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Expats -- Are You Married To A Local Women?


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Not to forget:Not only here, a man is judged by his will, to show his 'good heart'

We say in my home country, -A woman looks through her ​​appearance, a man by his Spirit (Personality)- wink.png

(I hope the translation fits.)

I meant that for my home country and there the money thing, is by far not so important than in TH and SEA. rolleyes.gif

ya, good old Europe. But things are changing, because: The economy is bad!

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Most men r judged by his wealth.

Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

I disagree, 'most men", who is really rich in the west? Most have enough, but rich? So the majority falls as rubbish threw your filter!

Impresses not long when a rich man is in a room and that is all he does, being there, cannot doing any more, because he is just a stupid boring type (inherited money)

or he is an unpleasant, unfriendly kind of man.

Impresses, when somebody is eloquent, is funny and charming and ....does not hurt if he has also money, but to put that as the first and only thing from importance, is poor judgement!

We say in my home country, -A woman looks (Impresses, acts) through her ​​appearance, a man by his Spirit. (personality)-wink.png

(I hope the translation fits.)

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I'm ugly, poor, young and my GF has loved me for over a year and works 6 days a week making minimum wage and still has the love in her heart to come home and wash my clothes and do the dishes. NOw thats REAL LOVE!

Maybe she is ugly to and if not, does not know what possibilities she is losing hanging around with you, retarded? tongue.png

Or, you have, special, anatomical, physical advantages, superior practical knowledge, regarding the the female anatomy?

Because, as you write, it can not be your appearance.

Or/and you speak Thai-Lao-Isaan language fluent and more sweet mouthed than any Thai Gigolo? wink.png

Edited by ALFREDO
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ya, good old Europe. But things are changing, because: The economy is bad!

So its already just enough to have a job, to be interesting in EU!rolleyes.gif

Anyway you miss my point. In TH with the language barrier in most cases my saying falls flat cannot be compared.

Everybody who comes here as a white looks for the majority of Thais as a win for their daughter and the family.

That is a big difference to EU, still! Not so clear boundaries there!wink.png

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ya, good old Europe. But things are changing, because: The economy is bad!

So its already just enough to have a job, to be interesting in EU!rolleyes.gif

Anyway you miss my point. In TH with the language barrier in most cases my saying falls flat cannot be compared.

Everybody who comes here as a white looks for the majority of Thais as a win for their daughter and the family.

That is a big difference to EU, still! Not so clear boundaries there!wink.png

Everything needs a little time, a bit more European Stability Mechanism, Greece , Italy and Spain and more people from Goldman Sucks in positions, like Mario Draghi, ECB, or Monti, Italy.

Only time will tell!

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My wife is Thai. She's beautiful. She's also a lot smarter than me. She is more educated than I am so I am inspired to increase my education. She probably has a better work ethic than me. I love that I can have deep conversations with her because her English is so good. She knows how to save money when we go shopping. She is thoughtful and is always doing more for me than I do for her. She reminds me to drive safer. She also makes sure I take my medicine in the morning.

I suppose had I met someone like her when I was in the USA I might have fallen in love there. But I never met anyone like her.

Good luck to the op and his wife. I wish them all the happiness they can handle. It's not easy to find the right person in this world, but if you do, you should hold on as tight as you can.

I am grateful. I hope you are too.

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I've met a few men (particularly from Australia and the UK) who have UK brides.

My wife is Thai. We've been together for 8 years. So I'm not "in the market" for an English bride

Out of very polite curiosity, what's the appeal of a English bride?

Good Question.
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I've met a few men (particularly from Australia and the UK) who have UK brides.

My wife is Thai. We've been together for 8 years. So I'm not "in the market" for an English bride

Out of very polite curiosity, what's the appeal of a English bride?

Good Question.

quite often an English bride speaks English whistling.gif

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I've met a few men (particularly from Australia and the UK) who have UK brides.

My wife is Thai. We've been together for 8 years. So I'm not "in the market" for an English bride

Out of very polite curiosity, what's the appeal of a English bride?

Good Question.

quite often an English bride speaks English whistling.gif

And don't need to spend a lot of money on whitening creams!

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I've wondered how well the marriages to Thai girls have gone with men that were previously married to a Western woman (or women). Most of the guys I know personally that have been married to both prefer Thai but most of those guys came to Thailand after a bad marriage to a western lady. I think most of us struggle with the same person after a while. If you're sleeping with her, you're going to hear and be the subject of her bitching from thime to time. I have a long-time marriage to American wife and she's a good one but I've seen too many bad divorces to ever re-marry if this one ends...famous last words eh?

I will say that having worked/lived in China, Korea, Mongolia, and Thailand, the Mongolians seem to have the best ability to relate to your philosophy jokes, and thinking from my experience and Thais the most pleasant to be around. JMO

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I am happily married to A Thai wife for about 20 years after having been married to a European lady I am happy now with the dedication and love the Thai looks after me. Well this is my story I would not change my life in Thailand and my family setup for anything.

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Also I notice a certain lack of sweetness comparing the Isaan and Lao women to the Thai girls from traditional families. They are also far more polite if they come from an educated religious family. Some of the brass women in Laos and Isaan are just as overbearing and direct as our western counterparts!

Is this kind of disrespecting of all western women necessary? You, Sir, are not a gentleman.


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