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Expats -- Are You Married To A Local Women?


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Whats the attraction with any women?

Umm, I'll take a stab at it. From my perspective, I must have an intrinsic need for stress, arguments, abuse, and from time to time, attempted boom boom. blink.png

I don't have a Thai wife (yet). I am however open to the possibility. If there are any TVFers that can help me out here, I'd be grateful. However, please do not do what some of my friends did in the past and suggest elderly aunts or undesirable cousins. I may not be as hansum of some of you guys, but I do have other assets, including my teeth, a decent job and by jingo, a great personality!!!

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Whats the attraction with any women?

Umm, I'll take a stab at it. From my perspective, I must have an intrinsic need for stress, arguments, abuse, and from time to time, attempted boom boom. blink.png

I don't have a Thai wife (yet). I am however open to the possibility. If there are any TVFers that can help me out here, I'd be grateful. However, please do not do what some of my friends did in the past and suggest elderly aunts or undesirable cousins. I may not be as hansum of some of you guys, but I do have other assets, including my teeth, a decent job and by jingo, a great personality!!!

Sorry, all your attributes mean nothing here. Stay single, have a good life and sleep nights. thumbsup.gif ..................................smile.png
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To answer your question op ,had a buisness in BKK was single at the time ,about 20 years ago ,met my now wife ,never really thought about her nationality ,the same way i never thought about my previous English wife"s nationality ,i"me strange like that ,i tended to go out with women i like and was attracted to ,well 20 years later we are still together and when i wake up i just see my wife ,should i think OH she"s Thai?

You're lucky, I tended to go out with whatever women would have me ....... I didn't much like them and they weren't attractive to me, but it was better than nothing! As for nationality, I was happy if they were still breathing.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Interesting thread.

Not because of the topic, since that have been "chewed on" quite a few times already.

What is interesting about it is how OP clearly under estimated the members here, and let himself be provoked, and he started to write some....... ehhmmm..... rather silly remarks.

OP should have done some reading first to see what type of Forum this is.

Not to forget how some of the "old dogs" hungry as ever, waited for someone like this OP to come along.

We have seen it all before.


On the other hand, perhaps he knows exactly what to expect.......wink.png

Need to keep clear of the bridges for a while me thinks..............thumbsup.gif

Maybe he is doing this "he knows the we know that he knows game"?

He is really a troll. But then again, he participates, and that is how he thinks that we don't know that he is really a troll.

Or maybe that is exactly what he wants us to think.

That game always confuses me.


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I've met a few men (particularly from Australia and the UK) who have UK brides.

My wife is Thai. We've been together for 8 years. So I'm not "in the market" for an English bride

Out of very polite curiosity, what's the appeal of a English bride?


The last brittish girl I met outside of Immigration in Bangkok flipped off a few thai students as they walked by her because they were giggling and staring and commenting in Thai how beautiful she was. I cant stand those superiority complex snobs!

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I've met a few men (particularly from Australia and the UK) who have UK brides.

My wife is Thai. We've been together for 8 years. So I'm not "in the market" for an English bride

Out of very polite curiosity, what's the appeal of a English bride?


The last brittish girl I met outside of Immigration in Bangkok flipped off a few thai students as they walked by her because they were giggling and staring and commenting in Thai how beautiful she was. I cant stand those superiority complex snobs!

Are you sure she was British? Sounds like a Bulgarian to me. smile.png

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I've met a few men (particularly from Australia and the UK) who have UK brides.

My wife is Thai. We've been together for 8 years. So I'm not "in the market" for an English bride

Out of very polite curiosity, what's the appeal of a English bride?


The last brittish girl I met outside of Immigration in Bangkok flipped off a few thai students as they walked by her because they were giggling and staring and commenting in Thai how beautiful she was. I cant stand those superiority complex snobs!

Are you sure she was British? Sounds like a Bulgarian to me. smile.png

....... or a model/ex flight attendant who just can't quite come to grips with all the attention.

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No offence to anyone here at all, but I also have never seen the appeal. I've had plenty of short-term Thai girlfriends and never found them to be a 'drama' like so many others. I think if you fawn all over them, they often treat you like sh1t, just like women the world over.

However, I've never really been able to get that close to Thai girls, or any of the other girls I've dated in developing countries. Many guys I've known have ended up with Thai or Khmer wives because they have broken relationships in the West and feel bitter and resentful towards Western women. I, however, have had some great relationships (and some bad one) and have never used the term that is so popular in Cambodia 'FWC' for 'Fat White Cow', a term that is applied to every white woman.

I also don't feel I've ever had a good conversation with a Thai girlfriend. I remember looking up at the moon one night, to hear my Thai girlfriend say 'you heb same moon England?' I don't find these things endearing, these comments do not make me go 'aaaaw'.

I want to be able to talk about deep politics and philosophy sometimes... I want to watch a film that doesn't have slapstick comedy in or explosions every 3 minutes. I want to be able to crack a dry joke and for my girlfriend to get it. I want her to appreciate who I am, and not just love the fact she's got a white boyfriend.

Sweeping generalizations, I know, and it's nothing against Thai women. I made a pledge to myself some years ago (after a Ugandan girlfriend) that I would never date a girl from a developing country again (other than to just <Snip!>).

There's too much going on, they can't fall in love with me, not just because I'm an *sshole but because all they see are the opportunities that could be had if I was married to them. I always feel a good comparison is if I met a rich, Texan millionaire &lt;deleted&gt;.. all I'd be thinking is 'I have to make this work' rather than getting to know if we would make a good couple or not.

This just works for me..

Yeah it's you that is the problem. Were you looking for an equal in a developing country then you have to suit yourself. Seriously if you haven't found an educated woman here it's because either you were not looking or they didn't like what they saw. Blaming your own failings to find a suitable partner in a developing country is just pathetic.

Ya I agree. I mean how many times have we all heard the moon story. It is in the English for bar girls handbook Issan edition.

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If we love you:

We laugh at your jokes.

We care about your health.

When you live with us you get so used to the laundry fairy, that you are surprised if the sock drawer is suddenly empty.

We take over your mother's undie buying 'duty'.

Some of us cook, some even bake.

Most of us are relegated to cleaning duties, but, you know we will do it!

We are soft in places you are hard and smell good.

We do interesting things to your body.

We look at you sometimes with complete and utter admiration and it makes your knees go to jelly.

..and thats just for starters! tongue.png

Non- Brits don't get sarcasm. That's the limit of my wit.

Moans about hospital costs.

I suppose the laundry fairy must be me then.


She's cooked about 5 times in almost 12 years.

She pays for a cleaner.

I'd better stop there. whistling.gifbiggrin.png

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Whats the attraction with any women?

If we love you:

We laugh at your jokes.

We care about your health.

When you live with us you get so used to the laundry fairy, that you are surprised if the sock drawer is suddenly empty.

We take over your mother's undie buying 'duty'.

Some of us cook, some even bake.

Most of us are relegated to cleaning duties, but, you know we will do it!

We are soft in places you are hard and smell good.

We do interesting things to your body.

We look at you sometimes with complete and utter admiration and it makes your knees go to jelly.

..and thats just for starters! tongue.png

Two questions here Eek

What is your weight and age?

(and subject to your answers, are you currently available for marriage?)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Whats the attraction with any women?

If we love you:

We laugh at your jokes.

We care about your health.

When you live with us you get so used to the laundry fairy, that you are surprised if the sock drawer is suddenly empty.

We take over your mother's undie buying 'duty'.

Some of us cook, some even bake.

Most of us are relegated to cleaning duties, but, you know we will do it!

We are soft in places you are hard and smell good.

We do interesting things to your body.

We look at you sometimes with complete and utter admiration and it makes your knees go to jelly.

..and thats just for starters! tongue.png

Two questions here Eek

What is your weight and age?

(and subject to your answers, are you currently available for marriage?)

I'm afraid you will have to join the queue. wub.png

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I guess this is what you mean by starting a new topic...again.

Hint, before you get the urge to enlighten us all with topics like "I am young and my toy poodle humps my leg all the time" and similar subject matters that you feel are important, have a gander through http://www.thaivisa....app=forums&st=0 and pick one out that suits your spur of the moment feelings.

Oh God, go to bed. You are pathetic.

Oh dear.

You need to show more understanding for the Op and his situation... he is only in Thailand for 6 months and needs to make fast decisions, so TV members should endeavour to help him...

- need to find other expats with good jobs and drivers to the office (Thai expats vs. expats elsewhere)

- need to decide where to work next (where else have you worked)

- need to decide whether to exchange his English bride to a Thai (are you married to a local woman)

All reasonable questions and thus, Op is just trying to collect as many information as possible from all the experts here... we all should be more helpful thumbsup.gif

Make me think, he's a book writer!

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OK here goes. My 'Laotian bride' (same thing eh OP?)


look life a buffalo

smell like a buffalo

fart in bed

talk too much

think too much


think she's a man

have a headache every other day

She does

like to laugh

respect her husband

respect her husband's family

cook well prepared, nutritious food

like sex

take care of her appearance

shower regularly

I could go on but you get the picture. smile.png

Couldn't agree more!

Some guys are talking about stimulating conversation! pff! See lots of them between couples after a few years.

you mean controversial, right?

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I couldn't find a wife back home so I came to Thailand. Life really sucked. At least here I have a wife. Wouldn't have anything if I had stayed there. sad.png

I do not know if you are joking now, but for many that is the truth, for what reason ever.

Some have to take the wife to their home country, as they still have to work.

It would be even a bigger group men who marry an Asian woman, but many are to shy and fearful to even make the trip to Asia.

They never come, if not an opportunity arises. Or end with a dating organization.

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I also don't feel I've ever had a good conversation with a Thai girlfriend. I remember looking up at the moon one night, to hear my Thai girlfriend say 'you heb same moon England?' I don't find these things endearing, these comments do not make me go 'aaaaw'.

I understand this. I had a similar experience with a Thai girl. She was quoting Kierkegaard when we looked at the moon one night. I felt I was on a different planet... hadn't she heard of Derrida I thought, while sudden disquietude seized upon me, making me go 'aaaaw'.


I just had to ask my Best Friend, Mr.Wikipedia, who that guy is. Poetry is not my field.whistling.gif


Also I used to be good in Trivial Pursuitthumbsup.gif

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I couldn't find a wife back home so I came to Thailand. Life really sucked. At least here I have a wife. Wouldn't have anything if I had stayed there. sad.png

I do not know if you are joking now, but for many that is the truth, for what reason ever.

Some have to take the wife to their home country, as they still have to work.

It would be even a bigger group men who marry an Asian woman, but many are to shy and fearful to even make the trip to Asia.

They never come, if not an opportunity arises. Or end with a dating organization.

This is a good observation.

Lots of men struggle to get girlfriends or wives in their countries, so they come to Bangkok or Manila because it offers a solution to their loneliness.

But most of these men would benefit from confidence counselling. Often they have low self esteem; sometimes they just need to be taught how to interact properly with women. I always pity men like this.

I respect the man in the first post for having forged a solid, long-term relationship with an English woman.

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