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Credit Card Problem

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I'm wondering who is supervising Thai commercial banks. I have a problem with my CC balance / statement which the bank admitted is a serious glitch in their computer system that has never happened before. In case I'm not happy with the result of their internal investigation is there anybody I can contact? Something like Financial Ombudsman or shall I contact VISA? Any ideas appreciated.

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I have had money go missing through unauthorized debit card withdrawals, went to bank (BKK bank) had to pay 200 THB to get print out of transactions (had left book at home) bank manager conceded (eventually) that there had been irregular activity, didn't want to know about doing anything when I pushed it he told me to write to the head office in Bangkok, that was it.

Typical Thailand happy to take your money but total lack of customer service, good luck but don't hold your breath.

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I experienced a similar problem stemming from charges I made in Jan of this year. I used my local Thai credit card on a Thai web site and in a major department store. Total was about 8,000 baht. Feb, everything was ok but in March I had charges in London and the US for over 98,000 baht. I called and found the web site to download dispute forms which I did. Customer service gave me a new credit card number after they received the first dispute form.

I sent in three dispute forms as my new number and a second number is still tied into my first credit card number. I was told this was how it was done here. One thing that should be noted is I only use my Thai credit cards in-country only and use my US based cards for charges out of country.

One thing that everyone should think about is each country has their own codes, the first numbers on the credit card, so someone from the US can have the same last 12 numbers of their card with the only difference is the first four numbers. This applies to all MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express cards as well as many others from all over. Some of the cards involved are here:


My account finally showed that the bank had deleted the charges in September as the card had been used in error in the US and England.

I make it a habit now to check my credit card balances every week on my Thai cards and my US cards just in case. A word to the wise.

Edited by puyaidon
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One thing that everyone should think about is each country has their own codes, the first numbers on the credit card, so someone from the US can have the same last 12 numbers of their card with the only difference is the first four numbers. This applies to all MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express cards as well as many others from all over. Some of the cards involved are here:

You should read articles in more detail... it is the first 6 digist that identify the bank (and the product) who issued the card (BIN - Bank Identifying Number), followed (VISA / MC) by 9 random digists, followed by the Luhn number (check digit). I agree that the 9 digits in question are the same throughout the world (as mostly starting around zero and counting up when issuing a product), but the chance to see 12 equal digist on cards (given the Luhn number calculated on all of the first 15 digits) is pretty remote...

the card had been used in error in the US and England.

"used in error".... your card has been skimmed in Thailand and the transactions from US and England have been fraudulent, No other possibility.

I make it a habit now to check my credit card balances every week on my Thai cards and my US cards just in case. A word to the wise.

That is what we tell our customers almost every day... that's why we set up SMS alarm systems for transactions... but too many customers who think "I am careful, nothing will ever happen to me". As I am travelling frequently and using my various cards pretty often, I have fraud on my cards at least twice a year...

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Something like Financial Ombudsman or shall I contact VISA?

Dont' know about an ombudsman in Thailand, but definitely VISA has nothing to do with what appears on your statement and VISA does not deal with individual customers fraud problems. That is the banks job.

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