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Bus Fares To Rise By One Baht Next Monday

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The Transport Ministry prepares to approve increases in fares of inter-provincial coaches and city buses, effective on February 6.

Deputy Transport Minister General Chainan Charoensiri (ชัยนันท์ เจริญศิริ) revealed after discussing the matter with president of the Bus Operator Association, Suchinda Cherdchai (สุจินดา เชิดชัย), that due to the rise in diesel fuel prices, the Transport Ministry may consider increasing fares for the bus operators. The increase for the inter-provincial bus fare is expected to be at 3 satang per kilometer.

Meanwhile, the fares of private buses joining the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) will rise by 1 baht. This fare hike will cover both air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned buses. However, the Transport Ministry will have to review the performance reports of the buses operated by the BMTA first before making decisions on fare hike. Mr. Chainan said that the ministry wants to maintain the prices of the BMTA buses if possible. He said that a central committee on land transport assigned to deliberate fare increases has been instructed to carry out the plan.

Director-general of the Land Transport Department, Piyapan Jampasut (ปิยะพันธ์ จัมปาสุต) revealed that the central committee will hold a meeting on fare increase tomorrow and expected that the new fare rates will be announced and become effective on February 6.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 31 January 2006

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Private bus operators given green light for new fare rise


BANGKOK, Jan 31 (TNA) - The Ministry of Transport has given the green light for private operators of both city and inter-province passenger buses to raise their fares due to continuing rising fuel costs.

Deputy Transport Minister Gen.Chainant Charoensiri told journalists here on Monday that the ministry's approval on the new bus fare rise following the diesel price on the domestic market having surged to exceed Bt24.50 per litre.

"The Ministry of Transport asked the private bus operators to remain their fares unchanged for the past six months and promised them that once the domestic diesel price surges to Bt24.50 per litre, they will be allowed for a new fare rise and now the diesel price has risen to Bt24.69 per litre; so, the ministry has to keep the promise," he explained.

"Forcing the private bus operators to keep their fares unchange amid continuing fuel cost hikes may result in undesirable sub-standard services adversely affecting the passengers," he cautioned.

Given the approval, private city bus operators--both air conditionered and non air conditionered ones--are allowed to raise their fares by Bt1.0; while inter-province buses are allowed a fare rise of Bt0.03 per kilometre.

The new fare rise is expected to be effective from February 6 following a meeting of the Central Land Transport Committee here on February 1, in which the approved new fare rise is believed to be endorsed, according to Director-General of the Department of Land Transport Piyapan Champasut.

"For state-run buses--those of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) and the Transport Company Limited--whether their fares will be raised depends on decisions of their top executives," he said.

Meanwhile, the inter-province private bus operators said they would consider whether the approved fare rise of Bt0.03 per kilometre should be acceptable, from the earlier request of Bt0.09 per kilometre, as their fuel costs now stand around Bt0.14-0.15 per kilometre.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit



The Central Land Transport Committee will call a meeting to consider the plan to raise the public bus fare. The fare adjustment is expected to be announced this afternoon.

Transport Minister PONGSAK RAKTAPONGPAISAL (พงษ์ศักดิ์ รักตพงศ์ไพศาล) said that the fare will not be lifted all at once, but the ministry will gradually increase in the price. However, if the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) has converted its buses into natural gas for vehicle (NGV)-based engines, then there is no need for the fare to be raised as the BMTA can reduce its cost.

He said that private operators are still suffering from the increasing fuel prices. However, the Transport Ministry is cooperating with the Energy Ministry in setting up NGV gas stations throughout the main roads of Thailand, to encourage motorists to use NGV instead of conventional fuel.

He said that officials are now considering Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s proposal to change 2000 non air-conditioned buses into air-conditioned buses. The proposal will be proposed to the Cabinet meeting next month.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 31 January 2006

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

"Forcing the private bus operators to keep their fares unchange amid continuing fuel cost hikes may result in undesirable sub-standard services adversely affecting the passengers," he cautioned.

Did I get this right.....with that 1 Baht fair rise, they will fix all the green buses? I love that entertainment value of these guys.....


Did I get this right.....with that 1 Baht fair rise, they will fix all the green buses? I love that entertainment value of these guys.....

No, can't see that anywhere...can you cut and paste that bit?

For sure if you ask someone to run at a loss, things get worse, the green buses are an eye sore, I agree with that though!


Bus fares will rise by one baht, effective Feb 14.

The Central Transport Commission approves the adjustment of bus fares for bus operators for Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) and Transport Company Limited and private vans, effective Feb 14.

Deputy permanent secretary of Transport Ministry Kamrobluck Suraswadi (คำรบลักขิ์ สุรัสวดี), as president of the Central Transport Commission, revealed that as the price of diesel fuel has increased to more than 24.50 baht per liter, causing the difference between the cost of fuel to stand at 3.40 baht per liter, the commission has agreed to increase fares for the buses and vans.

Mr. Kamrobluck said that the fares for normal buses will be increased from 7 to 8 baht, while fares for air-conditioned buses will increase 1 baht for every distance. The fares of private passenger vans will increase by 1 baht, while the fares of inter-provincial buses will rise by 3 satang per kilometer. The changes will take effect on February 14.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 08 Febuary 2006

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


New bus fare rise takes effect on Valentine's Day


BANGKOK, Feb 8 (TNA) - The Ministry of Transport on Tuesday gave a final nod for its earlier approval of a new bus fare hike, announcing that it would take effect on St. Valentine's Day--February 14.

The announcement followed a meeting here between transport authorities and representatives of private bus operators who insisted that the ministry keep its promise on the new bus fare rise, claiming that their operational costs are now higher than revenues.

On January 30, the Ministry of Transport gave the green light for the private operators--both city and inter-province passenger buses--to raise their fares due to continued rising fuel costs.

The approval followed the ministry's promise to the private bus operators that they would be allowed a new fare rise once the domestic diesel price surges to Bt24.50 per litre.

Last Friday, Director-General of the Department of Land Transport Piyapan Champasut announced that the ministry's earlier approval of the new bus fare rise would be maintained although the diesel price on the domestic market has dropped by Bt0.40 per litre.

He said despite the lower diesel price, fuel costs of private bus operators are stil high.

Therefore, the department saw it is not the time to ask the Central Land Transport Committee to review the new bus fare hike it endorsed on February 1.

Currently the domestic diesel price stands at Bt24.29 per litre following the latest price cut by Bt0.40 per litre of local oil traders effective from February 3--from Bt24.69 per litre earlier.

The new bus fare rise was earlier expected to be effective from February 6.

Given the ministry's final approval Tuesday, private city bus operators--both air conditionered and non air conditionered ones, as well as passenger vans--are allowed to raise their fares by Bt1.0; while inter-province buses are allowed a fare rise of Bt0.03 per kilometre.

To this effect, non air-conditionered private city buses will have their fare increased to Bt8 from Bt7 throughout a route, while the air-conditionered ones will have their fares increased by Bt 1 per a certain distance.

However, the fares of city buses run by the state-run Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) will remain unchanged until the diesel price on the domestic market rises to Bt26 per litre.

Mr. Piyapan promised that transport authorities would order the private bus operators to reduce their fares if the domestic diesel price continues its downward trend for a certain period of time. (TNA)

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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