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Red Bull Heir Pays Bt3M To Victim's Family

Lite Beer

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Pathetic, disgraceful, disgusting.....but what we all knew would happen.

It amazes me that people are willing to condemn without thinking or knowing.

He is not yet convicted or proven innocent of criminal charges.

He has just made a settlement on a civil case.

It is not like he has bought a judgement if anything he has tried to make amends to what I am sure is the worst event in his short life.

He must live with it his whole life. I hear that the family will live their life with the terrible loss.

I am sure there is not one among us who has not make a mistake that did not endanger the life of others at some point. Thankfully most often it does not happen to end so badly so just maybe we should not condemn and feel so much hatred because he happens to be much richer than us and a member of the LSC. .

Are you kidding? If you've ever met this type of person here, he won't give a rats ass about what he's done. He'll get the car repaired and be back out on the street doing what he does with absolutely NO thought to his actions or the consequences of them.

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Thong Lor investigator Pol Lt-Colonel Wiradol Taptimdee said police investigators were still waiting for detailed results after initial blood test showed that Worrayuth might have consumed a narcotic substance.

They are still waiting yeah? How are the odds that the results will get lost in the postal service

Depends upon how much of a cynic you are. Personally I doubt they will get lost.

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Pathetic, disgraceful, disgusting.....but what we all knew would happen.

Unless you know something I don't, there's nothing on this page that says he won't be prosecuted for the offences he committed.

Judgement is being based on the outcomes of past cases . . . where no meaningful punishment is applied simply because the person is rich, has the right family name, or knows the right people. The Thai way.

You are only partly right. Most trafficaccidents, even with fatalities, are settled out of court between the families with the police acting as mediators. So even Somchai can "get away" with it, if the victims family accepts his compensation/remorse.
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Pathetic, disgraceful, disgusting.....but what we all knew would happen.

It amazes me that people are willing to condemn without thinking or knowing.

He is not yet convicted or proven innocent of criminal charges.

He has just made a settlement on a civil case.

It is not like he has bought a judgement if anything he has tried to make amends to what I am sure is the worst event in his short life.

He must live with it his whole life. I hear that the family will live their life with the terrible loss.

I am sure there is not one among us who has not make a mistake that did not endanger the life of others at some point. Thankfully most often it does not happen to end so badly so just maybe we should not condemn and feel so much hatred because he happens to be much richer than us and a member of the LSC. .

Oh come on? If he was such a philanthropic person to begin and he had any genuine remorse immediately after the event, he wouldn't have agreed to conspire with the police in a clear attempt to cover up what really happened?

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if you did the same thing in America or Europe? it would not be pitance of compensation it would be >J A I L<.

Granted it a years ago, but go an look up a certain Kennedy who drove off a bridge pished and killed the lady in the car....believe he got a 3 month suspended sentance...

Power / influence and money corrupting a legal system is not unique to Thailand

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Just curious....................would compensation to the bereaved happen in the UK? Would the family be awarded anything at all in a UK court?

What would be the sentence in the same UK court if he pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving or drunken driving and causing death?

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Pathetic, disgraceful, disgusting.....but what we all knew would happen.

Unless you know something I don't, there's nothing on this page that says he won't be prosecuted for the offences he committed.

He will be prosecuted, its just the sentance which will be under dispute

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Just curious....................would compensation to the bereaved happen in the UK? Would the family be awarded anything at all in a UK court?

What would be the sentence in the same UK court if he pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving or drunken driving and causing death?

Maximum sentance in the UK would be around 15 years, with a minimum sentance to be served, think its 3 years

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In fairness, I don't think the money is intended to, or ever can replace the person. His 15,000 or 20,000 Baht salary was probably supporting a lot of family members, and this replaces that somewhat. He will still face the charges for drink/drugged driving and the consequences that came from that.

Out of court settlements happen everywhere, and true that this is a cheap one for him, compared to what it would likely be in the western world, but that is the nature of Thailand.

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Pathetic, disgraceful, disgusting.....but what we all knew would happen.

It amazes me that people are willing to condemn without thinking or knowing.

He is not yet convicted or proven innocent of criminal charges.

He has just made a settlement on a civil case.

It is not like he has bought a judgement if anything he has tried to make amends to what I am sure is the worst event in his short life.

He must live with it his whole life. I hear that the family will live their life with the terrible loss.

I am sure there is not one among us who has not make a mistake that did not endanger the life of others at some point. Thankfully most often it does not happen to end so badly so just maybe we should not condemn and feel so much hatred because he happens to be much richer than us and a member of the LSC. .

Are you kidding? If you've ever met this type of person here, he won't give a rats ass about what he's done. He'll get the car repaired and be back out on the street doing what he does with absolutely NO thought to his actions or the consequences of them.


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Pathetic, disgraceful, disgusting.....but what we all knew would happen.

Unless you know something I don't, there's nothing on this page that says he won't be prosecuted for the offences he committed.

Judgement is being based on the outcomes of past cases . . . where no meaningful punishment is applied simply because the person is rich, has the right family name, or knows the right people. The Thai way.

You are only partly right. Most trafficaccidents, even with fatalities, are settled out of court between the families with the police acting as mediators. So even Somchai can "get away" with it, if the victims family accepts his compensation/remorse.

I wonder what the settlement was for the farang women who was run over and killed by the taxi driver recently ?....surely based on the numbers shown here, I would think THB 5.0m -THB 10.0 would be appropriate considering she is farang and cost of living for her family in her own country is a lot higher...So can I ask the esteemed TV members why no outrage on this case then ?

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Just curious....................would compensation to the bereaved happen in the UK? Would the family be awarded anything at all in a UK court?

What would be the sentence in the same UK court if he pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving or drunken driving and causing death?

Maximum sentance in the UK would be around 15 years, with a minimum sentance to be served, think its 3 years

Just looked it up max 14 years, minimum one year. Unlimited fine, disqualified from driving for minimum of 2 years.


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Remorse? Are you kidding me? He killed the cop (most probably was drunk out of his eyeballs at the time) while he was speeding, than dragged the guy 2oo meters down the road, shook him loose, drove home and tried to set up a scapegoat.

First of all: I MIGHT excuse the running as an act of panic...but not the negotiation for a set up!

And IF he had any remorse or feelings like that, he would have cried at the wedding, on his knees and asked the family for forgiveness!

But walking in, offering graciously what for him is mere pocket money as a compensation?

No...that is not remorse or even feeling of guilt.

He could have set an example, for other hi-so's, by acting like a man!...or at least a human being!

He did nothing like that, just business as usual.

Another chance, gone with the wind.

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Yeah, I'm sure the family of the deceased has rejected the funds on principle like so many of the posters here surely would. Criticize the system all you like but it takes two to tango while the masses grovel at your feet and dream/aspire to become EXACTLY like you.


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why 3 mil bath..... ask for 10 mil bath the guy is in deep shit....... or maybe 20 mil... or 30 mil believe the guy & family have much more inside the bank teach them and their very hi so and irresponsible borned siiver spoon community. your 3 mil will finish in a month for what.. a brand new suv and a small 2 bedroom town house and a family dinner at mookata..

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Whew! What a relief. At least now the wealthy young man don't have to serve time in the horrible prison. I guess there is always 2 sides to a coin in legal matters. For the defendant, he would appreciate Thailand merciful law of not sending him to prison, for the victim, the loss is unreplaceable though having a little comfort from some financial gains is better then none. No use crying over spilt milk.

I see it as Live and Let Live. Mistake is a mistake only when you don't learn from it. Let's hope this young man learns his lessons.

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Just curious....................would compensation to the bereaved happen in the UK? Would the family be awarded anything at all in a UK court?

What would be the sentence in the same UK court if he pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving or drunken driving and causing death?

Maximum sentance in the UK would be around 15 years, with a minimum sentance to be served, think its 3 years

Probably the same in Canada with a minimum 5 year to life suspension of drivers license!
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why 3 mil bath..... ask for 10 mil bath the guy is in deep shit....... or maybe 20 mil... or 30 mil believe the guy & family have much more inside the bank teach them and their very hi so and irresponsible borned siiver spoon community. your 3 mil will finish in a month for what.. a brand new suv and a small 2 bedroom town house and a family dinner at mookata..

I so totally agree with you!!!! Perhaps 3 million baht is alot for the poor family. They really should have insisted on at least 30 million baht. The young man should have voluntary offered at least 10 million baht. 3 million is pathetic!
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The hate of the rich never stops for you guys at your stonetables outside 7-eleven.sad.png As some of the posters above are longstayers here, they should be well aware of this is the way doing things in Thailand, whether you are rich of poor. Go to your local policestation every day of the week, and you will see many accidents being settled by paying a few thousend bath to the victims. And the perpetrator and the victim leaving the copshop together, big wais and smiles all around, because most importantly, noone lost face.

Btw I think, that 3M baht is very generous for an unmarried cop with no kids, meaning the money will go to his aging parents, securing them some good last days. The Thai way, for better or worse!wai.gif

However distasteful this is, the key point is here, the family have negotiated this amount, with all the publicity around this case, one assumes they could gone for a significant amount and yet they havent, they have been made an offer and accepted, no nowhere in the article does it say that the amount paid is a pay off in lieu of criminal proceedings...

So why dont you guys save your mock outrage for another day

Do you think the policeman's family negotiated this amount without exterior pressure?


Mel, you have been here for a while, so you should know whoever was representing the victim, would be so kreng jai, just sitting face to face with so "important" people, that they would have accepted any amount suggested.wai.gif

As in my previous post, which gave me some interesting replies, I am not defending or approving the Thai way, just describing the way it is. coffee1.gif

Seems soi 41 has it spot on yes it may not be right where we come from and we might not agree with it but we are in Thailand and it's the thai way off doing it no doubt the family has been expecting a pay out from the start and yes it doesn't seem that much to us but to the policemans family it is probably a huge sum.

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Pathetic, disgraceful, disgusting.....but what we all knew would happen.

It amazes me that people are willing to condemn without thinking or knowing.

He is not yet convicted or proven innocent of criminal charges.

He has just made a settlement on a civil case.

It is not like he has bought a judgement if anything he has tried to make amends to what I am sure is the worst event in his short life.

He must live with it his whole life. I hear that the family will live their life with the terrible loss.

I am sure there is not one among us who has not make a mistake that did not endanger the life of others at some point. Thankfully most often it does not happen to end so badly so just maybe we should not condemn and feel so much hatred because he happens to be much richer than us and a member of the LSC. .

Are you kidding? If you've ever met this type of person here, he won't give a rats ass about what he's done. He'll get the car repaired and be back out on the street doing what he does with absolutely NO thought to his actions or the consequences of them.

He probably buy a new car

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What a ruddy disgrace bah.gif - I wouldn't have settled for less than 100M from that family,

Don't you think, someone you can sue for this amount of money has enough money, to make this threat go away?

As you can see, a life is cheap, in Thailand. 3 Million for a police officer, killed in public, with the murderer well known.

To solve this case will never cost 100 Million.

Maybe with the 'don't do that again' from the court, later, it will. All together!

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