive-way, and when you ask me to clean that mess up, I will respond with "why, it's not my drive-way" Would you like that?

Would you like that I shot you in the head ??? For taking a piss ???

More to the point. Setting up petrol soaked barricades in the middle of Thailand's largest and most important city - lobbing grenades out and killing people, sending out sorties to cause mayhem such as terrorizing a nearby hospital and/or a detachment to march up and commandeer a petrol station (to get more gas to soak an ever-growing perimeter spiked with sharpened bamboo poles?). That's more than taking a piss on someone's front lawn.

Abhisit's reaction was too nice, too slow, too willing to appease. He didn't have assistance from police (who were either too scared, or too chummy with the rioters' paymaster). It was a protracted problem for many decent people in Bangkok, and for the country as a whole. Bringing in the Army was the only reasonable option left, unless he simply just left the mob to commandeer Bangkok. The Army was laudably restrained. Any other scenario, a lot more trouble-makers would have been killed. Surviving Reds should be thankful each day, that they weren't shot or arrested, as they should have been in such a messy scenario.

Farang get fined Bt.2,000 for dropping an imaginary cigg butt on a filthy Bkk sidewalk. Yet Reds can trash a large swath of Bangkok, and just leave after two months, with no repercussions. What's wrong with this picture?


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I can understand your wish to trivialize the latest violent efforts by the Red Shirts and attempt to divert the issue away, but if you could point out a more topic-specific thread that you feel would be more appropriate for it, I'd be happy to move or re-post the information and comments there.

Contentious off topic posts and replies have been removed. Since there is no topic open for some event that transpired that is not really related to this topic does not give license to post something not really related in this topic. blink.png

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