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Thaksin Denies Wrongdoing In Sentenced Cases


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Thaksin Shinawatra undertook an interview with interviewer Haslinda Amin in Singapore for Bloomberg television this morning.

Thaksin openly supported the rice production program currently being undertaken by the PTP government, stating that although it is costing the country 11% of annual GDP, this figure was inaccurate, as some of the purchases of rice were sold in the local market, and others on-sold to the international market, meaning that some of the money was recouped in the Thai Market. He stated that the previous democrat party "spoiled" farmers, by ensuring that rice prices remained below natural levels, manipulating the market through subsidies.

He also discussed the moves of the Democrat party putting several cases in motion, and stated that there was too much power of outside committees or smaller enterprises which had the ability to destabilize power from those who the people wished to control it.

When asked by the interviewer concerning political issues if he would be willing to do time in prison as a result of his guilty verdict on certain charges so far, Thaksin stated that he felt he should not have to go to prison, as he had done nothing wrong, and that the charges were politically motivated.

When quizzed on the Reconciliation Committees' potential suggestion that Thaksin should remain out of politics to allow Thailand time to heal politically, Thaksin stated that he felt he should be allowed back into politics, and that the reason this had been suggested were personal issues between himself, and the committee chairman (Kasit). He stated that Kasit still held bad personal feelings towards him after he (Thaksin) bought back old Thai Rak Thai members to the current party, and as such resigned and that the feelings were personal and unprofessional. He stated that many things in Thailand happened that should not, because of personal vendettas.

Related article (not the interview itself): http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-24/thaksin-signals-sister-to-avert-political-crisis-southeast-asia.html


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