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Downloading Movies Into My Ipad.


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Hi all,

I have a lot to learn about using Mac and needing some education here.

I have an iPad 2 which has 54 GB of unused memory. I would like to put some movies on the iPad to take away with me to work.

I have heard about Handbrake, have downloaded movies (avi, ect) with uTorrent and have these on PC.

Q1: What I would like to do is to get the movies from my PC and watchable on my iPad, how is this done, using handbrake?

Q2: Second question is, will this in any way corrupt or compromise my iPad?

Thanks all,


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Why go through the trouble of re-encoding with Handbrake or anything else? It is a waste of time. Get VLC Player on your iPad. Then, open iTunes, click on your iPad, click Apps, scroll down to the bottom of the screen labeled File Sharing and choose VLC in the small window, then just drag any movies you have and drop them on the right side of that window labeled VLC Documents. Now, sync your iPad, and all the movies are there and watchable in any format without any re-encoding. No worries about file format, although my iPad 2 has problems playing back 1080P movies, so 720P or lower works great, no stuttering.

By just dragging your movies into iTunes, it won't play files that aren't Apple approved, which is anything not a .MOV or .MP4 file. So just use VLC and it will play all formats, including mov, mp4, avi, mkv, etc.

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VLC player for iPad sucks - it's very crashy, and I don't even think it's still in the app store?! I seem to remember they had to take it down because a part of the license was in conflict with App Store license / policy... something dumb like that.

I've tried some other players, you either pay or you'll get a crappy experience. Even if it works, your battery life will be much shorter and you might experience issues playing this file format or that. I love VLC / MPlayerX on the Mac, I prefer that over QT Player, but on the iPad it's the other way around.

I recommend the following:

- Download Handbrakebatch

- Set it to iPad

- Set it to save in the source folder, and to delete the source file after completion.

Then you just drop videos on it, preferably overnight, and put that CPU to work.

Handbrakebatch is based on Handbrake, but it comes with way fewer (confusing) options, and more importantly, you can just drop any number of files on it, and it will do them all, one after the other. As it should be. I love it.

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